
napari leverages the power of Python to enable fast and interactive browsing, annotation and analysis of large multi-dimensional images.

napari quick start

If you are new to napari, check out the napari quickstart tutorial.

Quick start

The tutorials are meant to help you understand how to use napari, as well as learn about its features and use cases.

napari tutorials
Using layers

Layers are the viewable objects that can be added to a viewer. Check these guides on how to use the layers currently supported by napari.

Using layers
How-to guides

Guides on completing specific tasks with napari.

How-to guides
In-depth explanations

These guides are aimed at those looking for best practices and more information on how napari works internally.

In-depth explanations

Examples of napari usage, to be downloaded as Python scripts or Jupyter notebooks.

napari workshops

A list of information and materials for workshops given about napari.

napari workshops