Creating widgets#

Widgets are small composable graphical elements that can be added to the napari user interface. The easiest way to add a widget is by using magicgui, a Python package that assists in building widgets. It is a general abstraction layer on GUI toolkit backends (like Qt), with an emphasis on mapping Python types to widgets. This enables you to easily create widgets using annotations. If you require more extensibility, you can create your own widget class that subclasses QtWidgets.QWidget or magicgui.widgets.bases.Widget.

This document will describe each widget creation method, in increasing order of extensibility;

  1. @magicgui decorator - create a widget from a function and magicgui. This is the simplest but least extensible option. It would suit one wishing to build a widget to simply run a function, with input widgets to select function parameters.

  2. magicgui class widgets - subclass a magicgui widget class. This option provides you with magicgui conveniences (via their useful defaults) while enabling you access to the native QWidget. This enables maximum widget extensibility, allowing you to connect event callbacks, perform processing, have conditional selection options, customize display of outputs and much more.

  3. QWidget class widgets - subclass QtWidgets.QWidget. This option is the most difficult to implement and is suitable for those who wish to build a widget from a ‘blank slate’, without magicgui defaults.

More examples of widget use can be found in the ‘GUI’ gallery examples (note: not every example includes a widget). Additionally, napari-plugin-template has more robust widget examples that you can adapt to your needs.

Adding widgets to napari viewer#

There are two ways to add a widget to a napari viewer:

There is an important implementation distinction between the two methods; add_dock_widget() expects an instance of a widget, like an instance of class FunctionGui or QtWidgets.QWidget, whereas widget contributions expect a callable (e.g., a function or class) that will return a widget instance. When describing each of the three widget creation methods below, we will first show how to create a widget and add it to the viewer with add_dock_widget(), then how to adapt the widget for a widget contribution.

magicgui decorated functions#

magicgui makes building widgets to represent function inputs easy via the @magicgui decorator. It uses type hints to infer the appropriate widget type for a given function parameter, and to indicate a context-dependent action for the object returned from the function (in the absence of a type hint, the type of the default value will be used). You can also customize your widget using magicgui.magicgui() parameters.

First we demonstrate how to create a generic non-napari widget. The @magicgui argument call_button specifies the button text and the parameter specific slider_float and dropdown let you customize the widget associated with those function parameters.

from magicgui import magicgui
import datetime
import pathlib

    slider_float={"widget_type": "FloatSlider", 'max': 10},
    dropdown={"choices": ['first', 'second', 'third']},
def widget_demo(
    maybe: bool,
    some_int: int,
    string="Text goes here",

Third party packages (like napari in this case) can add support for their types using magicgui.type_map.register_type(). Indeed napari uses register_type() to provide support for napari-specific type annotations. This makes it easy to use magicgui to build widgets in napari.

Below we demonstrate how to create a simple threshold widget using magicgui and add it to the viewer. Note the auto_call parameter tells magicgui to call the function whenever a threshold_magic_widget parameter changes, thus the function is called as soon as we add the ‘camera’ image.

from skimage import data
from skimage.util import img_as_float

import napari

    threshold={"widget_type": "FloatSlider", "max": 1}, auto_call=True
def threshold_magic_widget(
    img_layer: "napari.layers.Image", threshold: "float"
) -> "napari.types.LabelsData":
    return img_as_float( > threshold

# Create the viewer and add an image
viewer = napari.view_image(
# Add widget to viewer
A magicgui threshold widget


For a more complex example of a magicgui.magicgui() widget, see the gaussian blur example in the magicgui documentation.

See Parameter annotations for details on how to use napari types to get information from the napari viewer into your widget. See Return annotations for information how to use napari types to add output to the napari viewer.

For type annotations to work as described, the resulting widget needs to be added to a napari viewer.

To use these magicgui function widgets as plugin widget contributions, see below.

magicgui function widgets as plugin contributions#

Recall above that plugin widget contributions expects a callable that returns a widget instance, whereas add_dock_widget() expects an instance of a widget. The add_dock_widget() examples above can be easily adapted to be plugin widgets by using the @magic_factory decorator instead of the @magicgui decorator.

For example, the threshold widget shown above could be provided as a napari plugin as follows:

from magicgui import magic_factory

@magic_factory(auto_call=True, threshold={'max': 2 ** 16})
def threshold(
    data: 'napari.types.ImageData', threshold: int
) -> 'napari.types.LabelsData':
    return (data > threshold).astype(int)

This function can now be added to the plugin manifest as a widget contribution. See the widget contribution guide for details.


@magic_factory behaves very much like functools.partial(): it returns a callable that “remembers” some or all of the parameters required for a “future” call to magicgui.magicgui(). The parameters provided to @magic_factory can also be overridden when creating a widget from a factory:

def my_factory(x: int):

widget1 = my_factory()
widget2 = my_factory(call_button=False, x={'widget_type': 'Slider'})

Parameter annotations#

The following napari types may be used as parameter type annotations in magicgui functions or in the annotation argument of magicgui.widgets.create_widget(). create_widget() can be used when adding an input widget to your widget class.

This enables you to get information from the napari viewer into your widget.


When using create_widget() for a ‘layer’ type in a QtWidgets.QWidget subclass, you will need to manually connect the reset_choices of the resulting ComboBox (i.e., “dropdown menu”) to layer events. This is so it will synchronize with layer changes. See the QWidget example for details.

The consequence of each type annotation is described below:

Annotating as a Layer subclass#

Annotating a function parameter or setting annotation in create_widget to be a Layer subclass (such as Image or Points), will result in a ComboBox widget (i.e. “dropdown menu”), where the options in the dropdown box are the layers of the corresponding type currently in the viewer.

Using Image annotation in a @magic_factory decorated function:

from napari.layers import Image

def my_widget(image: Image):
    # do something with whatever image layer the user has selected
    # note: it *may* be None! so your function should handle the null case

Using Image annotation in create_widget:

from magicgui.widgets import Container, create_widget

class ImageWidget(Container):
    def __init__(self, viewer: "napari.viewer.Viewer"):
        self._viewer = viewer
        # use create_widget to generate widgets from type annotations
        self._image_layer_combo = create_widget(
            label="Image", annotation="napari.layers.Image"

Here’s a complete example:

import napari
import numpy as np
from napari.layers import Image

@magicgui(image={'label': 'Pick an Image'})
def my_widget(image: Image):

viewer = napari.view_image(np.random.rand(64, 64), name="My Image")

Note the widget on the right side with “My Image” as the currently selected option

A magicgui widget using an image layer parameter annotation

Annotating as Layer class#

In the previous example, the dropdown menu will only show Image layers, because the parameter was annotated as an Image. If you’d like a dropdown menu that allows the user to pick from all layers in the layer list, annotate your parameter as Layer.

from napari.layers import Layer

def my_widget(layer: Layer):
    # do something with whatever layer the user has selected
    # note: it *may* be None! so your function should handle the null case

You can also use Layer annotation in create_widget in the same way as in Annotating as a Layer subclass.

Annotating as napari.types.*Data#

In the previous example, the object passed to your function/widget will be the actual Layer instance, meaning you will need to access any attributes (like on your own. If your function/widget is designed to accept a numpy array, you can use any of the special <LayerType>Data types from napari.types to indicate that you only want the data attribute from the layer (where <LayerType> is one of the available layer types).

from napari.types import ImageData
import numpy as np

def my_widget(array: ImageData):
    # note: it *may* be None! so your function should handle the null case
    if array is not None:
      assert isinstance(array, np.ndarray)  # it will be!

You can also use ImageData annotation in create_widget in the same way as in Annotating as a Layer subclass.

Like above, it will be rendered as a ComboBox.

Annotating as napari.Viewer#

Lastly, if you need to access the actual Viewer instance in which the widget is docked, you can annotate one of your parameters as a napari.Viewer.

from napari import Viewer

def my_widget(viewer: Viewer):


Please use this sparingly, as a last resort. If you need to add layers to the viewer from your function, prefer one of the return-annotation methods described below. If you find that you require the viewer instance because of functionality that is otherwise missing here, please consider opening an issue in the napari issue tracker, describing your use case.

Return annotations#

The following napari types may be used as return type annotations in magicgui functions to add layers to napari from your magicgui function:

  • napari Layer class or any of its subclasses, such as Image or Points

  • any of the <LayerType>Data types from napari.types, such as napari.types.ImageData or napari.types.LabelsData

  • napari.types.LayerDataTuple

  • Lists of napari.layers.Layer or napari.types.LayerDataTuple

The consequence of each type is described below:

Returning a Layer subclass#

If you use a Layer subclass as a return annotation on a magicgui function, napari will interpet it to mean that the layer returned from the function should be added to the viewer. The object returned from the function must be an actual Layer instance.

from napari.layers import Image
import numpy as np

def my_widget(ny: int=64, nx: int=64) -> Image:
  return Image(np.random.rand(ny, nx), name='my Image')

Here’s a complete example

@magicgui(call_button='Add Image')
def my_widget(ny: int=64, nx: int=64) -> Image:
  return Image(np.random.rand(ny, nx), name='My Image')

viewer = napari.Viewer()
viewer.window.add_dock_widget(my_widget, area='right')
my_widget()  # "call the widget" to call the function, so it shows in the
             # screenshot below.
             # Normally this would be caused by clicking on 'Add Image' button

Note the new “My Image” layer in the viewer as a result of having called the widget function.

A magicgui widget using an image layer return annotation


With this method, a new layer will be added to the layer list each time the function is called. To update an existing layer, you must use the LayerDataTuple approach described below

Returning List[napari.layers.Layer]#

You can create multiple layers by returning a list of Layer.

from typing import List

def make_points(...) -> List[napari.layers.Layer]:


Note: the List[] syntax here is optional from the perspective of napari. You can return either a single Layer or a list of Layers and they will all be added to the viewer as long as you annotate with either List[napari.layers.Layer] or napari.layers.Layer. If you want your code to be properly typed, however, your return type must match your return annotation.

Returning napari.types.*Data#

In the previous example, the object returned by the function had to be an actual Layer instance (in keeping with the return type annotation). In many cases, you may only be interested in receiving and returning the layer data itself. (There are many functions already written that accept and return a numpy.ndarray, for example). In this case, you may use a return type annotation of one the special <LayerType>Data types from napari.types to indicate that you want data returned by your function to be turned into the corresponding Layer type, and added to the viewer.

For example, in combination with the ImageData paramater annotation described above:

from napari.types import LabelsData, ImageData

@magicgui(call_button='Run Threshold')
def threshold(image: ImageData, threshold: int = 75) -> LabelsData:
    """Threshold an image and return a mask."""
    return (image > threshold).astype(int)

viewer = napari.view_image(np.random.randint(0, 100, (64, 64)))
threshold()  # "call the widget" to call the function, so it shows in the
             # screenshot below.
             # Normally this would be caused by clicking on 'Run Threshold' button
A magicgui widget returning a layer attribute

Returning napari.types.LayerDataTuple#

The most flexible return type annotation is napari.types.LayerDataTuple: it gives you full control over the layer that will be created and added to the viewer. It also lets you update an existing layer with a matching name.

A LayerDataTuple is a tuple in one of the following three forms:

  1. (layer_data,)

    • a single item tuple containing only layer data (will be interpreted as an ‘image’ layer).

  2. (layer_data, {})

    • a 2-tuple of layer_data and a metadata dict. the keys in the metadata dict must be valid keyword arguments to the corresponding napari.layers.Layer constructor.

  3. (layer_data, {}, 'layer_type')

    • a 3-tuple of data, metadata, and layer type string.layer_type should be a lowercase string form of one of the layer types (like 'points', 'shapes', etc…). If omitted, the layer type is assumed to be 'image'.

The following are all valid napari.types.LayerDataTuple examples:

# an image array
(np.random.rand(64, 64),)

# an image with name and custom blending mode
(np.random.rand(64, 64), {'name': 'My Image', 'blending': 'additive'})

# an empty points layer
(None, {}, 'points')

# points with features
(np.random.rand(20, 2), {'features': {'values': np.random.rand(20)}}, 'points')

An example of using a LayerDataTuple return annotation in a magicgui function:

import napari.types

@magicgui(call_button='Make Points')
def make_points(n_points=40) -> napari.types.LayerDataTuple:
  data = 500 * np.random.rand(n_points, 2)
  features = {'values': np.random.rand(n_points)}
  return (data, {'features': features}, 'points')

viewer = napari.Viewer()
make_points()  # "call the widget" to call the function, so it shows in the
               # screenshot below.
               # Normally this would be caused by clicking on 'Make Points' button
A magicgui widget returning a LayerDataTuple

Returning List[napari.types.LayerDataTuple]#

You can also create multiple layers by returning a list of LayerDataTuple.

from typing import List

def make_points(...) -> List[napari.types.LayerDataTuple]:


Note: the List[] syntax here is optional from the perspective of napari. You can return either a single tuple or a list of tuples and they will all be added to the viewer as long as you annotate with either List[napari.types.LayerDataTuple] or napari.types.LayerDataTuple. If you want your code to be properly typed, however, your return type must match your return annotation.

Updating an existing Layer#

The default behavior is to add a new layer to the viewer for each LayerDataTuple returned by a magicgui function. By specifying the value of name key in your LayerDataTuple metadata dict to be the name of an existing layer, you can update this layer, rather than creating a new layer each time the function is called:

@magicgui(call_button='Make Points', n_points={'max': 200})
def make_points(n_points=40) -> napari.types.LayerDataTuple:
  data = 500 * np.random.rand(n_points, 2)
  # 'My Points' is the name of an existing layer
  return (data, {'name': 'My Points'}, 'points')

viewer = napari.Viewer()
# calling this multiple times will just update 'My Points'
make_points.n_points.value = 80
make_points.n_points.value = 120
A magicgui widget updating an existing layer

Widget classes#

Generating a widget by creating a widget class allows you to have more control over your widget. Your widget class must subclass magicgui.widgets.bases.Widget (i.e., a magicgui widget class) or QtWidgets.QWidget. It can then be added to the napari viewer by instantiating the widget class, then adding it to the viewer via add_dock_widget(). You can also create a plugin and add your widget class (not instantiated widget) as a widget contribution.

Below we will detail how to use various parent classes to generate a widget. There are several magicgui widget classes so we will only document the use of the two most useful in the napari context; FunctionGui and Container (more complex).

magicgui class widgets#


FunctionGui is the type that is returned by the @magicgui decorator. Creating a widget by directly subclassing FunctionGui is thus similar in principle to using the @magicgui decorator. Decorating a function with @magicgui is equivalent to passing the same function to FunctionGui’s function parameter. The remaining FunctionGui parameters essentially mirror @magicgui’s parameters.

Subclassing FunctionGui however, gives you access to the native QWidget of your widget, allowing you change its appearance and add custom elements.

from magicgui.widgets import FunctionGui

import napari

def my_function(...):

class MyGui(FunctionGui):
    def __init__(self):
        # do whatever other initialization you want here

# Create a `viewer`
viewer = napari.Viewer()
# Instantiate your widget
my_widg = MyGui(my_function)
# Add widget to `viewer`

Notice above that we first instantiated the widget class, then add to the viewer via add_dock_widget().

To use FunctionGui widget as a plugin widget contribution, simply provide the class definition and add to the plugin manifest.


The Container allows you to build more complex widgets from sub-widgets. This gives you more control over each sub-widget and how callbacks are connected to events but you can still use the convenient magicgui widget generation features as shown below.

from magicgui.widgets import Container, create_widget

class ImageThreshold(Container):
    def __init__(self, viewer: "napari.viewer.Viewer"):
        self._viewer = viewer
        # use create_widget to generate widgets from type annotations
        self._image_layer_combo = create_widget(
            label="Image", annotation="napari.layers.Image"
        self._threshold_slider = create_widget(
            label="Threshold", annotation=float, widget_type="FloatSlider"

        # connect your own callbacks
        # append into/extend the container with your widgets

    def _threshold_im(self):
        image_layer = self._image_layer_combo.value
        if image_layer is None:

        image = img_as_float(
        name = + "_thresholded"
        threshold = self._threshold_slider.value
        thresholded = image > threshold
        # Update existing layer (if present) or add new labels layer
        if name in self._viewer.layers:
            self._viewer.layers[name].data = thresholded
            self._viewer.add_labels(thresholded, name=name)

# Create a `viewer`
viewer = napari.Viewer()
# Instantiate your widget
my_widg = ImageThreshold()
# Add widget to `viewer`

As above, to turn this into a plugin widget contribution, simply provide the class definition and add to the plugin manifest.

To build your widget from a ‘blank slate’, you can subclass QtWidgets.QWidget. See QWidget class widgets for details.

QWidget class widgets#

To build your widget from a ‘blank slate’, subclass QtWidgets.QWidget.

In the following example, we create a button and a dropdown list. The available choices for the dropdown list are the current layers in the viewer. For this, we use create_widget with the annotation napari.types.ImageData.

Because the layer selection widget will be housed by a native QWidget and not by a magicgui subclass (as with @magicgui decoratored functions and magicgui subclasses), we now need to manually connect the reset_choices of the created widget with the so that the available choices are synchronized with the current layers of the viewer:

import numpy
import napari
from magicgui.widgets import create_widget
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QHBoxLayout, QPushButton, QWidget

from napari.types import ImageData

class ExampleLayerListWidget(QWidget):
    def __init__(self, viewer: "napari.viewer.Viewer"):
        self.viewer = viewer

        # Create a button
        btn = QPushButton("Click me!")
        # Connect the click event to a function

        # create new widget with create_widget and type annotation
        self.layer_select = create_widget(annotation=ImageData)
        # The `layer_select` widgets `reset_choices` method has to be connected to
        layers_events =

        # add it to the layout

    def _on_click(self):
            "Selected layer has shape: ",

# Create a `viewer`
viewer = napari.Viewer()
viewer.add_image(numpy.random.rand(20, 20), name="Layer 1")
viewer.add_image(numpy.random.rand(40, 40), name="Layer 2")
# Instantiate your widget
my_widg = ExampleLayerListWidget(viewer)
# Add widget to `viewer`

As above, to turn this into a plugin widget contribution, simply provide the class definition and add to the plugin manifest.