Go to the end to download the full example as a Python script or as a Jupyter notebook.
Add vectors color by angle#
This example generates a set of vectors in a spiral pattern. The color of the vectors is mapped to their ‘angle’ feature.

import numpy as np
from skimage import data
import napari
# create the viewer and window
viewer = napari.Viewer()
layer = viewer.add_image(, name='photographer')
# sample vector coord-like data
n = 300
pos = np.zeros((n, 2, 2), dtype=np.float32)
phi_space = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, n)
radius_space = np.linspace(0, 100, n)
# assign x-y position
pos[:, 0, 0] = radius_space * np.cos(phi_space) + 300
pos[:, 0, 1] = radius_space * np.sin(phi_space) + 256
# assign x-y projection
pos[:, 1, 0] = 2 * radius_space * np.cos(phi_space)
pos[:, 1, 1] = 2 * radius_space * np.sin(phi_space)
# make the angle feature, range 0-2pi
angle = np.mod(phi_space, 2 * np.pi)
# create a feature that is true for all angles > pi
pos_angle = angle > np.pi
# create the features dictionary.
features = {
'angle': angle,
'pos_angle': pos_angle,
# add the vectors
layer = viewer.add_vectors(
# set the edge color mode to colormap
layer.edge_color_mode = 'colormap'
if __name__ == '__main__':