We welcome your contributions! Here you will find resources to help you contribute to napari.
napari has a Code of Conduct that should be honored by everyone who participates in the napari
Contact: how to contact us.
Roadmaps: convey the general direction for napari development and possible work plans
napari Workshop: create and deploy your own napari workshop materials
Contributor guides: resources for contributors:
Core developer guides: resources for core developers, including information for onboarding new core developers:
There are a number of ways to contact the napari community:
zulip: the zulip napari community chat channel.
GitHub issue: feel free to open an issue in our GitHub repository. Issues and pull-requests are written in Markdown. You can find a comprehensive guide here forum: napari is a community partner on the forum. All usage support requests should be posted on the forum with the tag “napari”.