NAP-3 — Spaces#


Lorenzo Gaifas,






Standards Track


napari is currently limited to holding (and rendering) data belonging to a single, universal space (which we often refer to as world space). However, it is often useful to have quick and easy access to different parts of a dataset that do not belong to the same coordinate system. In these cases, forcing data to live in the same world not only makes no sense, but it can make navigating the data and interacting with the viewer slower and less intuitive.

This NAP discusses the reasons why a native napari approach would be better than the currently available workarounds. It then proposes the introduction of spaces as a way to manage different coordinate spaces in the same viewer.

Motivation and scope#

This NAP aims to address a few problems that arise (especially with big datasets), when working with many layers that do not necessarily belong to the same absolute coordinate space. For example, there is no reason to relate between the absolute coordinates of image 1 and image 2 from the same microscopy data collection, but it might be useful to quickly switch between the two to – for example – compare the effectiveness of a processing step on different images, or to visually inspect qualitative differences.

Currently, to do so, a user is forced to either:

  • load everything into the layer list (thus “pretending” that the absolute coordinates do indeed match) and then develop a plugin or widget that manages layer visibility

  • or develop a plugin or widget that manages layers externally and feeds them to Viewer.layers as desired

  • do nothing and deal with hundreds of layers manually

While this might not seem problematic with few images, it quickly degenerates when working with big datasets, especially in 3D (for an example use case, check out this issue comment).

The above workarounds have the following issues:

  • usability: adding too many layers to the viewer makes navigating the layerlist unwieldy, a problem that cannot be solved by layer-groups when there is no reasonable way to group layers

  • usability: forcing the creation of a plugin or widget with custom logic is one more barrier for non-developers, and possibly one more meta-object (e.g: a “dataset”) that the user has to juggle around and that napari is unaware of.

  • performance: many layers perform worse than few layers. This might be addressed separately, but is currently unresolved.

  • abstraction: it makes no sense for things to share coordinate space when they shouldn’t.

  • performance and usability: regardless of the workaround used, reader plugins can’t know about it, so a user would be forced to either first load everything into the viewer and then do something with it, significantly slowing down startup and adding one more step to opening napari

  • serialization: without a native napari support, these workarounds cannot be properly serialized.

Additionally, while this was not the main goal of this NAP, people have sometimes asked for “workspaces”, where different workflows can be tested in parallel [1]; spaces would also implicitly allow this by letting users reuse a layer in multiple spaces.


  • window state: in #4227, a proposal was advanced for managing window state and layout, with the ability to reuse and restore them. While this could be conceivably be dealt with here, it is probably better to keep separate the state of the window from the representation and the data.

  • rendering/data separation: while necessary for some of the future benefits of spaces (i.e: Multicanvas), the separation of rendering and data from the currently unified Layer object is not in the scope of this NAP. This means that (just like now), layer won’t be shareable between Viewers. However, they should be shareable between Spaces, as long as the spaces are not rendered at the same time (i.e: in separate Viewers).

Implementation proposal#

There are a few ways to tackle this issue (see Alternatives), with different upsides and downsides; the current “main” proposal is aiming to solve the issue by avoiding breaking or major api changes (which are instead required for the alternatives).


ViewerModel.spaces would be a (selectable) EventedList or similar evented collection, each containing a Space object, with the following attributes:

  • layers: a layerlist (or top-level layergroup, in the future)

  • camera: a snapshot of the state of the Camera model (i.e: Camera.dict())

  • dims: a snapshot of the state of the Dims model (i.e: Dims.dict())

Additionally, it would be useful and intuitive for users to mirror some of the basic Layer API:

  • name: a unique name

  • metadata: to hold any extra information about the Space (for example, experimental conditions, or workflow description)

  • source: to hold the source path and reader plugin, in case a plugin generated the space.

A few more ViewerModel attributes are worth considering for being tracked by States, depending on if we think they should be considered “global” settings, or local to the Space. I propose the following:

  • grid: local, if you leave a state in grid mode, you probably want it back that way

  • scale_bar: global

  • text_overlay: local, as text is likely to refer to the contents of the viewer

  • overlays: tricky; this is currently only the InteractionBox (and therefore should probably not be serialized, since it’s dynamically changed when transforming layers), but might become more complicated in the future, if something like napari/napari#3763 gets merged).

The remaining fields should probably not be serialized:

  • cursor

  • help

  • status

  • tooltip

  • theme

  • title

In the end, all spaces would do is effectively provide a quick way to swap some of the ViewerModel state in and out.

At the level of ViewerModel itself, we would have an active_space attribute: similar to how a layer in a layerlist can be active, a Space in the spaces can be active (with the important distinction that only one space can be active); this will determine which space is loaded into the layerlist and used to populate the canvas. - in a future with multi-canvas (or multi-viewer), this could be on a per-canvas (or per-viewer) basis.


The GUI could expose this as a (searchable) dropdown menu above the layerlist, and provide shortcuts to navigate easility through spaces, such as page-up, page-down.


Reader/writer plugins should be able to provide/consume spaces. If unspecified, they should act on the active Space, which would be backwards compatible.

Widget plugins would be backwards compatible, as they simply act on the active Space. On the other hand, new plugins would be able to access other spaces as well, allowing for easier abstraction of “batch” workflows.



Instead of Space, we could use a different name:

  • Viewer: better conveys that viewer state is also retained. I find it confusing due to the strong coupling with the Window (see also Multiple viewers, app interface)

  • State: better conveys that non only layerlist state is retained. A bit generic.

Multiple viewers, app interface#

These problems could be also solved by allowing multiple Viewer objects, each with its own ViewerModel, by separating out the QtViewer logic to an Application level [2].

app.viewers  # list of all viewers
app.viewer  # current viewer model
app.window  # the singleton window now lives on the app rather than the viewer

This is in many ways equivalent to spaces, with object serving the same purpose but being named differently: Application takes place of the Viewer object; Viewers are acting as Spaces, with the difference that they are themselves a ViewerModel, rather than holding a snapshot of parts of a ViewerModel.

While the nomenclature is not one of the important points of this NAP, I find the use of the word Viewer confusing in this alternative implementation. Intuitively, for me (and, I expect, for most users) the Viewer is the window, regardless of the abstraction of ViewerModel and Viewer that we have on the backend. Additionally, the above changes would cause a big API change in the most basic interaction with napari (app.viewer rather than viewer), unless we “hide” it away (i.e:, which would hurt usability and discoverability.

Additionally, there are no benefits to keeping multiple ViewerModel objects alive, since their purpose is simply to act as an evented model to update the GUI.

Finally, this alternative would further complicate our ability to support multiple actual Viewers with their own window, separate from each other [3]. In that case, the seems like a better fit and wouldn’t add too much overhead to basic operations.

Spaces, app interface#

Alternatively, the app interface can be used in conjunction with the spaces approach, distinguishing between Space and Viewer:

app =  # shared app object between viewer
app.spaces  # spaces list, but held by the app object (and thus accessible across viewers)
viewer.active_space = app.spaces[0]  # choose which space to display in a viewer

This improves on the Multiple viewers, app interface approach ont the clarity of separation between Spaces and Viewers, and on the main proposal by explicitly allowing sharing spaces between viewers.

A downside is that we lose the single point of truth for the Spaces. If a space is loaded in two viewers, we would need to connect events so that if something about the state is changed (such as the Dims) it should update the state of all the other Viewers attached to the state. This is not necessary for the layerlist and the layers, since those would be the same objects; in fact, this is a point in favour of using ViewerModel themselves to encode the state, as proposed in Multiple viewers, app interface, or to at least split out from the ViewerModel the fields that would be instead held by Spaces.

Backward compatibility#

These changes should be backwards compatible, since they would only expand the ViewerModel API by adding spaces.

Future work#

Tabbed access#

As part of the “multiple viewers” proposals in the past, the idea of accessing them through tabs in the GUI was often floated [4]. The same idea can be applied to spaces. This is not necessarily mutually exclusive with the searchable dropdown approach: a space could be “pinned”, allowing easier access through the GUI. However, the primary access should not be tabs, which would the defeat one of the goals of spaces: de-cluttering the GUI.


While multicanvas is still some ways off, this NAP can provide the basis for that functionality. For example, a future multicanvas-capable viewer could associate each Canvas to a Space; this way, we already have the machinery for multiple layer lists, as well as the ability to reuse the same layer in multiple canvases, while having a different Camera and Dims setup for the different copies (note that this would rely on the current efforts in separating the slicing logic from the Layer object).


For the original discussion, see napari/napari#4419.