Release guide#
This guide documents napari
’s release process. Most required tools mentioned here are in napari/napari-release-tools
Currently, we are releasing a new napari version every 2-3 weeks. Release candidates are made available as a reasonableness check for 1-24h before the full release is published: since the release cadence is so high, any new bugs can be quickly rectified, and more quickly identified by making a full release.
When major API changes and deprecations happen, we will provide longer release candidate cycles to ensure proper testing by the community.
The latest release candidate can be installed with
python -m pip install --pre napari
Release management#
The release will be coordinated by a release manager whose responsibilities include the following.
One week before release#
Look through currently open PRs and get a sense of what would be good to merge before the first release candidate. Set milestones appropriately;
is up-to-date (
dependencies matchpyproject.toml
requirements);Create a zulip thread in the release channel letting people know the release candidate is coming and pointing out PRs that would be nice to merge before release.
At this stage, bug fixes and features that are close to landing should be prioritized. The release manager will follow up with PR authors, reviewing and merging as needed. New features should wait until after release.
1-2 days before release#
Add a header and highlights section to the
additional notes
folder for the given release. Use the highlight label for the relevant milestone to note which PRs to comment on.Generate release notes with the
script from napari/napari-release-tools;make a PR with the release notes, making sure to add the new document to the napari/docs table of contents file. See an example of such a PR: napari/docs#485
At this point the release manager should ideally be the only person merging PRs on the repo for the next few days before the release.
1-0 days before release#
Merge any remaining PRs and update release notes accordingly;
Merge release notes;
Make the release candidate and announce on zulip;
Announce to release stream on zulip that the first release candidate is available for testing.
The day of release#
Make sure final rc has been tested;
Ensure all PRs have been added to release notes;
Make sure docs are correctly deployed;
Make release and announce on zulip.
Release process#
Additional release
dependencies (python -m pip install -e .[release]
, from the napari/napari
root folder) are required to complete the release process.
determines which non-Python files are included. Make sure to check that all necessary ones are listed before beginning the release process.
The napari/napari
repository must have a PyPI API token as a GitHub secret.
This likely has been done already, but if it has not, follow
this guide to gain a token and
this guide
to add it as a secret.
Determining the version#
The version of napari
is automatically determined at install time by
from the latest
tag beginning with
. Thus, you’ll need to tag the
reference with
the new version number. It is likely something like X.Y.Z
. Before making a
release though we need to generate the release notes.
Generating release notes#
Grab the
script from the napari/napari-release-tools repo. Make a list of merges, contributors, and reviewers by runningpython -h
and following that file’s usage. For each release generate the list to include everything since the last release for which there are release notes (which should just be the last release). To substitute GitHub handles for author names, use the--correction-file
option.For example, to create release notes for the
release, use:python 0.5.4 --target-directory=/path/to/docs/release/ --correction-file /path/to/name_corrections.yaml
Scan the PR titles for highlights, deprecations, API changes, and bugfixes, and mention these in the relevant sections of the notes. Try to present the information in an expressive way by mentioning the affected functions, elaborating on the changes and their consequences. If possible, organize semantically close PRs in groups.
Make sure the file name is of the form
.Make and merge a PR with these release notes before moving onto the next steps.
Update constraints files#
uses a set of constraints files to prevent test failures due to dependency updates. This also allows for reproducible builds (see Setting up a development installation).
These constraints files need to be updated at least weekly on Monday, and may also be triggered manually by a maintainer. You can find these files at
To get updated constraints for a PR, use @napari-bot update constraints
in a PR comment, then follow the instruction added by the bot to the conversation.
To update the docs constraints file, assuming you have the napari/napari
repo and napari/docs
repo cloned next to each other, you can install uv and run the following command from the root of the napari
uv pip compile --python-version 3.11 --upgrade --output-file resources/constraints/constraints_py3.11_docs.txt pyproject.toml resources/constraints/version_denylist.txt resources/constraints/version_denylist_examples.txt ../docs/requirements.txt resources/constraints/pydantic_le_2.txt --extra pyqt5 --extra pyqt6 --extra pyside2 --extra pyside6_experimental --extra testing --extra testing_extra --extra optional
To see other examples, check out the upgrade test constraints action.
Tagging the new release candidate#
First we will generate a release candidate, which will contain the letters rc
Using release candidates allows us to test releases on PyPI without using up the actual
release number.
You can tag the current source code as a release candidate with:
git tag vX.Y.Zrc1 main
If the tag is meant for a previous version of main, simply reference the specific commit:
git tag vX.Y.Zrc1 abcde42
Note here how we are using rc
for release candidate to create a version of our release we can test
before making the real release.
You can read more on tagging here.
Testing the release candidate#
Our CI automatically makes a release, copying the release notes to the tag and uploading the distribution to PyPI.
You can trigger this by pushing the new tag to napari/napari
git push upstream --tags
The release candidate can then be tested with
python -m pip install --pre napari
It is recommended that the release candidate is tested in a virtual environment in order to isolate dependencies.
If the release candidate is not what you want, make your changes and repeat the process from the beginning but
incrementing the number after rc
on tag (e.g. vX.Y.Zrc2
Once you are satisfied with the release candidate it is time to generate the actual release.
Generating the actual release#
To generate the actual release you will now repeat the processes above but now dropping the rc
For example:
git tag vX.Y.Z main
git push upstream --tags
Once the new tag is pushed, the make_release.yml
workflow will be triggered, using the PyPI Publish action to publish the new napari version to PyPI using Trusted Publishers.
conda-forge packages#
The packages on conda-forge
are not controlled directly by our repositories.
Instead, they are governed by the conda-forge/napari-feedstock
The essential actions are automated, but there are a few maintenance notes we need to have in mind.
For a more complete description of the napari packaging infrastructure, see Packaging.
New releases#
Once the PyPI release is available, the conda-forge
bots will submit a PR to conda-forge/napari-feedstock
within a few hours.
Merging that PR to main
will trigger the conda-forge
Accounting for the build times and the CDN sync, this means that the conda-forge
packages will be available 30-60 mins after the PR is merged.
Before merging, please pay special attention to these aspects:
Version string has been correctly updated. The build number should have been reset to
now.The CI passes correctly. Do check the logs, especially the test section (search for
dependencies inrecipe/meta.yaml
match the runtime requirements of the PyPI release (listed inpyproject.toml
). Watch for modified version constraints, as well as added or removed packages. Note that theconda-forge
packages include some more dependencies for convenience, so you might need to check theoptional
sections inpyproject.toml
See these PRs for examples on previous conda-forge releases:
Patch dependencies of previous releases#
offers a mechanism to patch the metadata of existing releases.
This is useful when a new dependency release breaks napari
in some way or, in general,
when the metadata of an existing package is proven wrong after it has been released.
To amend the metadata, we need to:
Encode the patch instructions as a PR to
:Add the required changes to
, under therecord_name == 'napari'
section.Use a timestamp condition to ensure only existing releases are patched.
If necessary, make sure the metadata is amended in the feedstock too. Usually this is not needed until a new release is made, but it’s important to remember!
Some previous examples include:
Broken packages#
In some cases, a wrongly merged PR might cause the release of a broken artifact.
If this is not fixable with a metadata patch (see above), then the packages can be marked as broken.
To do so, we can submit a PR to conda-forge/admin-requests
For more details, follow the instructions for “Mark packages as broken on conda-forge”.
Please make sure a correct build for the problematic release is available before (or shortly after) the admin-requests
PR is merged!
Post release: update the documentation#
The napari docs are versioned, meaning that each release has its own documentation, selected through the version switcher dropdown. Once you tag a new version in the napari/napari
repo, the build_and_deploy.yml
workflow will automatically create a new folder for this version number in the gh-pages
branch of the napari/
Next, you need to do the following:
In the
repo, update thestable
symlink in thegh-pages
branch to point to the new version. This can be done by running the following commands in thenapari/
git checkout gh-pages
rm stable
ln -s X.Y.Z stable
git add stable
git commit -m "Update stable symlink to X.Y.Z"
git push
In the
repo, update thedocs/../dev/_static/version_switcher.json
file so thatstable
points to the right version. The active version switcher is read from the file in thedev
folder, so this can be done as the last step in the process.