- class napari.window.Window(viewer: Viewer, *, show: bool = True)[source]#
Application window that contains the menu bar and viewer.
- Parameters:
viewer (napari.components.ViewerModel) – Contained viewer widget.
File menu.
- Type:
Help menu.
- Type:
Main menubar.
- Type:
View menu.
- Type:
Window menu.
- Type:
()Make the viewer the currently active window.
(widget, *[, name, area, ...])Convenience method to add a QDockWidget to the main window.
(function, *[, ...])Turn a function into a dock widget via magicgui.
(plugin_name[, ...])Add plugin dock widget if not already added.
([flash, canvas_only])Copy screenshot of current viewer to the clipboard.
()Close the viewer window and cleanup sub-widgets.
([path, scale, flash])Export an image of the full extent of the displayed layer data.
(rois[, paths, scale])Export the given rectangular rois to specified file paths.
()Get the geometry of the widget
(widget[, menu])Removes specified dock widget.
(width, height)Resize the window.
([path, size, scale, flash, ...])Take currently displayed viewer and convert to an image array.
(left, top, width, height)Set the geometry of the widget
(*[, block])Resize, show, and bring forward the window.
- add_dock_widget(widget: ~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget | Widget, *, name: str = '', area: str | None = None, allowed_areas:[str] | None = None, shortcut=<object object>, add_vertical_stretch=True, tabify: bool = False, menu: ~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMenu | None = None)[source]#
Convenience method to add a QDockWidget to the main window.
If name is not provided a generic name will be addded to avoid saveState warnings on close.
- Parameters:
widget (QWidget) – widget will be added as QDockWidget’s main widget.
name (str, optional) – Name of dock widget to appear in window menu.
area (str) – Side of the main window to which the new dock widget will be added. Must be in {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘top’, ‘bottom’}
allowed_areas (list[str], optional) – Areas, relative to the main window, that the widget is allowed dock. Each item in list must be in {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘top’, ‘bottom’} By default, all areas are allowed.
shortcut (str, optional) – Keyboard shortcut to appear in dropdown menu.
add_vertical_stretch (bool, optional) –
Whether to add stretch to the bottom of vertical widgets (pushing widgets up towards the top of the allotted area, instead of letting them distribute across the vertical space). By default, True.
Deprecated since version 0.4.8: The shortcut parameter is deprecated since version 0.4.8, please use the action and shortcut manager APIs. The new action manager and shortcut API allow user configuration and localization.
tabify (bool) – Flag to tabify dock widget or not.
menu (QMenu, optional) – Menu bar to add toggle action to. If None nothing added to menu.
- Returns:
dock_widget – dock_widget that can pass viewer events.
- Return type:
- add_function_widget(function, *, magic_kwargs=None, name: str = '', area=None, allowed_areas=None, shortcut=<object object>)[source]#
Turn a function into a dock widget via magicgui.
- Parameters:
function (callable) – Function that you want to add.
magic_kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments to
that can be used to specify (str, optional) – Name of dock widget to appear in window menu.
area (str, optional) – Side of the main window to which the new dock widget will be added. Must be in {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘top’, ‘bottom’}. If not provided the default will be determined by the widget.layout, with ‘vertical’ layouts appearing on the right, otherwise on the bottom.
allowed_areas (list[str], optional) – Areas, relative to main window, that the widget is allowed dock. Each item in list must be in {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘top’, ‘bottom’} By default, only provided areas is allowed.
shortcut (str, optional) – Keyboard shortcut to appear in dropdown menu.
- Returns:
dock_widget – dock_widget that can pass viewer events.
- Return type:
- add_plugin_dock_widget(plugin_name: str, widget_name: str | None = None, tabify: bool = False) tuple[QtViewerDockWidget, Any] [source]#
Add plugin dock widget if not already added.
- Parameters:
plugin_name (str) – Name of a plugin providing a widget
widget_name (str, optional) – Name of a widget provided by plugin_name. If None, and the specified plugin provides only a single widget, that widget will be returned, otherwise a ValueError will be raised, by default None
tabify (bool) – Flag to tabify dock widget or not.
- Returns:
A 2-tuple containing (the DockWidget instance, the plugin widget instance).
- Return type:
- clipboard(flash=True, canvas_only=False)[source]#
Copy screenshot of current viewer to the clipboard.
- export_figure(path: str | None = None, scale: float = 1, flash=True) ndarray [source]#
Export an image of the full extent of the displayed layer data.
This function finds a tight boundary around the data, resets the view around that boundary (and, when scale=1, such that 1 captured pixel is equivalent to one data pixel), takes a screenshot, then restores the previous zoom and canvas sizes. Currently, only works when 2 dimensions are displayed.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
image – Numpy array of type ubyte and shape (h, w, 4). Index [0, 0] is the upper-left corner of the rendered region.
- Return type:
- export_rois(rois: list[ndarray], paths: str | Path | list[str | Path] | None = None, scale: float | None = None)[source]#
Export the given rectangular rois to specified file paths.
For each shape, moves the camera to the center of the shape and adjust the canvas size to fit the shape. Note: The shape height and width can be of type float. However, the canvas size only accepts a tuple of integers. This can result in slight misalignment.
- Parameters:
rois (list[np.ndarray]) – A list of arrays with each being of shape (4, 2) representing a rectangular roi.
paths (str, Path, list[str, Path], optional) – Where to save the rois. If a string or a Path, a directory will be created if it does not exist yet and screenshots will be saved with filename roi_{n}.png where n is the nth roi. If paths is a list of either string or paths, these need to be the full paths of where to store each individual roi. In this case the length of the list and the number of rois must match. If None, the screenshots will only be returned and not saved to disk.
scale (float, optional) – Scale factor used to increase resolution of canvas for the screenshot. By default, uses the displayed scale.
- Returns:
screenshot_list – The list with roi screenshots.
- Return type:
- geometry() tuple[int, int, int, int] [source]#
Get the geometry of the widget
- Returns:
left (int) – X coordinate of the upper left border.
top (int) – Y coordinate of the upper left border.
width (int) – Width of the rectangle shape of the window.
height (int) – Height of the rectangle shape of the window.
- remove_dock_widget(widget: QWidget, menu=None)[source]#
Removes specified dock widget.
If a QDockWidget is not provided, the existing QDockWidgets will be searched for one whose inner widget (
) is the providedwidget
.- Parameters:
widget (QWidget | str) – If widget == ‘all’, all docked widgets will be removed.
menu (QMenu, optional) – Menu bar to remove toggle action from. If None nothing removed from menu.
- screenshot(path=None, size=None, scale=None, flash=True, canvas_only=False)[source]#
Take currently displayed viewer and convert to an image array.
- Parameters:
path (str, Path) – Filename for saving screenshot image.
size (tuple (int, int)) – Size (resolution) of the screenshot. By default, the currently displayed size. Only used if canvas_only is True.
scale (float) – Scale factor used to increase resolution of canvas for the screenshot. By default, the currently displayed resolution. Only used if canvas_only is True.
flash (bool) – Flag to indicate whether flash animation should be shown after the screenshot was captured.
canvas_only (bool) – If True, screenshot shows only the image display canvas, and if False includes the napari viewer frame in the screenshot, By default, True.
- Returns:
image – Numpy array of type ubyte and shape (h, w, 4). Index [0, 0] is the upper-left corner of the rendered region.
- Return type:
- show(*, block=False)[source]#
Resize, show, and bring forward the window.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the viewer.window has already been closed and deleted.