Napari models and events

This document explains the links between the three main components of napari: python models, Qt classes and vispy classes, with code examples. This knowledge is not necessary to use napari and is more aimed at developers interested in understanding the inner workings of napari. This document assumes you’re familiar with basic usage of napari.

The three main components:

  • python models describing components in the napari application - these are able to operate without the GUI interface and do not have any dependencies on user interface classes

    • this code lives in napari/components (utility objects) and napari/layers (objects that contain data)

  • Qt classes that handle the interactive GUI aspect of the napari viewer

    • the private Qt code lives in napari/_qt and the smaller public Qt interface code lives in napari/qt

  • vispy classes that handle rendering

    • the code for this is private and lives in napari/_vispy

The separation of the python models from viewer GUI code allows:

  • analysis plugins to be developed without worrying about the GUI aspect

  • napari to have the option to move away from the rendering backend currently used

  • tests to be easily run headlessly

  • the python models to be run headlessly (see Running napari headlessly for more)

Python models and events

Commonly, python models in napari are classes that store information about their state as an attribute and are the “source of ground truth”. When these attributes are changed an “event” needs to be emitted such that relevant observers of the model (such as other classes) can take the appropriate action.

One way this is achieved in napari is via getters and setters. Let’s take for example the Dims class with a selected few attributes:

from import EmitterGroup

class Dims:
    """Dimensions object modeling slicing and displaying.

    ndisplay : int
        Number of displayed dimensions.
    def __init__(self, ndisplay):
        self._ndisplay = ndisplay

        # an `EmitterGroup` manages a set of `EventEmitters`
        # we add one emitter for each attribute we'd like to track = EmitterGroup(source=self, ndisplay=None)

    # for each attribute, we create a `@property` getter/setter
    # so that we can emit the appropriate event when that attribute
    # is changed using the syntax: ``Dim.attribute = new_value``
    def ndisplay(self):
        """Number of displayed dimensions."""
        return self._ndisplay

    def ndisplay(self, value):
        self._ndisplay = value
        # emit the ndisplay "changed" event

Another object can then “listen” for changes in our Dims model and register a callback function with the event emitter of the attribute they would like to watch:

# create an instance of the model
dims = Dims(ndisplay=2)

# define some callback that should respond to changes in the model
# if the function takes a single parameter it will receive the event
# as first value.
def _update_display(event):
    Updates display for all sliders.
    # the code updating the display code is not relevant for this
    # example thus has been omitted.

    # we can get the source object of the event
    assert event.source == dims

    # ... and query any attributes
    ndisplay = event.source.ndisplay

    # ... or directly get the new value for this specific event:
    assert ndisplay == event.value
    print(f"Update number of dimensions displayed to {ndisplay}")

# register our callback with the model

# now, everytime dims.ndisplay is changed, _update_display is called
dim.ndisplay = 3

This method is very customizable but requires a lot of boilerplate. The generic base model EventedModel was added to reduce this and “standardize” this change/emit pattern. The EventedModel provides the following features:

  • type validation and coercion on class instantiation and attribute assignment

  • event emission after successful attribute assignment

Using EventedModel would reduce the above Dim class code to:

class Dim(EventedModel):
    """Dimensions object modeling slicing and displaying.

    ndisplay : int
        Number of displayed dimensions.
    ndisplay: float

This Dim class will automatically emit an event when one of its attributes changes. Other classes interested in the Dim class can register a callback function that will be executed when an attribute changes.

class DimsDependentClass():
    """A class that needs to 'do something' when Dims attributes change.

    dims : napari.components.dims.Dims
        Dims object.

    dims : napari.components.dims.Dims
        Dimensions object modeling slicing and displaying.

    def __init__(self, dims: Dims):
        self.dims = dims

Currently most of the models in napari/components/ are EventedModels but not the layer models although there is intention to convert these to EventedModels in the future.

Qt classes

Qt classes are responsible for all napari’s user interface elements. There is generally one to one mapping between Python models and Qt models in napari, for example Python model Dims and Qt model QtDims. The Qt class can register callbacks such that when an attribute of the corresponding Python model changes, the appropriate actions are taken. The Qt classes are also instantiated with a reference to the Python model, which gets updated directly when a field is changed via the GUI.

For example, below is a code snippet showing the QtDims class instantiating with a reference to the python class Dims and registering the callback _update_display:

class QtDims(QWidget):
    """Qt view for the napari Dims model.

    dims : napari.components.dims.Dims
        Dims object to be passed to Qt object.

    dims : napari.components.dims.Dims
        Dimensions object modeling slicing and displaying.

    def __init__(self, dims: Dims):
        self.dims = dims

Vispy classes

Vispy classes are responsible for drawing the canvas contents, thus need to be informed of any changes to Python models. They achieve this by connecting callbacks to Python model events just like Qt models.

For example, below is a code snippet showing the VispyCamera class connecting the function _on_ndisplay_change:

class VispyCamera:
    """Vipsy camera for both 2D and 3D rendering.

    def __init__(self, dims: Dims):
        self._dims = dims
            self._on_ndisplay_change, position='first'