
Starting with version 0.4.6, napari provides persistent settings.

Settings are managed by getting the global settings object:

from napari.settings import get_settings

settings = get_settings()
# then modify... e.g:
settings.appearance.theme = 'dark'


The settings are grouped by sections and napari core provides the following:


Main application settings.

Confirm window or application closing

Ask for confirmation before closing a napari window or application (all napari windows).

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.confirm_close_window.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Console notification level

Select the notification level for the console.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.console_notification_level.

  • Type: NotificationSeverity.

  • Default: <NotificationSeverity.NONE: 'none'>.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

First time

Indicate if napari is running for the first time. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.first_time.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.

Grid Height

Number of rows in the grid.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.grid_height.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: -1.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Grid Stride

Number of layers to place in each grid square.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.grid_stride.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: 1.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Grid Width

Number of columns in the grid.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.grid_width.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: -1.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

GUI notification level

Select the notification level for the user interface.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.gui_notification_level.

  • Type: NotificationSeverity.

  • Default: <NotificationSeverity.INFO: 'info'>.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Delay to treat button as hold in seconds

This affects certain actions where a short press and a long press have different behaviors, such as changing the mode of a layer permanently or only during the long press.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.hold_button_delay.

  • Type: float.

  • Default: 0.5.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

IPython interactive

Toggle the use of interactive %gui qt event loop when creating napari Viewers in IPython.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.ipy_interactive.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.


Select the display language for the user interface.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.language.

  • Type: Language.

  • Default: 'en'.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Opened folders history

Last saved list of opened folders. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.open_history.

  • Type: List[str].

  • Default: [].

Playback frames per second

Playback speed in frames per second.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.playback_fps.

  • Type: int.

  • Default: 10.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Playback loop mode

Loop mode for playback.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.playback_mode.

  • Type: LoopMode.

  • Default: <LoopMode.LOOP: 'loop'>.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Preferences size

Last saved width and height for the preferences dialog. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.preferences_size.

  • Type: Optional[Tuple[int, int]].

  • Default: None.

Saved folders history

Last saved list of saved folders. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.save_history.

  • Type: List[str].

  • Default: [].

Save window geometry

Toggle saving the main window size and position.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.save_window_geometry.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Save window state

Toggle saving the main window state of widgets.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.save_window_state.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Window fullscreen

Last saved fullscreen state for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_fullscreen.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

Window maximized state

Last saved maximized state for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_maximized.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

Window position

Last saved x and y coordinates for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_position.

  • Type: Optional[Tuple[int, int]].

  • Default: None.

Window size

Last saved width and height for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_size.

  • Type: Optional[Tuple[int, int]].

  • Default: None.

Window state

Last saved state of dockwidgets and toolbars for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_state.

  • Type: Optional[str].

  • Default: None.

Show status bar

Toggle diplaying the status bar for the main window.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_statusbar.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.


User interface appearance settings.

Highlight thickness

Select the highlight thickness when hovering over shapes/points.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.appearance.highlight_thickness.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: 1.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Show layer tooltips

Toggle to display a tooltip on mouse hover.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.appearance.layer_tooltip_visibility.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.


Select the user interface theme.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.appearance.theme.

  • Type: Theme.

  • Default: 'dark'.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.


Plugins settings.

Plugin sort order

Sort plugins for each action in the order to be called.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.call_order.

  • Type: Mapping[str, List[napari.settings._plugins.PluginHookOption]].

  • Default: {}.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Disabled plugins

Plugins to disable on application start.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.disabled_plugins.

  • Type: Set[str].

  • Default: set().

File extension readers

Assign file extensions to specific reader plugins

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.extension2reader.

  • Type: Mapping[str, str].

  • Default: {}.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Writer plugin extension association.

Assign file extensions to specific writer plugins

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.extension2writer.

  • Type: Mapping[str, str].

  • Default: {}.

Plugin API

Use the following API for querying plugin information.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.plugin_api.

  • Type: PluginAPI.

  • Default: <PluginAPI.pypi: 'PyPI'>.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Use npe2 adaptor

Use npe2-adaptor for first generation plugins. When an npe1 plugin is found, this option will import its contributions and create/cache a ‘shim’ npe2 manifest that allows it to be treated like an npe2 plugin (with delayed imports, etc…)

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.use_npe2_adaptor.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.


Shortcut settings.


Set keyboard shortcuts for actions.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.shortcuts.shortcuts.

  • Type: Mapping[str, List[str]].

  • Default: {'napari:toggle_console_visibility': ['Control-Shift-C'], 'napari:reset_scroll_progress': ['Control'], 'napari:toggle_ndisplay': ['Control-Y'], 'napari:toggle_theme': ['Control-Shift-T'], 'napari:reset_view': ['Control-R'], 'napari:show_shortcuts': ['Control-Alt-/'], 'napari:increment_dims_left': ['Left'], 'napari:increment_dims_right': ['Right'], 'napari:focus_axes_up': ['Alt-Up'], 'napari:focus_axes_down': ['Alt-Down'], 'napari:roll_axes': ['Control-E'], 'napari:transpose_axes': ['Control-T'], 'napari:toggle_grid': ['Control-G'], 'napari:toggle_selected_visibility': ['V'], 'napari:activate_label_erase_mode': ['1'], 'napari:activate_fill_mode': ['3'], 'napari:activate_paint_mode': ['2'], 'napari:activate_label_pan_zoom_mode': ['5'], 'napari:activate_label_picker_mode': ['4'], 'napari:new_label': ['M'], 'napari:decrease_label_id': ['-'], 'napari:increase_label_id': ['='], 'napari:decrease_brush_size': ['['], 'napari:increase_brush_size': [']'], 'napari:toggle_preserve_labels': ['P'], 'napari:activate_points_add_mode': ['2'], 'napari:activate_points_select_mode': ['3'], 'napari:activate_points_pan_zoom_mode': ['4'], 'napari:select_all_in_slice': ['A', 'Control-A'], 'napari:select_all_data': ['Shift-A'], 'napari:delete_selected_points': ['Backspace', 'Delete', '1'], 'napari:activate_add_rectangle_mode': ['R'], 'napari:activate_add_ellipse_mode': ['E'], 'napari:activate_add_line_mode': ['L'], 'napari:activate_add_path_mode': ['T'], 'napari:activate_add_polygon_mode': ['P'], 'napari:activate_direct_mode': ['4'], 'napari:activate_select_mode': ['5'], 'napari:activate_shape_pan_zoom_mode': ['6'], 'napari:activate_vertex_insert_mode': ['2'], 'napari:activate_vertex_remove_mode': ['1'], 'napari:copy_selected_shapes': ['Control-C'], 'napari:paste_shape': ['Control-V'], 'napari:select_all_shapes': ['A'], 'napari:delete_selected_shapes': ['Backspace', 'Delete', '3'], 'napari:finish_drawing_shape': ['Escape'], 'napari:reset_active_layer_affine': ['Control-Shift-R'], 'napari:transform_active_layer': ['Control-Shift-A']}.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.


Experimental settings.

Render Images Asynchronously

Asynchronous loading of image data. This setting partially loads data while viewing. You must restart napari for changes of this setting to apply.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.experimental.async_.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Enable Asynchronous Tiling of Images

Renders images asynchronously using tiles. You must restart napari for changes of this setting to apply.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.experimental.octree.

  • Type: Union[bool, str].

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Support for plugin specific settings will be provided in an upcoming release.

Changing settings programmatically

from napari.settings import SETTINGS

SETTINGS.appearance.theme = "light"

Reset to defaults via CLI

To reset all napari settings to the default values:

napari --reset

The preferences dialog

Starting with version 0.4.6, napari provides a preferences dialog to manage some of the provided options.











Reset to defaults via UI

To reset the preferences click on the Restore defaults button and continue by clicking on Restore.