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# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

# # LICENSE.txt
# Vispy licensing terms
# ---------------------

# Vispy is licensed under the terms of the (new) BSD license:
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# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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# Exceptions
# ----------
# The examples code in the examples directory can be considered public
# domain, unless otherwise indicated in the corresponding source file.

The event module implements the classes that make up the event system.
The Event class and its subclasses are used to represent "stuff that happens".
The EventEmitter class provides an interface to connect to events and
to emit events. The EmitterGroup groups EventEmitter objects.

For more information see


import contextlib
import inspect
import os
import warnings
import weakref
from import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
from functools import partial
from typing import (

from vispy.util.logs import _handle_exception

from napari.utils.migrations import rename_argument
from napari.utils.translations import trans

[docs] class Event: """Class describing events that occur and can be reacted to with callbacks. Each event instance contains information about a single event that has occurred such as a key press, mouse motion, timer activation, etc. Subclasses: :class:`KeyEvent`, :class:`MouseEvent`, :class:`TouchEvent`, :class:`StylusEvent` The creation of events and passing of events to the appropriate callback functions is the responsibility of :class:`EventEmitter` instances. Note that each event object has an attribute for each of the input arguments listed below. Parameters ---------- type : str String indicating the event type (e.g. mouse_press, key_release) native : object (optional) The native GUI event object **kwargs : keyword arguments All extra keyword arguments become attributes of the event object. """ @rename_argument( from_name='type', to_name='type_name', version='0.6.0', since_version='0.4.18', ) def __init__( self, type_name: str, native: Any = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: # stack of all sources this event has been emitted through self._sources: list[Any] = [] self._handled: bool = False self._blocked: bool = False # Store args self._type = type_name self._native = native self._kwargs = kwargs for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) @property def source(self) -> Any: """The object that the event applies to (i.e. the source of the event).""" return self._sources[-1] if self._sources else None @property def sources(self) -> list[Any]: """List of objects that the event applies to (i.e. are or have been a source of the event). Can contain multiple objects in case the event traverses a hierarchy of objects. """ return self._sources def _push_source(self, source): self._sources.append(source) def _pop_source(self): return self._sources.pop() @property def type(self) -> str: # No docstring; documented in class docstring return self._type @property def native(self) -> Any: # No docstring; documented in class docstring return self._native @property def handled(self) -> bool: """This boolean property indicates whether the event has already been acted on by an event handler. Since many handlers may have access to the same events, it is recommended that each check whether the event has already been handled as well as set handled=True if it decides to act on the event. """ return self._handled @handled.setter def handled(self, val) -> None: self._handled = bool(val) @property def blocked(self) -> bool: """This boolean property indicates whether the event will be delivered to event callbacks. If it is set to True, then no further callbacks will receive the event. When possible, it is recommended to use Event.handled rather than Event.blocked. """ return self._blocked @blocked.setter def blocked(self, val) -> None: self._blocked = bool(val) def __repr__(self) -> str: # Try to generate a nice string representation of the event that # includes the interesting properties. # need to keep track of depth because it is # very difficult to avoid excessive recursion. global _event_repr_depth _event_repr_depth += 1 try: if _event_repr_depth > 2: return '<...>' attrs = [] for name in dir(self): if name.startswith('_'): continue # select only properties if not hasattr(type(self), name) or not isinstance( getattr(type(self), name), property ): continue attr = getattr(self, name) attrs.append(f'{name}={attr!r}') finally: _event_repr_depth -= 1 return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} {" ".join(attrs)}>' def __str__(self) -> str: """Shorter string representation""" return self.__class__.__name__ # mypy fix for dynamic attribute access def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
_event_repr_depth = 0 Callback = Union[Callable[[Event], None], Callable[[], None]] CallbackRef = tuple['weakref.ReferenceType[Any]', str] # dereferenced method CallbackStr = tuple[ Union['weakref.ReferenceType[Any]', object], str ] # dereferenced method _T = TypeVar('_T') class _WeakCounter(Generic[_T]): """ Similar to collection counter but has weak keys. It will only implement the methods we use here. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._counter: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[_T, int] = ( weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() ) self._nonecount = 0 def update(self, iterable: Iterable[_T]): for it in iterable: if it is None: self._nonecount += 1 else: self._counter[it] = self.get(it, 0) + 1 def get(self, key: _T, default: int) -> int: if key is None: return self._nonecount return self._counter.get(key, default)
[docs] class EventEmitter: """Encapsulates a list of event callbacks. Each instance of EventEmitter represents the source of a stream of similar events, such as mouse click events or timer activation events. For example, the following diagram shows the propagation of a mouse click event to the list of callbacks that are registered to listen for that event:: User clicks |Canvas creates mouse on |MouseEvent: |'mouse_press' EventEmitter: |callbacks in sequence: # noqa Canvas | | | # noqa -->|event = MouseEvent(...) -->| -->|callback1(event) # noqa | | -->|callback2(event) # noqa | | -->|callback3(event) # noqa Callback functions may be added or removed from an EventEmitter using :func:`connect() <vispy.event.EventEmitter.connect>` or :func:`disconnect() <vispy.event.EventEmitter.disconnect>`. Calling an instance of EventEmitter will cause each of its callbacks to be invoked in sequence. All callbacks are invoked with a single argument which will be an instance of :class:`Event <vispy.event.Event>`. EventEmitters are generally created by an EmitterGroup instance. Parameters ---------- source : object The object that the generated events apply to. All emitted Events will have their .source property set to this value. type_name: str or None String indicating the event type (e.g. mouse_press, key_release) event_class : subclass of Event The class of events that this emitter will generate. """ @rename_argument('type', 'type_name', '0.6.0', '0.4.18') def __init__( self, source: Any = None, type_name: Optional[str] = None, event_class: type[Event] = Event, ) -> None: # connected callbacks self._callbacks: list[Union[Callback, CallbackRef]] = [] # used when connecting new callbacks at specific positions self._callback_refs: list[Optional[str]] = [] self._callback_pass_event: list[bool] = [] # count number of times this emitter is blocked for each callback. self._blocked: dict[Optional[Callback], int] = {None: 0} self._block_counter: _WeakCounter[Optional[Callback]] = _WeakCounter() # used to detect emitter loops self._emitting = False self.source = source self.default_args = {} if type_name is not None: self.default_args['type_name'] = type_name assert inspect.isclass(event_class) self.event_class = event_class self._ignore_callback_errors: bool = False # True self.print_callback_errors = 'reminders' # 'reminders' @property def ignore_callback_errors(self) -> bool: """Whether exceptions during callbacks will be caught by the emitter This allows it to continue invoking other callbacks if an error occurs. """ return self._ignore_callback_errors @ignore_callback_errors.setter def ignore_callback_errors(self, val: bool): self._ignore_callback_errors = val @property def print_callback_errors(self) -> str: """Print a message and stack trace if a callback raises an exception Valid values are "first" (only show first instance), "reminders" (show complete first instance, then counts), "always" (always show full traceback), or "never". This assumes ignore_callback_errors=True. These will be raised as warnings, so ensure that the vispy logging level is set to at least "warning". """ return self._print_callback_errors @print_callback_errors.setter def print_callback_errors( self, val: Literal['first', 'reminders', 'always', 'never'], ): if val not in ('first', 'reminders', 'always', 'never'): raise ValueError( trans._( 'print_callback_errors must be "first", "reminders", "always", or "never"', deferred=True, ) ) self._print_callback_errors = val @property def callback_refs(self) -> tuple[Optional[str], ...]: """The set of callback references""" return tuple(self._callback_refs) @property def callbacks(self) -> tuple[Union[Callback, CallbackRef], ...]: """The set of callbacks""" return tuple(self._callbacks) @property def source(self) -> Any: """The object that events generated by this emitter apply to""" return ( None if self._source is None else self._source() ) # get object behind weakref @source.setter def source(self, s): self._source = None if s is None else weakref.ref(s) def _is_core_callback( self, callback: Union[CallbackRef, Callback], core: str ): """ Check if the callback is a core callback Parameters ---------- callback : Union[CallbackRef, Callback] The callback to check. Callback could be function or weak reference to object method coded using weakreference to object and method name stored in tuple. core : str Name of core module, for example 'napari'. """ if isinstance(callback, partial): callback = callback.func if not isinstance(callback, tuple): try: return callback.__module__.startswith(f'{core}.') except AttributeError: return False obj = callback[0]() # get object behind weakref if obj is None: # object is dead return False try: return obj.__module__.startswith(f'{core}.') except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def connect( self, callback: Union[Callback, CallbackRef, CallbackStr, 'EventEmitter'], ref: Union[bool, str] = False, position: Literal['first', 'last'] = 'last', before: Union[str, Callback, list[Union[str, Callback]], None] = None, after: Union[str, Callback, list[Union[str, Callback]], None] = None, until: Optional['EventEmitter'] = None, ): """Connect this emitter to a new callback. Parameters ---------- callback : function | tuple *callback* may be either a callable object or a tuple (object, attr_name) where object.attr_name will point to a callable object. Note that only a weak reference to ``object`` will be kept. ref : bool | str Reference used to identify the callback in ``before``/``after``. If True, the callback ref will automatically determined (see Notes). If False, the callback cannot be referred to by a string. If str, the given string will be used. Note that if ``ref`` is not unique in ``callback_refs``, an error will be thrown. position : str If ``'first'``, the first eligible position is used (that meets the before and after criteria), ``'last'`` will use the last position. before : str | callback | list of str or callback | None List of callbacks that the current callback should precede. Can be None if no before-criteria should be used. after : str | callback | list of str or callback | None List of callbacks that the current callback should follow. Can be None if no after-criteria should be used. until : optional eventEmitter if provided, when the event `until` is emitted, `callback` will be disconnected from this emitter. Notes ----- If ``ref=True``, the callback reference will be determined from: 1. If ``callback`` is ``tuple``, the second element in the tuple. 2. The ``__name__`` attribute. 3. The ``__class__.__name__`` attribute. The current list of callback refs can be obtained using ``event.callback_refs``. Callbacks can be referred to by either their string reference (if given), or by the actual callback that was attached (e.g., ``(canvas, 'swap_buffers')``). If the specified callback is already connected, then the request is ignored. If before is None and after is None (default), the new callback will be added to the beginning of the callback list. Thus the callback that is connected _last_ will be the _first_ to receive events from the emitter. """ callbacks = self.callbacks callback_refs = self.callback_refs old_callback = callback callback, pass_event = self._normalize_cb(callback) if callback in callbacks: return None # deal with the ref _ref: Union[str, None] if isinstance(ref, bool): if ref: if isinstance(callback, tuple): _ref = callback[1] elif hasattr(callback, '__name__'): # function _ref = callback.__name__ else: # Method, or other _ref = callback.__class__.__name__ else: _ref = None elif isinstance(ref, str): _ref = ref else: raise TypeError( trans._( 'ref must be a bool or string', deferred=True, ) ) if _ref is not None and _ref in self._callback_refs: raise ValueError( trans._('ref "{ref}" is not unique', deferred=True, ref=_ref) ) # positions if position not in ('first', 'last'): raise ValueError( trans._( 'position must be "first" or "last", not {position}', deferred=True, position=position, ) ) core_callbacks_indexes = [ i for i, c in enumerate(self._callbacks) if self._is_core_callback(c, 'napari') ] core_callbacks_count = ( max(core_callbacks_indexes) + 1 if core_callbacks_indexes else 0 ) if self._is_core_callback(callback, 'napari'): callback_bounds = (0, core_callbacks_count) else: callback_bounds = (core_callbacks_count, len(callback_refs)) # bounds: upper & lower bnds (inclusive) of possible cb locs bounds: list[int] = [] for ri, criteria in enumerate((before, after)): if criteria is None or criteria == []: bounds.append( callback_bounds[1] if ri == 0 else callback_bounds[0] ) else: if not isinstance(criteria, list): criteria = [criteria] for c in criteria: count = sum( c in [cn, cc] for cn, cc in zip(callback_refs, callbacks) ) if count != 1: raise ValueError( trans._( 'criteria "{criteria}" is in the current callback list {count} times:\n{callback_refs}\n{callbacks}', deferred=True, criteria=criteria, count=count, callback_refs=callback_refs, callbacks=callbacks, ) ) matches = [ ci for ci, (cn, cc) in enumerate( zip(callback_refs, callbacks) ) if (cc in criteria or cn in criteria) ] bounds.append(matches[0] if ri == 0 else (matches[-1] + 1)) if bounds[0] < bounds[1]: # i.e., "place before" < "place after" raise RuntimeError( trans._( 'cannot place callback before "{before}" and after "{after}" for callbacks: {callback_refs}', deferred=True, before=before, after=after, callback_refs=callback_refs, ) ) idx = bounds[1] if position == 'first' else bounds[0] # 'last' # actually add the callback self._callbacks.insert(idx, callback) self._callback_refs.insert(idx, _ref) self._callback_pass_event.insert(idx, pass_event) if until is not None: until.connect(partial(self.disconnect, callback)) return old_callback # allows connect to be used as a decorator
[docs] def disconnect( self, callback: Union[Callback, CallbackRef, None, object] = None ): """Disconnect a callback from this emitter. If no callback is specified, then *all* callbacks are removed. If the callback was not already connected, then the call does nothing. """ if callback is None: self._callbacks = [] self._callback_refs = [] self._callback_pass_event = [] elif isinstance(callback, (Callable, tuple)): callback, _pass_event = self._normalize_cb(callback) if callback in self._callbacks: idx = self._callbacks.index(callback) self._callbacks.pop(idx) self._callback_refs.pop(idx) self._callback_pass_event.pop(idx) else: index_list = [] for idx, local_callback in enumerate(self._callbacks): if not ( isinstance(local_callback, Sequence) and isinstance(local_callback[0], weakref.ref) ): continue if ( local_callback[0]() is callback or local_callback[0]() is None ): index_list.append(idx) for idx in index_list[::-1]: self._callbacks.pop(idx) self._callback_refs.pop(idx) self._callback_pass_event.pop(idx)
@staticmethod def _get_proper_name(callback): assert inspect.ismethod(callback) obj = callback.__self__ if ( not hasattr(obj, callback.__name__) or getattr(obj, callback.__name__) != callback ): # some decorators will alter method.__name__, so that obj.method # will not be equal to getattr(obj, obj.method.__name__). We check # for that case here and traverse to find the right method here. for name in dir(obj): meth = getattr(obj, name) if inspect.ismethod(meth) and meth == callback: return obj, name raise RuntimeError( trans._( 'During bind method {callback} of object {obj} an error happen', deferred=True, callback=callback, obj=obj, ) ) return obj, callback.__name__ @staticmethod def _check_signature(fun: Callable) -> bool: """ Check if function will accept event parameter """ signature = inspect.signature(fun) parameters_list = list(signature.parameters.values()) if sum(map(_is_pos_arg, parameters_list)) > 1: raise RuntimeError( trans._( 'Binning function cannot have more than one positional argument', deferred=True, ) ) return any( x.kind in [ inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, ] for x in signature.parameters.values() ) def _normalize_cb( self, callback ) -> tuple[Union[CallbackRef, Callback], bool]: # dereference methods into a (self, method_name) pair so that we can # make the connection without making a strong reference to the # instance. start_callback = callback if inspect.ismethod(callback): callback = self._get_proper_name(callback) # always use a weak ref if isinstance(callback, tuple) and not isinstance( callback[0], weakref.ref ): callback = (weakref.ref(callback[0]), *callback[1:]) if isinstance(start_callback, Callable): callback = callback, self._check_signature(start_callback) else: obj = callback[0]() if obj is None: callback = callback, False else: callback_fun = getattr(obj, callback[1]) callback = callback, self._check_signature(callback_fun) return callback def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Event: """__call__(**kwargs) Invoke all callbacks for this emitter. Emit a new event object, created with the given keyword arguments, which must match with the input arguments of the corresponding event class. Note that the 'type' argument is filled in by the emitter. Alternatively, the emitter can also be called with an Event instance as the only argument. In this case, the specified Event will be used rather than generating a new one. This allows customized Event instances to be emitted and also allows EventEmitters to be chained by connecting one directly to another. Note that the same Event instance is sent to all callbacks. This allows some level of communication between the callbacks (notably, via Event.handled) but also requires that callbacks be careful not to inadvertently modify the Event. """ # This is a VERY highly used method; must be fast! blocked = self._blocked # create / massage event as needed event = self._prepare_event(*args, **kwargs) # Add our source to the event; remove it after all callbacks have been # invoked. event._push_source(self.source) self._emitting = True try: if blocked.get(None, 0) > 0: # this is the same as self.blocked() self._block_counter.update([None]) return event _log_event_stack(event) rem: list[CallbackRef] = [] for cb, pass_event in zip( self._callbacks[:], self._callback_pass_event[:] ): if isinstance(cb, tuple): obj = cb[0]() if obj is None: rem.append(cb) # add dead weakref continue old_cb = cb cb = getattr(obj, cb[1], None) if cb is None: warnings.warn( trans._( 'Problem with function {old_cb} of {obj} connected to event {self_}', deferred=True, old_cb=old_cb[1], obj=obj, self_=self, ), stacklevel=2, category=RuntimeWarning, ) continue cb = cast(Callback, cb) if blocked.get(cb, 0) > 0: self._block_counter.update([cb]) continue self._invoke_callback(cb, event if pass_event else None) if event.blocked: break # remove callbacks to dead objects for cb in rem: self.disconnect(cb) finally: self._emitting = False ps = event._pop_source() if ps is not self.source: raise RuntimeError( trans._( 'Event source-stack mismatch.', deferred=True, ) ) return event def _invoke_callback( self, cb: Union[Callback, Callable[[], None]], event: Optional[Event] ): try: if event is not None: cb(event) else: cb() except Exception as e: # noqa: BLE001 # dead Qt object with living python pointer. not importing Qt # here... but this error is consistent across backends if ( isinstance(e, RuntimeError) and 'C++' in str(e) and str(e).endswith(('has been deleted', 'already deleted.')) ): self.disconnect(cb) return _handle_exception( self.ignore_callback_errors, self.print_callback_errors, self, cb_event=(cb, event), ) def _prepare_event(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Event: # When emitting, this method is called to create or otherwise alter # an event before it is sent to callbacks. Subclasses may extend # this method to make custom modifications to the event. if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs and isinstance(args[0], Event): event: Event = args[0] # Ensure that the given event matches what we want to emit assert isinstance(event, self.event_class) elif not args: _kwargs = self.default_args.copy() _kwargs.update(kwargs) event = self.event_class(**_kwargs) else: raise ValueError( trans._( 'Event emitters can be called with an Event instance or with keyword arguments only.', deferred=True, ) ) return event
[docs] def blocked(self, callback: Optional[Callback] = None) -> bool: """Return boolean indicating whether the emitter is blocked for the given callback. """ return self._blocked.get(callback, 0) > 0
[docs] def block(self, callback: Optional[Callback] = None): """Block this emitter. Any attempts to emit an event while blocked will be silently ignored. If *callback* is given, then the emitter is only blocked for that specific callback. Calls to block are cumulative; the emitter must be unblocked the same number of times as it is blocked. """ self._blocked[callback] = self._blocked.get(callback, 0) + 1
[docs] def unblock(self, callback: Optional[Callback] = None): """Unblock this emitter. See :func:`event.EventEmitter.block`. Note: Use of ``unblock(None)`` only reverses the effect of ``block(None)``; it does not unblock callbacks that were explicitly blocked using ``block(callback)``. """ if callback not in self._blocked or self._blocked[callback] == 0: raise RuntimeError( trans._( 'Cannot unblock {self_} for callback {callback}; emitter was not previously blocked.', deferred=True, self_=self, callback=callback, ) ) b = self._blocked[callback] - 1 if b == 0 and callback is not None: del self._blocked[callback] else: self._blocked[callback] = b
[docs] def blocker(self, callback: Optional[Callback] = None): """Return an EventBlocker to be used in 'with' statements Notes ----- For example, one could do:: with emitter.blocker(): pass # stuff; no events will be emitted.. """ return EventBlocker(self, callback)
class WarningEmitter(EventEmitter): """ EventEmitter subclass used to allow deprecated events to be used with a warning message. """ def __init__( self, message: str, category: type[Warning] = FutureWarning, stacklevel: int = 3, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: self._message = message self._warned = False self._category = category self._stacklevel = stacklevel EventEmitter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def connect(self, cb, *args, **kwargs): self._warn(cb) return EventEmitter.connect(self, cb, *args, **kwargs) def _invoke_callback(self, cb, event): self._warn(cb) return EventEmitter._invoke_callback(self, cb, event) def _warn(self, cb): if self._warned: return # don't warn about unimplemented connections if isinstance(cb, tuple) and getattr(cb[0], cb[1], None) is None: return import warnings warnings.warn( self._message, category=self._category, stacklevel=self._stacklevel ) self._warned = True
[docs] class EmitterGroup(EventEmitter): """EmitterGroup instances manage a set of related :class:`EventEmitters <vispy.event.EventEmitter>`. Its primary purpose is to provide organization for objects that make use of multiple emitters and to reduce the boilerplate code needed to initialize those emitters with default connections. EmitterGroup instances are usually stored as an 'events' attribute on objects that use multiple emitters. For example:: EmitterGroup EventEmitter | | EmitterGroup is also a subclass of :class:`EventEmitters <vispy.event.EventEmitter>`, allowing it to emit its own events. Any callback that connects directly to the EmitterGroup will receive *all* of the events generated by the group's emitters. Parameters ---------- source : object The object that the generated events apply to. auto_connect : bool If *auto_connect* is True, then one connection will be made for each emitter that looks like :func:`emitter.connect((source, 'on_' + event_name)) <vispy.event.EventEmitter.connect>`. This provides a simple mechanism for automatically connecting a large group of emitters to default callbacks. By default, false. emitters : keyword arguments See the :func:`add <vispy.event.EmitterGroup.add>` method. """ def __init__( self, source: Any = None, auto_connect: bool = False, **emitters: Union[type[Event], EventEmitter, None], ) -> None: EventEmitter.__init__(self, source) self.auto_connect = auto_connect self.auto_connect_format = 'on_%s' self._emitters: dict[str, EventEmitter] = {} # whether the sub-emitters have been connected to the group: self._emitters_connected: bool = False self.add(**emitters) # type: ignore def __getattr__(self, name) -> EventEmitter: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> EventEmitter: """ Return the emitter assigned to the specified name. Note that emitters may also be retrieved as an attribute of the EmitterGroup. """ return self._emitters[name] def __setitem__( self, name: str, emitter: Union[type[Event], EventEmitter, None] ): """ Alias for EmitterGroup.add(name=emitter) """ self.add(**{name: emitter}) # type: ignore
[docs] def add( self, auto_connect: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Union[type[Event], EventEmitter, None], ): """Add one or more EventEmitter instances to this emitter group. Each keyword argument may be specified as either an EventEmitter instance or an Event subclass, in which case an EventEmitter will be generated automatically:: # This statement: group.add(mouse_press=MouseEvent, mouse_release=MouseEvent) # equivalent to this statement: group.add(mouse_press=EventEmitter(group.source, 'mouse_press', MouseEvent), mouse_release=EventEmitter(group.source, 'mouse_press', MouseEvent)) """ if auto_connect is None: auto_connect = self.auto_connect # check all names before adding anything for name in kwargs: if name in self._emitters: raise ValueError( trans._( "EmitterGroup already has an emitter named '{name}'", deferred=True, name=name, ) ) if hasattr(self, name): raise ValueError( trans._( "The name '{name}' cannot be used as an emitter; it is already an attribute of EmitterGroup", deferred=True, name=name, ) ) # add each emitter specified in the keyword arguments for name, emitter in kwargs.items(): if emitter is None: emitter = Event if inspect.isclass(emitter) and issubclass(emitter, Event): # type: ignore emitter = EventEmitter( source=self.source, type_name=name, event_class=emitter, # type: ignore ) elif not isinstance(emitter, EventEmitter): raise RuntimeError( trans._( 'Emitter must be specified as either an EventEmitter instance or Event subclass. (got {name}={emitter})', deferred=True, name=name, emitter=emitter, ) ) # give this emitter the same source as the group. emitter.source = self.source setattr(self, name, emitter) # this is a bummer for typing. self._emitters[name] = emitter if ( auto_connect and self.source is not None and hasattr(self.source, self.auto_connect_format % name) ): emitter.connect((self.source, self.auto_connect_format % name)) # If emitters are connected to the group already, then this one # should be connected as well. if self._emitters_connected: emitter.connect(self)
@property def emitters(self) -> dict[str, EventEmitter]: """List of current emitters in this group.""" return self._emitters def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """ Iterates over the names of emitters in this group. """ yield from self._emitters
[docs] def block_all(self): """ Block all emitters in this group by increase counter of semaphores for each event emitter """ self.block() for em in self._emitters.values(): em.block()
[docs] def unblock_all(self): """ Unblock all emitters in this group, by decrease counter of semaphores for each event emitter. if block is called twice and unblock is called once, then events will be still blocked. See `Semaphore (programming) <>`__. """ self.unblock() for em in self._emitters.values(): em.unblock()
[docs] def connect( self, callback: Union[Callback, CallbackRef, EventEmitter, 'EmitterGroup'], ref: Union[bool, str] = False, position: Literal['first', 'last'] = 'first', before: Union[str, Callback, list[Union[str, Callback]], None] = None, after: Union[str, Callback, list[Union[str, Callback]], None] = None, ): """Connect the callback to the event group. The callback will receive events from *all* of the emitters in the group. See :func:`EventEmitter.connect() <vispy.event.EventEmitter.connect>` for arguments. """ self._connect_emitters(True) return EventEmitter.connect( self, callback, ref, position, before, after )
[docs] def disconnect(self, callback: Optional[Callback] = None): """Disconnect the callback from this group. See :func:`connect() <vispy.event.EmitterGroup.connect>` and :func:`EventEmitter.connect() <vispy.event.EventEmitter.connect>` for more information. """ ret = EventEmitter.disconnect(self, callback) if len(self._callbacks) == 0: self._connect_emitters(False) return ret
def _connect_emitters(self, connect): # Connect/disconnect all sub-emitters from the group. This allows the # group to emit an event whenever _any_ of the sub-emitters emit, # while simultaneously eliminating the overhead if nobody is listening. if connect: for emitter in self: if not isinstance(self[emitter], WarningEmitter): self[emitter].connect(self) else: for emitter in self: self[emitter].disconnect(self) self._emitters_connected = connect @property def ignore_callback_errors(self): return super().ignore_callback_errors @ignore_callback_errors.setter def ignore_callback_errors(self, ignore): EventEmitter.ignore_callback_errors.fset(self, ignore) for emitter in self._emitters.values(): if isinstance(emitter, EventEmitter): emitter.ignore_callback_errors = ignore elif isinstance(emitter, EmitterGroup): emitter.ignore_callback_errors_all(ignore)
[docs] def blocker_all(self) -> 'EventBlockerAll': """Return an EventBlockerAll to be used in 'with' statements Notes ----- For example, one could do:: with emitter.blocker_all(): pass # stuff; no events will be emitted.. """ return EventBlockerAll(self)
class EventBlocker: """Represents a block for an EventEmitter to be used in a context manager (i.e. 'with' statement). """ def __init__(self, target: EventEmitter, callback=None) -> None: = target self.callback = callback self._base_count = target._block_counter.get(callback, 0) @property def count(self): n_blocked =, 0) return n_blocked - self._base_count def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): class EventBlockerAll: """Represents a block_all for an EmitterGroup to be used in a context manager (i.e. 'with' statement). """ def __init__(self, target: EmitterGroup) -> None: = target def __enter__(self): def __exit__(self, *args): def _is_pos_arg(param: inspect.Parameter): """ Check if param is positional or named and has no default parameter. """ return ( param.kind in [ inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, ] and param.default == inspect.Parameter.empty ) with contextlib.suppress(ModuleNotFoundError): # this could move somewhere higher up in napari imports ... but where? __import__('dotenv').load_dotenv() def _noop(*a, **k): pass _log_event_stack = _noop
[docs] def set_event_tracing_enabled(enabled=True, cfg=None): global _log_event_stack if enabled: from import log_event_stack if cfg is not None: _log_event_stack = partial(log_event_stack, cfg=cfg) else: _log_event_stack = log_event_stack else: _log_event_stack = _noop
if os.getenv('NAPARI_DEBUG_EVENTS', '').lower() in ('1', 'true'): set_event_tracing_enabled(True)