Source code for napari.types

from import Callable, Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from functools import partial, wraps
from pathlib import Path
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

import numpy as np

# TODO decide where types should be defined to have single place for them
from npe2.types import LayerName as LayerTypeName
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

    # dask zarr should be imported as `import dask.array as da` But here it is used only in type annotation to
    # register it as a valid type fom magicgui so is passed as string and requires full qualified name to allow
    # magicgui properly register it.
    import dask.array  # noqa: ICN001
    import zarr
    from magicgui.widgets import FunctionGui
    from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget

__all__ = [

# This is a WOEFULLY inadequate stub for a duck-array type.
# Mostly, just a placeholder for the concept of needing an ArrayLike type.
# Ultimately, this should come from
# and should probably be replaced by a typing.Protocol
# note, numpy.typing.ArrayLike (in v1.20) is not quite what we want either,
# since it includes all valid arguments for np.array() ( int, float, str...)
ArrayLike = Union[np.ndarray, 'dask.array.Array', 'zarr.Array']

# layer data may be: (data,) (data, meta), or (data, meta, layer_type)
# using "Any" for the data type until ArrayLike is more mature.
FullLayerData = tuple[Any, Mapping, LayerTypeName]
LayerData = Union[tuple[Any], tuple[Any, Mapping], FullLayerData]

PathLike = Union[str, Path]
PathOrPaths = Union[PathLike, Sequence[PathLike]]
ReaderFunction = Callable[[PathOrPaths], list[LayerData]]
WriterFunction = Callable[[str, list[FullLayerData]], list[str]]

ExcInfo = Union[
    tuple[type[BaseException], BaseException, TracebackType],
    tuple[None, None, None],

# Types for GUI HookSpecs
WidgetCallable = Callable[..., Union['FunctionGui', 'QWidget']]
AugmentedWidget = Union[WidgetCallable, tuple[WidgetCallable, dict]]

# Sample Data for napari_provide_sample_data hookspec is either a string/path
# or a function that returns an iterable of LayerData tuples
SampleData = Union[PathLike, Callable[..., Iterable[LayerData]]]

# or... they can provide a dict as follows:
[docs] class SampleDict(TypedDict): display_name: str data: SampleData
# these types are mostly "intentionality" placeholders. While it's still hard # to use actual types to define what is acceptable data for a given layer, # these types let us point to a concrete namespace to indicate "this data is # intended to be (and is capable of) being turned into X layer type". # while their names should not change (without deprecation), their typing # implementations may... or may be rolled over to napari/image-types ArrayBase: type[np.ndarray] = np.ndarray ImageData = NewType('ImageData', np.ndarray) LabelsData = NewType('LabelsData', np.ndarray) PointsData = NewType('PointsData', np.ndarray) ShapesData = NewType('ShapesData', list[np.ndarray]) SurfaceData = NewType('SurfaceData', tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]) TracksData = NewType('TracksData', np.ndarray) VectorsData = NewType('VectorsData', np.ndarray) _LayerData = Union[ ImageData, LabelsData, PointsData, ShapesData, SurfaceData, TracksData, VectorsData, ] LayerDataTuple = NewType('LayerDataTuple', tuple)
[docs] def image_reader_to_layerdata_reader( func: Callable[[PathOrPaths], ArrayLike], ) -> ReaderFunction: """Convert a PathLike -> ArrayLike function to a PathLike -> LayerData. Parameters ---------- func : Callable[[PathLike], ArrayLike] A function that accepts a string or list of strings, and returns an ArrayLike. Returns ------- reader_function : Callable[[PathLike], List[LayerData]] A function that accepts a string or list of strings, and returns data as a list of LayerData: List[Tuple[ArrayLike]] """ @wraps(func) def reader_function(*args, **kwargs) -> list[LayerData]: result = func(*args, **kwargs) return [(result,)] return reader_function
def _register_types_with_magicgui(): """Register ``napari.types`` objects with magicgui.""" from concurrent.futures import Future from magicgui import register_type from napari.utils import _magicgui as _mgui for type_ in (LayerDataTuple, list[LayerDataTuple]): register_type( type_, return_callback=_mgui.add_layer_data_tuples_to_viewer, ) future_type = Future[type_] # type: ignore [valid-type] register_type(future_type, return_callback=_mgui.add_future_data) for data_type in get_args(_LayerData): register_type( data_type, choices=_mgui.get_layers_data, return_callback=_mgui.add_layer_data_to_viewer, ) register_type( Future[data_type], # type: ignore [valid-type] choices=_mgui.get_layers_data, return_callback=partial(_mgui.add_future_data, _from_tuple=False), ) register_type( Optional[data_type], # type: ignore [call-overload] choices=_mgui.get_layers_data, return_callback=_mgui.add_layer_data_to_viewer, ) register_type( Future[Optional[data_type]], # type: ignore [valid-type] choices=_mgui.get_layers_data, return_callback=partial(_mgui.add_future_data, _from_tuple=False), ) _register_types_with_magicgui()