from import Sequence
from numbers import Integral
from typing import (
import numpy as np
from napari._pydantic_compat import root_validator, validator
from import EventedModel
from napari.utils.misc import argsort, reorder_after_dim_reduction
from napari.utils.translations import trans
class RangeTuple(NamedTuple):
start: float
stop: float
step: float
class Dims(EventedModel):
"""Dimensions object modeling slicing and displaying.
ndim : int
Number of dimensions.
ndisplay : int
Number of displayed dimensions.
range : tuple of 3-tuple of float
List of tuples (min, max, step), one for each dimension in world
coordinates space. Lower and upper bounds are inclusive.
point : tuple of floats
Dims position in world coordinates for each dimension.
margin_left : tuple of floats
Left margin in world pixels of the slice for each dimension.
margin_right : tuple of floats
Right margin in world pixels of the slice for each dimension.
order : tuple of int
Tuple of ordering the dimensions, where the last dimensions are rendered.
axis_labels : tuple of str
Tuple of labels for each dimension.
last_used : int
Dimension which was last interacted with.
ndim : int
Number of dimensions.
ndisplay : int
Number of displayed dimensions.
range : tuple of 3-tuple of float
List of tuples (min, max, step), one for each dimension in world
coordinates space. Lower and upper bounds are inclusive.
point : tuple of floats
Dims position in world coordinates for each dimension.
margin_left : tuple of floats
Left margin (=thickness) in world pixels of the slice for each dimension.
margin_right : tuple of floats
Right margin (=thickness) in world pixels of the slice for each dimension.
order : tuple of int
Tuple of ordering the dimensions, where the last dimensions are rendered.
axis_labels : tuple of str
Tuple of labels for each dimension.
last_used : int
Dimension which was last used.
Tuple the slider position for each dims slider, in world coordinates.
current_step : tuple of int
Current step for each dimension (same as point, but in slider coordinates).
nsteps : tuple of int
Number of steps available to each slider. These are calculated from
the ``range``.
thickness : tuple of floats
Thickness of the slice (sum of both margins) for each dimension in world coordinates.
displayed : tuple of int
List of dimensions that are displayed. These are calculated from the
``order`` and ``ndisplay``.
not_displayed : tuple of int
List of dimensions that are not displayed. These are calculated from the
``order`` and ``ndisplay``.
displayed_order : tuple of int
Order of only displayed dimensions. These are calculated from the
``displayed`` dimensions.
rollable : tuple of bool
Tuple of axis roll state. If True the axis is rollable.
# fields
ndim: int = 2
ndisplay: Literal[2, 3] = 2
order: tuple[int, ...] = ()
axis_labels: tuple[str, ...] = ()
rollable: tuple[bool, ...] = ()
range: tuple[RangeTuple, ...] = ()
margin_left: tuple[float, ...] = ()
margin_right: tuple[float, ...] = ()
point: tuple[float, ...] = ()
last_used: int = 0
# private vars
_play_ready: bool = True # False if currently awaiting a draw event
_scroll_progress: int = 0
# validators
# check fields is false to allow private fields to work
def _as_tuple(v):
return tuple(v)
@validator('range', pre=True)
def _check_ranges(ranges):
Ensure the range values are sane.
- start < stop
- step > 0
for axis, (start, stop, step) in enumerate(ranges):
if start > stop:
raise ValueError(
'start and stop must be strictly increasing, but got ({start}, {stop}) for axis {axis}',
if step <= 0:
raise ValueError(
'step must be strictly positive, but got {step} for axis {axis}.',
return ranges
@root_validator(skip_on_failure=True, allow_reuse=True)
def _check_dims(cls, values):
"""Check the consistency of dimensionality for all attributes.
values : dict
Values dictionary to update dims model with.
updated = {}
ndim = values['ndim']
range_ = ensure_len(values['range'], ndim, pad_width=(0.0, 2.0, 1.0))
updated['range'] = tuple(RangeTuple(*rng) for rng in range_)
point = ensure_len(values['point'], ndim, pad_width=0.0)
# ensure point is limited to range
updated['point'] = tuple(
np.clip(pt, rng.start, rng.stop)
for pt, rng in zip(point, updated['range'], strict=False)
updated['margin_left'] = ensure_len(
values['margin_left'], ndim, pad_width=0.0
updated['margin_right'] = ensure_len(
values['margin_right'], ndim, pad_width=0.0
# order and label default computation is too different to include in ensure_len()
# Check the order tuple has same number of elements as ndim
order = values['order']
if len(order) < ndim:
order_ndim = len(order)
# new dims are always prepended
prepended_dims = tuple(range(ndim - order_ndim))
# maintain existing order, but shift accordingly
existing_order = tuple(o + ndim - order_ndim for o in order)
order = prepended_dims + existing_order
elif len(order) > ndim:
order = reorder_after_dim_reduction(order[-ndim:])
updated['order'] = order
# Check the order is a permutation of 0, ..., ndim - 1
if set(updated['order']) != set(range(ndim)):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid ordering {order} for {ndim} dimensions',
# Check the axis labels tuple has same number of elements as ndim
axis_labels = values['axis_labels']
labels_ndim = len(axis_labels)
if labels_ndim < ndim:
# Append new "default" labels to existing ones
if axis_labels == tuple(map(str, range(labels_ndim))):
updated['axis_labels'] = tuple(map(str, range(ndim)))
updated['axis_labels'] = (
tuple(map(str, range(ndim - labels_ndim))) + axis_labels
elif labels_ndim > ndim:
updated['axis_labels'] = axis_labels[-ndim:]
# Check the rollable axes tuple has same number of elements as ndim
updated['rollable'] = ensure_len(values['rollable'], ndim, True)
# If the last used slider is no longer visible, use the first.
last_used = values['last_used']
ndisplay = values['ndisplay']
dims_range = updated['range']
nsteps = cls._nsteps_from_range(dims_range)
not_displayed = [
d for d in order[:-ndisplay] if len(nsteps) > d and nsteps[d] > 1
if len(not_displayed) > 0 and last_used not in not_displayed:
updated['last_used'] = not_displayed[0]
return {**values, **updated}
def _nsteps_from_range(dims_range) -> tuple[float, ...]:
return tuple(
# "or 1" ensures degenerate dimension works
int((rng.stop - rng.start) / (rng.step or 1)) + 1
for rng in dims_range
def nsteps(self) -> tuple[float, ...]:
return self._nsteps_from_range(self.range)
def nsteps(self, value):
self.range = tuple(
rng.start, rng.stop, (rng.stop - rng.start) / (nsteps - 1)
for rng, nsteps in zip(self.range, value, strict=False)
def current_step(self):
return tuple(
int(round((point - rng.start) / (rng.step or 1)))
for point, rng in zip(self.point, self.range, strict=False)
def current_step(self, value):
self.point = tuple(
rng.start + point * rng.step
for point, rng in zip(value, self.range, strict=False)
def thickness(self) -> tuple[float, ...]:
return tuple(
left + right
for left, right in zip(
self.margin_left, self.margin_right, strict=False
def thickness(self, value):
self.margin_left = self.margin_right = tuple(val / 2 for val in value)
def displayed(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
"""Tuple: Dimensions that are displayed."""
return self.order[-self.ndisplay :]
def not_displayed(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
"""Tuple: Dimensions that are not displayed."""
return self.order[: -self.ndisplay]
def displayed_order(self) -> tuple[int, ...]:
return tuple(argsort(self.displayed))
def set_range(
axis: int | Sequence[int],
_range: Sequence[int | float] | Sequence[Sequence[int | float]],
"""Sets ranges (min, max, step) for the given dimensions.
axis : int or sequence of int
Dimension index or a sequence of axes whos range will be set.
_range : tuple or sequence of tuple
Range specified as (min, max, step) or a sequence of these range
axis, value = self._sanitize_input(
axis, _range, value_is_sequence=True
full_range = list(self.range)
for ax, val in zip(axis, value, strict=False):
full_range[ax] = val
self.range = tuple(full_range)
def set_point(
axis: int | Sequence[int],
value: float | Sequence[float],
"""Sets point to slice dimension in world coordinates.
axis : int or sequence of int
Dimension index or a sequence of axes whos point will be set.
value : scalar or sequence of scalars
Value of the point for each axis.
axis, value = self._sanitize_input(
axis, value, value_is_sequence=False
full_point = list(self.point)
for ax, val in zip(axis, value, strict=False):
full_point[ax] = val
self.point = tuple(full_point)
def set_current_step(
axis: int | Sequence[int],
value: int | Sequence[int],
axis, value = self._sanitize_input(
axis, value, value_is_sequence=False
range_ = list(self.range)
value_world = []
for ax, val in zip(axis, value, strict=False):
rng = range_[ax]
value_world.append(rng.start + val * rng.step)
self.set_point(axis, value_world)
def set_axis_label(
axis: int | Sequence[int],
label: str | Sequence[str],
"""Sets new axis labels for the given axes.
axis : int or sequence of int
Dimension index or a sequence of axes whos labels will be set.
label : str or sequence of str
Given labels for the specified axes.
axis, label = self._sanitize_input(
axis, label, value_is_sequence=False
full_axis_labels = list(self.axis_labels)
for ax, val in zip(axis, label, strict=False):
full_axis_labels[ax] = val
self.axis_labels = tuple(full_axis_labels)
def reset(self):
"""Reset dims values to initial states."""
# Don't reset axis labels
# TODO: could be optimized with self.update, but need to fix
# event firing in EventedModel first
self.range = ((0, 2, 1),) * self.ndim
self.point = (0,) * self.ndim
self.order = tuple(range(self.ndim))
self.margin_left = (0,) * self.ndim
self.margin_right = (0,) * self.ndim
self.rollable = (True,) * self.ndim
def transpose(self):
"""Transpose displayed dimensions.
This swaps the order of the last two displayed dimensions.
The order of the displayed is taken from Dims.order.
order = list(self.order)
order[-2], order[-1] = order[-1], order[-2]
self.order = order
def _increment_dims_right(self, axis: int | None = None):
"""Increment dimensions to the right along given axis, or last used axis if None
axis : int, optional
Axis along which to increment dims, by default None
if axis is None:
axis = self.last_used
self.set_current_step(axis, self.current_step[axis] + 1)
def _increment_dims_left(self, axis: int | None = None):
"""Increment dimensions to the left along given axis, or last used axis if None
axis : int, optional
Axis along which to increment dims, by default None
if axis is None:
axis = self.last_used
self.set_current_step(axis, self.current_step[axis] - 1)
def _focus_up(self):
"""Shift focused dimension slider to be the next slider above."""
sliders = [d for d in self.not_displayed if self.nsteps[d] > 1]
if len(sliders) == 0:
index = (sliders.index(self.last_used) + 1) % len(sliders)
self.last_used = sliders[index]
def _focus_down(self):
"""Shift focused dimension slider to be the next slider bellow."""
sliders = [d for d in self.not_displayed if self.nsteps[d] > 1]
if len(sliders) == 0:
index = (sliders.index(self.last_used) - 1) % len(sliders)
self.last_used = sliders[index]
def roll(self):
"""Roll order of dimensions for display."""
order = np.array(self.order)
# we combine "rollable" and "nsteps" into a mask for rolling
# this mask has to be aligned to "order" as "rollable" and
# "nsteps" are static but order is dynamic, meaning "rollable"
# and "nsteps" encode the axes by position, whereas "order"
# encodes axis by number
valid = np.logical_and(self.rollable, np.array(self.nsteps) > 1)[order]
order[valid] = np.roll(order[valid], shift=1)
self.order = order
def _go_to_center_step(self):
self.current_step = [int((ns - 1) / 2) for ns in self.nsteps]
def _sanitize_input(
self, axis, value, value_is_sequence=False
) -> tuple[list[int], list]:
Ensure that axis and value are the same length, that axes are not
out of bounds, and coerces to lists for easier processing.
if isinstance(axis, Integral):
if (
isinstance(value, Sequence)
and not isinstance(value, str)
and not value_is_sequence
raise ValueError(
trans._('cannot set multiple values to a single axis')
axis = [axis]
value = [value]
axis = list(axis)
value = list(value)
if len(axis) != len(value):
raise ValueError(
trans._('axis and value sequences must have equal length')
for ax in axis:
ensure_axis_in_bounds(ax, self.ndim)
return axis, value
def ensure_len(value: tuple, length: int, pad_width: Any):
Ensure that the value has the required number of elements.
Right-crop if value is too long; left-pad with default if too short.
value : Tuple
A tuple of values to be resized.
ndim : int
Number of desired values.
default : Tuple
Default element for left-padding.
if len(value) < length:
# left pad
value = (pad_width,) * (length - len(value)) + value
elif len(value) > length:
# right-crop
value = value[-length:]
return value
def ensure_axis_in_bounds(axis: int, ndim: int) -> int:
"""Ensure a given value is inside the existing axes of the image.
axis : int
The axis which was checked for validity.
ndim : int
The dimensionality of the layer.
The given axis index is out of bounds.
if axis not in range(-ndim, ndim):
msg = trans._(
'Axis {axis} not defined for dimensionality {ndim}. Must be in [{ndim_lower}, {ndim}).',
raise ValueError(msg)
return axis % ndim