Contributing Guide#

We welcome your contributions! Please see the provided steps below and never hesitate to contact us.

If you are a new user, we recommend checking out the detailed Github Guides.

Setting up a development installation#

In order to make changes to napari-plugin-manager, you will need to fork the repository.

If you are not familiar with git, we recommend reading up on this guide.

Clone the forked repository to your local machine and change directories:

git clone
cd napari-plugin-manager

Set the upstream remote to the base napari repository:

git remote add upstream

Install the package in editable mode, along with all of the developer tools:

pip install -e ".[dev]"

We use pre-commit to sort imports with isort, format code with black, and lint with flake8 automatically prior to each commit as implemented in ruff. To minimize test errors when submitting pull requests, please install pre-commit in your environment as follows:

pre-commit install

Upon committing, your code will be formatted and linted according to our ruff configuration. To learn more, see ruff’s documentation.

You can also execute pre-commit at any moment by running the following:

pre-commit run -a

If you wish to tell the linter to ignore a specific line use the # noqa comment along with the specific error code (e.g. import sys  # noqa: E402) but please do not ignore errors lightly.


Starting with version 0.4.7, napari codebase include internationalization (i18n) and now offers the possibility of installing language packs, which provide localization (l10n) enabling the user interface to be displayed in different languages.

To learn more about the current languages that are in the process of translation, visit the language packs repository.

To make your code translatable (localizable), please use the trans helper provided by the napari utilities.

from napari.utils.translations import trans

some_string = trans._("Localizable string")

To learn more, please see the translations guide.

Making changes#

Create a new feature branch:

git checkout main -b your-branch-name

git will automatically detect changes to a repository. You can view them with:

git status

Add and commit your changed files:

git add my-file-or-directory
git commit -m "my message"


We use unit tests and integration tests to ensure that napari-plugin-manager works as intended. Writing tests for new code is a critical part of keeping napari-plugin-manager maintainable as it grows.

Check out the dedicated documentation on testing over at that we recommend you read as you’re working on your first contribution.

Run this command to ensure the testing dependencies are available:

pip install -e ".[testing]"

Help us make sure it’s you#

Each commit you make must have a GitHub-registered email as the author. You can read more here.

To set it, use git config --global

Keeping your branches up-to-date#

Switch to the main branch:

git checkout main

Fetch changes and update main:

git pull upstream main --tags

This is shorthand for:

git fetch upstream main --tags
git merge upstream/main

Update your other branches:

git checkout your-branch-name
git merge main

Sharing your changes#

Update your remote branch:

git push -u origin your-branch-name

You can then make a pull-request to napari-plugin-manager’s main branch.

Building the docs#

First, make sure the documentation dependencies are up-to-date:

pip install -e ".[docs]"

Then, from the project root

make docs

The docs will be built at docs/_build/html. You can see them in your browser by running

make serve

and opening a new tab for http://localhost:8000.

Most web browsers will also allow you to preview HTML pages directly. Try entering file:///absolute/path/to/napari-plugin-manager/docs/_build/html/index.html in your address bar.

Code of conduct#

napari has a Code of Conduct that should be honored by everyone who participates in the napari community, including napari-plugin-manager.

Questions, comments, and feedback#

If you have questions, comments, suggestions for improvement, or any other inquiries regarding the project, feel free to open an issue.

Issues and pull-requests are written in Markdown. You can find a comprehensive guide here.