Source code for napari._qt.qt_viewer

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
import weakref
from import Sequence
from pathlib import Path
from types import FrameType
from typing import (
from weakref import WeakSet, ref

import numpy as np
from qtpy.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QObject, Qt, QUrl
from qtpy.QtGui import QGuiApplication
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QFileDialog, QSplitter, QVBoxLayout, QWidget
from superqt import ensure_main_thread

from napari._qt.containers import QtLayerList
from napari._qt.dialogs.qt_reader_dialog import handle_gui_reading
from napari._qt.dialogs.screenshot_dialog import ScreenshotDialog
from napari._qt.perf.qt_performance import QtPerformance
from napari._qt.utils import QImg2array
from napari._qt.widgets.qt_dims import QtDims
from napari._qt.widgets.qt_viewer_buttons import (
from napari._qt.widgets.qt_viewer_dock_widget import QtViewerDockWidget
from napari._qt.widgets.qt_welcome import QtWidgetOverlay
from import Camera
from napari.components.layerlist import LayerList
from napari.errors import MultipleReaderError, ReaderPluginError
from napari.layers.base.base import Layer
from napari.plugins import _npe2
from napari.settings import get_settings
from napari.settings._application import DaskSettings
from napari.utils import config, perf, resize_dask_cache
from napari.utils.action_manager import action_manager
from napari.utils.history import (
from import imsave
from napari.utils.key_bindings import KeymapHandler
from napari.utils.misc import in_ipython, in_jupyter
from napari.utils.naming import CallerFrame
from napari.utils.notifications import show_info
from napari.utils.translations import trans
from import imsave_extensions

from napari._vispy import VispyCanvas, create_vispy_layer  # isort:skip

    from napari_console import QtConsole
    from npe2.manifest.contributions import WriterContribution

    from napari._qt.layer_controls import QtLayerControlsContainer
    from napari.components import ViewerModel
    from import Event

def _npe2_decode_selected_filter(
    ext_str: str, selected_filter: str, writers: Sequence[WriterContribution]
) -> Optional[WriterContribution]:
    """Determine the writer that should be invoked to save data.

    When npe2 can be imported, resolves a selected file extension
    string into a specific writer. Otherwise, returns None.
    # When npe2 is not present, `writers` is expected to be an empty list,
    # `[]`. This function will return None.

    for entry, writer in zip(
        if entry.startswith(selected_filter):
            return writer
    return None

def _extension_string_for_layers(
    layers: Sequence[Layer],
) -> tuple[str, list[WriterContribution]]:
    """Return an extension string and the list of corresponding writers.

    The extension string is a ";;" delimeted string of entries. Each entry
    has a brief description of the file type and a list of extensions.

    The writers, when provided, are the
    objects. There is one writer per entry in the extension string. If npe2
    is not importable, the list of writers will be empty.
    # try to use npe2
    ext_str, writers = _npe2.file_extensions_string_for_layers(layers)
    if ext_str:
        return ext_str, writers

    # fallback to old behavior

    if len(layers) == 1:
        selected_layer = layers[0]
        # single selected layer.
        if selected_layer._type_string == 'image':
            ext = imsave_extensions()

            ext_list = [f'*{val}' for val in ext]
            ext_str = ';;'.join(ext_list)

            ext_str = trans._(
                'All Files (*);; Image file types:;;{ext_str}',

        elif selected_layer._type_string == 'points':
            ext_str = trans._('All Files (*);; *.csv;;')

            # layer other than image or points
            ext_str = trans._('All Files (*);;')

        # multiple layers.
        ext_str = trans._('All Files (*);;')
    return ext_str, []

[docs] class QtViewer(QSplitter): """Qt view for the napari Viewer model. Parameters ---------- viewer : napari.components.ViewerModel Napari viewer containing the rendered scene, layers, and controls. show_welcome_screen : bool, optional Flag to show a welcome message when no layers are present in the canvas. Default is `False`. canvas_class : napari._vispy.canvas.VispyCanvas The VispyCanvas class providing the Vispy SceneCanvas. Users can also have a custom canvas here. Attributes ---------- canvas : napari._vispy.canvas.VispyCanvas The VispyCanvas class providing the Vispy SceneCanvas. Users can also have a custom canvas here. dims : napari.qt_dims.QtDims Dimension sliders; Qt View for Dims model. show_welcome_screen : bool Boolean indicating whether to show the welcome screen. viewer : napari.components.ViewerModel Napari viewer containing the rendered scene, layers, and controls. _key_map_handler : napari.utils.key_bindings.KeymapHandler KeymapHandler handling the calling functionality when keys are pressed that have a callback function mapped _qt_poll : Optional[napari._qt.experimental.qt_poll.QtPoll] A QtPoll object required for the monitor. _remote_manager : napari.components.experimental.remote.RemoteManager A remote manager processing commands from remote clients and sending out messages when polled. _welcome_widget : napari._qt.widgets.qt_welcome.QtWidgetOverlay QtWidgetOverlay providing the stacked widgets for the welcome page. """ _instances = WeakSet() def __init__( self, viewer: ViewerModel, show_welcome_screen: bool = False, canvas_class: type[VispyCanvas] = VispyCanvas, ) -> None: super().__init__() self._instances.add(self) self.setAttribute(Qt.WidgetAttribute.WA_DeleteOnClose) self._show_welcome_screen = show_welcome_screen QCoreApplication.setAttribute( Qt.AA_UseStyleSheetPropagationInWidgetStyles, True ) self.viewer = viewer self.dims = QtDims(self.viewer.dims) self._controls = None self._layers = None self._layersButtons = None self._viewerButtons = None self._key_map_handler = KeymapHandler() self._key_map_handler.keymap_providers = [self.viewer] self._console_backlog = [] self._console = None self._dockLayerList = None self._dockLayerControls = None self._dockConsole = None self._dockPerformance = None # This dictionary holds the corresponding vispy visual for each layer self.canvas = canvas_class( viewer=viewer, parent=self, key_map_handler=self._key_map_handler, size=self.viewer._canvas_size, autoswap=get_settings().experimental.autoswap_buffers, # see #5734 ) # Stacked widget to provide a welcome page self._welcome_widget = QtWidgetOverlay(self, self.canvas.native) self._welcome_widget.set_welcome_visible(show_welcome_screen) self._welcome_widget.sig_dropped.connect(self.dropEvent) self._welcome_widget.leave.connect(self._leave_canvas) self._welcome_widget.enter.connect(self._enter_canvas) main_widget = QWidget() main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 2, 0, 2) main_layout.addWidget(self._welcome_widget) main_layout.addWidget(self.dims) main_layout.setSpacing(0) main_widget.setLayout(main_layout) self.setOrientation(Qt.Orientation.Vertical) self.addWidget(main_widget) self._on_active_change() self._on_active_change ) self.setAcceptDrops(True) # Create the experimental QtPool for the monitor. self._qt_poll = _create_qt_poll(self, # Create the experimental RemoteManager for the monitor. self._remote_manager = _create_remote_manager( self.viewer.layers, self._qt_poll ) # bind shortcuts stored in settings last. self._bind_shortcuts() settings = get_settings() self._update_dask_cache_settings(settings.application.dask) self._update_dask_cache_settings ) for layer in self.viewer.layers: self._add_layer(layer) @property def view(self): """ Rectangular vispy viewbox widget in which a subscene is rendered. Access directly within the QtViewer will become deprecated. """ warnings.warn( trans._( 'Access to QtViewer.view is deprecated since 0.5.0 and will be removed in the napari 0.6.0. Change to QtViewer.canvas.view instead.' ), FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.canvas.view @property def camera(self): """ The Vispy camera class which contains both the 2d and 3d camera used to describe the perspective by which a scene is viewed and interacted with. Access directly within the QtViewer will become deprecated. """ warnings.warn( trans._( 'Access to will become deprecated in the 0.6.0. Change to instead.' ), FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return @property def chunk_receiver(self) -> None: warnings.warn( trans._( 'QtViewer.chunk_receiver is deprecated in version 0.5 and will be removed in a later version. ' 'More generally the old approach to async loading was removed in version 0.5 so this value is always None. ' 'If you need to specifically use the old approach, continue to use the latest 0.4 release.' ), DeprecationWarning, ) @staticmethod def _update_dask_cache_settings( dask_setting: Union[DaskSettings, Event] = None, ): """Update dask cache to match settings.""" if not dask_setting: return if not isinstance(dask_setting, DaskSettings): dask_setting = get_settings().application.dask enabled = dask_setting.enabled size = dask_setting.cache resize_dask_cache(int(int(enabled) * size * 1e9)) @property def controls(self) -> QtLayerControlsContainer: """Qt view for GUI controls.""" if self._controls is None: # Avoid circular import. from napari._qt.layer_controls import QtLayerControlsContainer self._controls = QtLayerControlsContainer(self.viewer) return self._controls @property def layers(self) -> QtLayerList: """Qt view for LayerList controls.""" if self._layers is None: self._layers = QtLayerList(self.viewer.layers) return self._layers @property def layerButtons(self) -> QtLayerButtons: """Button controls for napari layers.""" if self._layersButtons is None: self._layersButtons = QtLayerButtons(self.viewer) return self._layersButtons @property def viewerButtons(self) -> QtViewerButtons: """Button controls for the napari viewer.""" if self._viewerButtons is None: self._viewerButtons = QtViewerButtons(self.viewer) return self._viewerButtons @property def dockLayerList(self) -> QtViewerDockWidget: """QWidget wrapped in a QDockWidget with forwarded viewer events.""" if self._dockLayerList is None: layerList = QWidget() layerList.setObjectName('layerList') layerListLayout = QVBoxLayout() layerListLayout.addWidget(self.layerButtons) layerListLayout.addWidget(self.layers) layerListLayout.addWidget(self.viewerButtons) layerListLayout.setContentsMargins(8, 4, 8, 6) layerList.setLayout(layerListLayout) self._dockLayerList = QtViewerDockWidget( self, layerList, name=trans._('layer list'), area='left', allowed_areas=['left', 'right'], object_name='layer list', close_btn=False, ) return self._dockLayerList @property def dockLayerControls(self) -> QtViewerDockWidget: """QWidget wrapped in a QDockWidget with forwarded viewer events.""" if self._dockLayerControls is None: self._dockLayerControls = QtViewerDockWidget( self, self.controls, name=trans._('layer controls'), area='left', allowed_areas=['left', 'right'], object_name='layer controls', close_btn=False, ) return self._dockLayerControls @property def dockConsole(self) -> QtViewerDockWidget: """QWidget wrapped in a QDockWidget with forwarded viewer events.""" if self._dockConsole is None: self._dockConsole = QtViewerDockWidget( self, QWidget(), name=trans._('console'), area='bottom', allowed_areas=['top', 'bottom'], object_name='console', close_btn=False, ) self._dockConsole.setVisible(False) self._dockConsole.visibilityChanged.connect(self._ensure_connect) return self._dockConsole @property def dockPerformance(self) -> QtViewerDockWidget: if self._dockPerformance is None: self._dockPerformance = self._create_performance_dock_widget() return self._dockPerformance @property def layer_to_visual(self): """Mapping of Napari layer to Vispy layer. Added for backward compatibility""" return self.canvas.layer_to_visual def _leave_canvas(self): """disable status on canvas leave""" self.viewer.status = '' self.viewer.mouse_over_canvas = False def _enter_canvas(self): """enable status on canvas enter""" self.viewer.status = 'Ready' self.viewer.mouse_over_canvas = True def _ensure_connect(self): # lazy load console id(self.console) def _bind_shortcuts(self): """Bind shortcuts stored in SETTINGS to actions.""" for action, shortcuts in get_settings().shortcuts.shortcuts.items(): action_manager.unbind_shortcut(action) for shortcut in shortcuts: action_manager.bind_shortcut(action, shortcut) def _create_performance_dock_widget(self): """Create the dock widget that shows performance metrics.""" if perf.perf_config is not None: return QtViewerDockWidget( self, QtPerformance(), name=trans._('performance'), area='bottom', ) return None def _weakref_if_possible(self, obj): """Create a weakref to obj. Parameters ---------- obj : object Cannot create weakrefs to many Python built-in datatypes such as list, dict, str. From "Objects which support weak references include class instances, functions written in Python (but not in C), instance methods, sets, frozensets, some file objects, generators, type objects, sockets, arrays, deques, regular expression pattern objects, and code objects." Returns ------- weakref or object Returns a weakref if possible. """ try: newref = ref(obj) except TypeError: newref = obj return newref def _unwrap_if_weakref(self, value): """Return value or if that is weakref the object referenced by value. Parameters ---------- value : object or weakref No-op for types other than weakref. Returns ------- unwrapped: object or None Returns referenced object, or None if weakref is dead. """ unwrapped = value() if isinstance(value, ref) else value return unwrapped
[docs] def add_to_console_backlog(self, variables): """Save variables for pushing to console when it is instantiated. This function will create weakrefs when possible to avoid holding on to too much memory unnecessarily. Parameters ---------- variables : dict, str or list/tuple of str The variables to inject into the console's namespace. If a dict, a simple update is done. If a str, the string is assumed to have variable names separated by spaces. A list/tuple of str can also be used to give the variable names. If just the variable names are give (list/tuple/str) then the variable values looked up in the callers frame. """ if isinstance(variables, (str, list, tuple)): if isinstance(variables, str): vlist = variables.split() else: vlist = variables vdict = {} cf = sys._getframe(2) for name in vlist: try: vdict[name] = eval(name, cf.f_globals, cf.f_locals) except NameError: logging.warning( 'Could not get variable %s from %s', name, cf.f_code.co_name, ) elif isinstance(variables, dict): vdict = variables else: raise TypeError('variables must be a dict/str/list/tuple') # weakly reference values if possible new_dict = {k: self._weakref_if_possible(v) for k, v in vdict.items()} self.console_backlog.append(new_dict)
@property def console_backlog(self): """List: items to push to console when instantiated.""" return self._console_backlog def _get_console(self) -> Optional[QtConsole]: """Function to setup console. Returns ------- console : QtConsole or None The napari console. Notes _____ _get_console extracted to separate function to simplify testing. """ try: import numpy as np # QtConsole imports debugpy that overwrites default breakpoint. # It makes problems with debugging if you do not know this. # So we do not want to overwrite it if it is already set. breakpoint_handler = sys.breakpointhook from napari_console import QtConsole sys.breakpointhook = breakpoint_handler import napari with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') console = QtConsole(self.viewer) console.push( {'napari': napari, 'action_manager': action_manager} ) with CallerFrame(_in_napari) as c: if c.frame.f_globals.get('__name__', '') == '__main__': console.push({'np': np}) for i in self.console_backlog: # recover weak refs console.push( { k: self._unwrap_if_weakref(v) for k, v in i.items() if self._unwrap_if_weakref(v) is not None } ) return console except ModuleNotFoundError: warnings.warn( trans._( 'napari-console not found. It can be installed with' ' "pip install napari_console"' ), stacklevel=1, ) return None except ImportError: traceback.print_exc() warnings.warn( trans._( 'error importing napari-console. See console for full error.' ), stacklevel=1, ) return None @property def console(self): """QtConsole: iPython console terminal integrated into the napari GUI.""" if self._console is None: self.console = self._get_console() self._console_backlog = [] return self._console @console.setter def console(self, console): self._console = console if console is not None: self.dockConsole.setWidget(console) console.setParent(self.dockConsole) @ensure_main_thread def _on_slice_ready(self, event): """Callback connected to ``. Provides updates after slicing using the slice response data. This only gets triggered on the async slicing path. """ responses: dict[weakref.ReferenceType[Layer], Any] = event.value logging.debug('QtViewer._on_slice_ready: %s', responses) for weak_layer, response in responses.items(): if layer := weak_layer(): # Update the layer slice state to temporarily support behavior # that depends on it. layer._update_slice_response(response) # Update the layer's loaded state before everything else, # because they may rely on its updated value. layer._update_loaded_slice_id(response.request_id) # The rest of `Layer.refresh` after `set_view_slice`, where # `set_data` notifies the corresponding vispy layer of the new # slice. layer._update_thumbnail() layer._set_highlight(force=True) def _on_active_change(self): """When active layer changes change keymap handler.""" self._key_map_handler.keymap_providers = ( [self.viewer] if is None else [, self.viewer] ) def _on_add_layer_change(self, event): """When a layer is added, set its parent and order. Parameters ---------- event : napari.utils.event.Event The napari event that triggered this method. """ layer = event.value self._add_layer(layer) def _add_layer(self, layer): """When a layer is added, set its parent and order. Parameters ---------- layer : napari.layers.Layer Layer to be added. """ vispy_layer = create_vispy_layer(layer) # QtPoll is experimental. if self._qt_poll is not None: # QtPoll will call VipyBaseImage._on_poll() when the camera # moves or the timer goes off. # In the other direction, some visuals need to tell QtPoll to # start polling. When they receive new data they need to be # polled to load it, even if the camera is not moving. if is not None: self.canvas.add_layer_visual_mapping(layer, vispy_layer) def _remove_invalid_chars(self, selected_layer_name): """Removes invalid characters from selected layer name to suggest a filename. Parameters ---------- selected_layer_name : str The selected napari layer name. Returns ------- suggested_name : str Suggested name from input selected layer name, without invalid characters. """ unprintable_ascii_chars = ( '\x00', '\x01', '\x02', '\x03', '\x04', '\x05', '\x06', '\x07', '\x08', '\x0e', '\x0f', '\x10', '\x11', '\x12', '\x13', '\x14', '\x15', '\x16', '\x17', '\x18', '\x19', '\x1a', '\x1b', '\x1c', '\x1d', '\x1e', '\x1f', '\x7f', ) invalid_characters = ( ''.join(unprintable_ascii_chars) + '/' + '\\' # invalid Windows filename character + ':*?"<>|\t\n\r\x0b\x0c' # invalid Windows path characters ) translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, invalid_characters), None) # Remove invalid characters suggested_name = selected_layer_name.translate(translation_table) return suggested_name def _save_layers_dialog(self, selected=False): """Save layers (all or selected) to disk, using ````. Parameters ---------- selected : bool If True, only layers that are selected in the viewer will be saved. By default, all layers are saved. """ msg = '' if not len(self.viewer.layers): msg = trans._('There are no layers in the viewer to save') elif selected and not len(self.viewer.layers.selection): msg = trans._( 'Please select one or more layers to save,' '\nor use "Save all layers..."' ) if msg: raise OSError(trans._('Nothing to save')) # prepare list of extensions for drop down menu. ext_str, writers = _extension_string_for_layers( list(self.viewer.layers.selection) if selected else self.viewer.layers ) msg = trans._('selected') if selected else trans._('all') dlg = QFileDialog() hist = get_save_history() dlg.setHistory(hist) # get the layer's name to use for a default name if only one layer is selected selected_layer_name = '' if is not None: selected_layer_name = selected_layer_name = self._remove_invalid_chars( selected_layer_name ) filename, selected_filter = dlg.getSaveFileName( self, # parent trans._('Save {msg} layers', msg=msg), # caption # home dir by default if selected all, home dir and file name if only 1 layer str( Path(hist[0]) / selected_layer_name ), # directory in PyQt, dir in PySide filter=ext_str, options=( QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog if in_ipython() else QFileDialog.Options() ), ) logging.debug( trans._( 'QFileDialog - filename: {filename} ' 'selected_filter: {selected_filter}', filename=filename or None, selected_filter=selected_filter or None, ) ) if filename: writer = _npe2_decode_selected_filter( ext_str, selected_filter, writers ) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wa: saved = filename, selected=selected, _writer=writer ) logging.debug('Saved %s', saved) error_messages = '\n'.join(str(x.message.args[0]) for x in wa) if not saved: raise OSError( trans._( 'File {filename} save failed.\n{error_messages}', deferred=True, filename=filename, error_messages=error_messages, ) ) update_save_history(saved[0]) def _update_welcome_screen(self): """Update welcome screen display based on layer count.""" if self._show_welcome_screen: self._welcome_widget.set_welcome_visible(not self.viewer.layers) def _screenshot(self, flash=True): """Capture a screenshot of the Vispy canvas. Parameters ---------- flash : bool Flag to indicate whether flash animation should be shown after the screenshot was captured. """ img = self.canvas.screenshot() if flash: from napari._qt.utils import add_flash_animation # Here we are actually applying the effect to the `_welcome_widget` # and not # the `native` widget because it does not work on the # `native` widget. It's probably because the widget is in a stack # with the `QtWelcomeWidget`. add_flash_animation(self._welcome_widget) return img
[docs] def screenshot(self, path=None, flash=True) -> np.ndarray: """Take currently displayed screen and convert to an image array. Parameters ---------- path : str Filename for saving screenshot image. flash : bool Flag to indicate whether flash animation should be shown after the screenshot was captured. Returns ------- image : array Numpy array of type ubyte and shape (h, w, 4). Index [0, 0] is the upper-left corner of the rendered region. """ img = QImg2array(self._screenshot(flash)) if path is not None: imsave(path, img) # scikit-image imsave method return img
[docs] def clipboard(self, flash=True): """Take a screenshot of the currently displayed screen and copy the image to the clipboard. Parameters ---------- flash : bool Flag to indicate whether flash animation should be shown after the screenshot was captured. """ cb = QGuiApplication.clipboard() cb.setImage(self._screenshot(flash))
def _screenshot_dialog(self): """Save screenshot of current display, default .png""" hist = get_save_history() dial = ScreenshotDialog(self.screenshot, self, hist[0], hist) if dial.exec_(): update_save_history(dial.selectedFiles()[0]) def _open_file_dialog_uni(self, caption: str) -> list[str]: """ Open dialog to get list of files from user """ dlg = QFileDialog() hist = get_open_history() dlg.setHistory(hist) open_kwargs = { 'parent': self, 'caption': caption, } if 'pyside' in QFileDialog.__module__.lower(): # PySide6 open_kwargs['dir'] = hist[0] else: open_kwargs['directory'] = hist[0] if in_ipython(): open_kwargs['options'] = QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog return dlg.getOpenFileNames(**open_kwargs)[0] def _open_files_dialog(self, choose_plugin=False, stack=False): """Add files from the menubar.""" filenames = self._open_file_dialog_uni(trans._('Select file(s)...')) if filenames: self._qt_open(filenames, choose_plugin=choose_plugin, stack=stack) update_open_history(filenames[0]) def _open_files_dialog_as_stack_dialog(self, choose_plugin=False): """Add files as a stack, from the menubar.""" return self._open_files_dialog(choose_plugin=choose_plugin, stack=True) def _open_folder_dialog(self, choose_plugin=False): """Add a folder of files from the menubar.""" dlg = QFileDialog() hist = get_open_history() dlg.setHistory(hist) folder = dlg.getExistingDirectory( self, trans._('Select folder...'), hist[0], # home dir by default ( QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog if in_ipython() else QFileDialog.Options() ), ) if folder not in {'', None}: self._qt_open([folder], stack=False, choose_plugin=choose_plugin) update_open_history(folder) def _qt_open( self, filenames: list[str], stack: Union[bool, list[list[str]]], choose_plugin: bool = False, plugin: Optional[str] = None, layer_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Open files, potentially popping reader dialog for plugin selection. Call and catch errors that could be fixed by user making a plugin choice. Parameters ---------- filenames : List[str] paths to open choose_plugin : bool True if user wants to explicitly choose the plugin else False stack : bool or list[list[str]] whether to stack files or not. Can also be a list containing files to stack. plugin : str plugin to use for reading layer_type : str layer type for opened layers """ if choose_plugin: handle_gui_reading( filenames, self, stack, plugin_override=choose_plugin, **kwargs ) return try: filenames, stack=stack, plugin=plugin, layer_type=layer_type, **kwargs, ) except ReaderPluginError as e: handle_gui_reading( filenames, self, stack, e.reader_plugin, e, layer_type=layer_type, **kwargs, ) except MultipleReaderError: handle_gui_reading(filenames, self, stack, **kwargs)
[docs] def toggle_console_visibility(self, event=None): """Toggle console visible and not visible. Imports the console the first time it is requested. """ if in_ipython() or in_jupyter(): return # force instantiation of console if not already instantiated _ = self.console viz = not self.dockConsole.isVisible() # modulate visibility at the dock widget level as console is dockable self.dockConsole.setVisible(viz) if self.dockConsole.isFloating(): self.dockConsole.setFloating(True) if viz: self.dockConsole.raise_() self.dockConsole.setFocus() self.viewerButtons.consoleButton.setProperty( 'expanded', self.dockConsole.isVisible() ) self.viewerButtons.consoleButton ) self.viewerButtons.consoleButton )
[docs] def set_welcome_visible(self, visible): """Show welcome screen widget.""" self._show_welcome_screen = visible self._welcome_widget.set_welcome_visible(visible)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Called whenever a key is pressed. Parameters ---------- event : qtpy.QtCore.QEvent Event from the Qt context. """ self.canvas._scene_canvas._backend._keyEvent(, event ) event.accept()
[docs] def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): """Called whenever a key is released. Parameters ---------- event : qtpy.QtCore.QEvent Event from the Qt context. """ self.canvas._scene_canvas._backend._keyEvent(, event ) event.accept()
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, event): """Ignore event if not dragging & dropping a file or URL to open. Using event.ignore() here allows the event to pass through the parent widget to its child widget, otherwise the parent widget would catch the event and not pass it on to the child widget. Parameters ---------- event : qtpy.QtCore.QDragEvent Event from the Qt context. """ if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): self._set_drag_status() event.accept() else: event.ignore()
def _set_drag_status(self): """Set dedicated status message when dragging files into viewer""" self.viewer.status = trans._( 'Hold <Alt> key to open plugin selection. Hold <Shift> to open files as stack.' ) def _image_from_clipboard(self): """Insert image from clipboard as a new layer if clipboard contains an image or link.""" cb = QGuiApplication.clipboard() if cb.mimeData().hasImage(): image = cb.image() if image.isNull(): return arr = QImg2array(image) self.viewer.add_image(arr) return if cb.mimeData().hasUrls(): show_info('No image in clipboard, trying to open link instead.') self._open_from_list_of_urls_data( cb.mimeData().urls(), stack=False, choose_plugin=False ) return if cb.mimeData().hasText(): show_info( 'No image in clipboard, trying to parse text in clipboard as a link.' ) url_list = [] for line in cb.mimeData().text().split('\n'): url = QUrl(line.strip()) if url.isEmpty(): continue if url.scheme() == '': url.setScheme('file') if url.isLocalFile() and not Path(url.toLocalFile()).exists(): break url_list.append(url) else: self._open_from_list_of_urls_data( url_list, stack=False, choose_plugin=False ) return show_info('No image or link in clipboard.')
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): """Add local files and web URLS with drag and drop. For each file, attempt to open with existing associated reader (if available). If no reader is associated or opening fails, and more than one reader is available, open dialog and ask user to choose among available readers. User can choose to persist this choice. Parameters ---------- event : qtpy.QtCore.QDropEvent Event from the Qt context. """ shift_down = ( QGuiApplication.keyboardModifiers() & Qt.KeyboardModifier.ShiftModifier ) alt_down = ( QGuiApplication.keyboardModifiers() & Qt.KeyboardModifier.AltModifier ) self._open_from_list_of_urls_data( event.mimeData().urls(), stack=bool(shift_down), choose_plugin=bool(alt_down), )
def _open_from_list_of_urls_data( self, urls_list: list[QUrl], stack: bool, choose_plugin: bool ): filenames = [] for url in urls_list: if url.isLocalFile(): # directories get a trailing "/", Path conversion removes it filenames.append(str(Path(url.toLocalFile()))) else: filenames.append(url.toString()) self._qt_open( filenames, stack=stack, choose_plugin=choose_plugin, )
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """Cleanup and close. Parameters ---------- event : qtpy.QtCore.QCloseEvent Event from the Qt context. """ self.layers.close() # if the viewer.QtDims object is playing an axis, we need to terminate # the AnimationThread before close, otherwise it will cause a segFault # or Abort trap. (calling stop() when no animation is occurring is also # not a problem) self.dims.stop() self.canvas.delete() if self._console is not None: self.console.close() self.dockConsole.deleteLater() event.accept()
if TYPE_CHECKING: from napari._qt.experimental.qt_poll import QtPoll from napari.components.experimental.remote import RemoteManager def _create_qt_poll(parent: QObject, camera: Camera) -> Optional[QtPoll]: """Create and return a QtPoll instance, if needed. Create a QtPoll instance for the monitor. Monitor needs QtPoll to poll for incoming messages. This might be temporary until we can process incoming messages with a dedicated thread. Parameters ---------- parent : QObject Parent Qt object. camera : Camera Camera that the QtPoll object will listen to. Returns ------- Optional[QtPoll] The new QtPoll instance, if we need one. """ if not config.monitor: return None from napari._qt.experimental.qt_poll import QtPoll qt_poll = QtPoll(parent) return qt_poll def _create_remote_manager( layers: LayerList, qt_poll ) -> Optional[RemoteManager]: """Create and return a RemoteManager instance, if we need one. Parameters ---------- layers : LayersList The viewer's layers. qt_poll : QtPoll The viewer's QtPoll instance. """ if not config.monitor: return None # Not using the monitor at all from napari.components.experimental.monitor import monitor from napari.components.experimental.remote import RemoteManager # Start the monitor so we can access its events. The monitor has no # dependencies to napari except to utils.Event. started = monitor.start() if not started: return None # Probably not >= Python 3.9, so no manager is needed. # Create the remote manager and have monitor call its process_command() # method to execute commands from clients. manager = RemoteManager(layers) # RemoteManager will process incoming command from the monitor. monitor.run_command_event.connect(manager.process_command) # QtPoll should pool the RemoteManager and the Monitor. return manager def _in_napari(n: int, frame: FrameType): """ Determines whether we are in napari by looking at: 1) the frames modules names: 2) the min_depth """ if n < 2: return True # in-n-out is used in napari for dependency injection. for pref in {'napari.', 'in_n_out.'}: if frame.f_globals.get('__name__', '').startswith(pref): return True return False