Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import pathlib
import warnings
from logging import getLogger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from napari_plugin_engine import HookImplementation, PluginCallError

from napari.layers import Layer
from napari.plugins import _npe2, plugin_manager
from napari.types import LayerData
from napari.utils.misc import abspath_or_url
from napari.utils.translations import trans

logger = getLogger(__name__)
    from npe2.manifest.contributions import WriterContribution

def read_data_with_plugins(
    paths: Sequence[str],
    plugin: Optional[str] = None,
    stack: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[Optional[List[LayerData]], Optional[HookImplementation]]:
    """Iterate reader hooks and return first non-None LayerData or None.

    This function returns as soon as the path has been read successfully,
    while catching any plugin exceptions, storing them for later retrieval,
    providing useful error messages, and re-looping until either a read
    operation was successful, or no valid readers were found.

    Exceptions will be caught and stored as PluginErrors
    (in plugins.exceptions.PLUGIN_ERRORS)

    paths : str, or list of string
        The of path (file, directory, url) to open
    plugin : str, optional
        Name of a plugin to use.  If provided, will force ``path`` to be read
        with the specified ``plugin``.  If the requested plugin cannot read
        ``path``, a PluginCallError will be raised.
    stack : bool
        See ``

    LayerData : list of tuples, or None
        LayerData that can be passed to :func:`Viewer._add_layer_from_data()
        ``LayerData`` is a list tuples, where each tuple is one of
        ``(data,)``, ``(data, meta)``, or ``(data, meta, layer_type)`` .

        If no reader plugins were found (or they all failed), returns ``None``

        If ``plugin`` is specified but raises an Exception while reading.
    if plugin == 'builtins':
                'The "builtins" plugin name is deprecated and will not work in a future version. Please use "napari" instead.',
        plugin = 'napari'

    assert isinstance(paths, list)
    if not stack:
        assert len(paths) == 1
    hookimpl: Optional[HookImplementation]

    res =, plugin, stack=stack)
    if res is not None:
        _ld, hookimpl = res
        return [] if _is_null_layer_sentinel(_ld) else _ld, hookimpl

    hook_caller = plugin_manager.hook.napari_get_reader
    paths = [abspath_or_url(p, must_exist=True) for p in paths]
    if not plugin and not stack:
        extension = os.path.splitext(paths[0])[-1]
        plugin = plugin_manager.get_reader_for_extension(extension)

    # npe1 compact whether we are reading as stack or not is carried in the type
    # of paths
    npe1_path = paths if stack else paths[0]
    hookimpl = None
    if plugin:
        if plugin == 'napari':
            # napari is npe2 only
            message = trans._(
                'No plugin found capable of reading {repr_path!r}.',
            raise ValueError(message)

        if plugin not in plugin_manager.plugins:
            names = {i.plugin_name for i in hook_caller.get_hookimpls()}
            raise ValueError(
                    "There is no registered plugin named '{plugin}'.\nNames of plugins offering readers are: {names}",
        reader = hook_caller._call_plugin(plugin, path=npe1_path)
        if not callable(reader):
            raise ValueError(
                    'Plugin {plugin!r} does not support file(s) {paths}',

        hookimpl = hook_caller.get_plugin_implementation(plugin)
        layer_data = reader(npe1_path)
        # if the reader returns a "null layer" sentinel indicating an empty
        # file, return an empty list, otherwise return the result or None
        if _is_null_layer_sentinel(layer_data):
            return [], hookimpl

        return layer_data or None, hookimpl

    layer_data = None
    result = hook_caller.call_with_result_obj(path=npe1_path)
    if reader := result.result:  # will raise exceptions if any occurred
            layer_data = reader(npe1_path)  # try to read data
            hookimpl = result.implementation
        except Exception as exc:  # noqa BLE001
            raise PluginCallError(result.implementation, cause=exc) from exc

    if not layer_data:
        # if layer_data is empty, it means no plugin could read path
        # we just want to provide some useful feedback, which includes
        # whether or not paths were passed to plugins as a list.
        if stack:
            message = trans._(
                'No plugin found capable of reading [{repr_path!r}, ...] as stack.',
            message = trans._(
                'No plugin found capable of reading {repr_path!r}.',

        # TODO: change to a warning notification in a later PR
        raise ValueError(message)

    # if the reader returns a "null layer" sentinel indicating an empty file,
    # return an empty list, otherwise return the result or None
    _data = [] if _is_null_layer_sentinel(layer_data) else layer_data or None
    return _data, hookimpl

[docs]def save_layers( path: str, layers: List[Layer], *, plugin: Optional[str] = None, _writer: Optional[WriterContribution] = None, ) -> List[str]: """Write list of layers or individual layer to a path using writer plugins. If ``plugin`` is not provided and only one layer is passed, then we directly call ``plugin_manager.hook.napari_write_<layer>()`` which will loop through implementations and stop when the first one returns a non-None result. The order in which implementations are called can be changed with the hook ``bring_to_front`` method, for instance: ``plugin_manager.hook.napari_write_points.bring_to_front`` If ``plugin`` is not provided and multiple layers are passed, then we call ``plugin_manager.hook.napari_get_writer()`` which loops through plugins to find the first one that knows how to handle the combination of layers and is able to write the file. If no plugins offer ``napari_get_writer`` for that combination of layers then the builtin ``napari_get_writer`` implementation will create a folder and call ``napari_write_<layer>`` for each layer using the ```` variable to modify the path such that the layers are written to unique files in the folder. If ``plugin`` is provided and a single layer is passed, then we call the ``napari_write_<layer_type>`` for that plugin, and if it fails we error. If a ``plugin`` is provided and multiple layers are passed, then we call we call ``napari_get_writer`` for that plugin, and if it doesn`t return a WriterFunction we error, otherwise we call it and if that fails if it we error. Parameters ---------- path : str A filepath, directory, or URL to open. layers : List[layers.Layer] Non-empty List of layers to be saved. If only a single layer is passed then we use the hook specification corresponding to its layer type, ``napari_write_<layer_type>``. If multiple layers are passed then we use the ``napari_get_writer`` hook specification. Warns when the list of layers is empty. plugin : str, optional Name of the plugin to use for saving. If None then all plugins corresponding to appropriate hook specification will be looped through to find the first one that can save the data. Returns ------- list of str File paths of any files that were written. """ writer_name = '' if len(layers) > 1: written, writer_name = _write_multiple_layers_with_plugins( path, layers, plugin_name=plugin, _writer=_writer ) elif len(layers) == 1: _written, writer_name = _write_single_layer_with_plugins( path, layers[0], plugin_name=plugin, _writer=_writer ) written = [_written] if _written else [] else: warnings.warn(trans._("No layers to write.")) return [] # If written is empty, something went wrong. # Generate a warning to tell the user what it was. if not written: if writer_name: warnings.warn( trans._( "Plugin \'{name}\' was selected but did not return any written paths.", deferred=True, name=writer_name, ) ) else: warnings.warn( trans._( 'No data written! A plugin could not be found to write these {length} layers to {path}.', deferred=True, length=len(layers), path=path, ) ) return written
def _is_null_layer_sentinel(layer_data: Any) -> bool: """Checks if the layer data returned from a reader function indicates an empty file. The sentinel value used for this is ``[(None,)]``. Parameters ---------- layer_data : LayerData The layer data returned from a reader function to check Returns ------- bool True, if the layer_data indicates an empty file, False otherwise """ return ( isinstance(layer_data, list) and len(layer_data) == 1 and isinstance(layer_data[0], tuple) and len(layer_data[0]) == 1 and layer_data[0][0] is None ) def _write_multiple_layers_with_plugins( path: str, layers: List[Layer], *, plugin_name: Optional[str] = None, _writer: Optional[WriterContribution] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[str], str]: """Write data from multiple layers data with a plugin. If a ``plugin_name`` is not provided we loop through plugins to find the first one that knows how to handle the combination of layers and is able to write the file. If no plugins offer ``napari_get_writer`` for that combination of layers then the default ``napari_get_writer`` will create a folder and call ``napari_write_<layer>`` for each layer using the ```` variable to modify the path such that the layers are written to unique files in the folder. If a ``plugin_name`` is provided, then call ``napari_get_writer`` for that plugin. If it doesn`t return a ``WriterFunction`` we error, otherwise we call it and if that fails if it we error. Exceptions will be caught and stored as PluginErrors (in plugins.exceptions.PLUGIN_ERRORS) Parameters ---------- path : str The path (file, directory, url) to write. layers : List of napari.layers.Layer List of napari layers to write. plugin_name : str, optional If provided, force the plugin manager to use the ``napari_get_writer`` from the requested ``plugin_name``. If none is available, or if it is incapable of handling the layers, this function will fail. Returns ------- (written paths, writer name) as Tuple[List[str],str] written paths: List[str] Empty list when no plugin was found, otherwise a list of file paths, if any, that were written. writer name: str Name of the plugin selected to write the data. """ # Try to use NPE2 first written_paths, writer_name = _npe2.write_layers( path, layers, plugin_name, _writer ) if written_paths or writer_name: return (written_paths, writer_name) logger.debug("Falling back to original plugin engine.") layer_data = [layer.as_layer_data_tuple() for layer in layers] layer_types = [ld[2] for ld in layer_data] if not plugin_name and isinstance(path, (str, pathlib.Path)): extension = os.path.splitext(path)[-1] plugin_name = plugin_manager.get_writer_for_extension(extension) hook_caller = plugin_manager.hook.napari_get_writer path = abspath_or_url(path) logger.debug("Writing to %s. Hook caller: %s", path, hook_caller) if plugin_name: # if plugin has been specified we just directly call napari_get_writer # with that plugin_name. if plugin_name not in plugin_manager.plugins: names = {i.plugin_name for i in hook_caller.get_hookimpls()} raise ValueError( trans._( "There is no registered plugin named '{plugin_name}'.\nNames of plugins offering writers are: {names}", deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, names=names, ) ) implementation = hook_caller.get_plugin_implementation(plugin_name) writer_function = hook_caller( _plugin=plugin_name, path=path, layer_types=layer_types ) else: result = hook_caller.call_with_result_obj( path=path, layer_types=layer_types, _return_impl=True ) writer_function = result.result implementation = result.implementation if not callable(writer_function): if plugin_name: msg = trans._( 'Requested plugin "{plugin_name}" is not capable of writing this combination of layer types: {layer_types}', deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, layer_types=layer_types, ) else: msg = trans._( 'Unable to find plugin capable of writing this combination of layer types: {layer_types}', deferred=True, layer_types=layer_types, ) raise TypeError(msg) try: return ( writer_function(abspath_or_url(path), layer_data), implementation.plugin_name, ) except Exception as exc: # noqa: BLE001 raise PluginCallError(implementation, cause=exc) from exc def _write_single_layer_with_plugins( path: str, layer: Layer, *, plugin_name: Optional[str] = None, _writer: Optional[WriterContribution] = None, ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]: """Write single layer data with a plugin. If ``plugin_name`` is not provided then we just directly call ``plugin_manager.hook.napari_write_<layer>()`` which will loop through implementations and stop when the first one returns a non-None result. The order in which implementations are called can be changed with the implementation sorter/disabler. If ``plugin_name`` is provided, then we call the ``napari_write_<layer_type>`` for that plugin, and if it fails we error. Exceptions will be caught and stored as PluginErrors (in plugins.exceptions.PLUGIN_ERRORS) Parameters ---------- path : str The path (file, directory, url) to write. layer : napari.layers.Layer Layer to be written out. plugin_name : str, optional Name of the plugin to write data with. If None then all plugins corresponding to appropriate hook specification will be looped through to find the first one that can write the data. Returns ------- (written path, writer name) as Tuple[List[str],str] written path: Optional[str] If data is successfully written, return the ``path`` that was written. Otherwise, if nothing was done, return ``None``. writer name: str Name of the plugin selected to write the data. """ # Try to use NPE2 first written_paths, writer_name = _npe2.write_layers( path, [layer], plugin_name, _writer ) if writer_name: return (written_paths[0], writer_name) logger.debug("Falling back to original plugin engine.") hook_caller = getattr( plugin_manager.hook, f'napari_write_{layer._type_string}' ) if not plugin_name and isinstance(path, (str, pathlib.Path)): extension = os.path.splitext(path)[-1] plugin_name = plugin_manager.get_writer_for_extension(extension) logger.debug("Writing to %s. Hook caller: %s", path, hook_caller) if plugin_name and (plugin_name not in plugin_manager.plugins): names = {i.plugin_name for i in hook_caller.get_hookimpls()} raise ValueError( trans._( "There is no registered plugin named '{plugin_name}'.\nPlugins capable of writing layer._type_string layers are: {names}", deferred=True, plugin_name=plugin_name, names=names, ) ) # Call the hook_caller written_path = hook_caller( _plugin=plugin_name, path=abspath_or_url(path),, meta=layer._get_state(), ) # type: Optional[str] return (written_path, plugin_name or '')