Source code for napari.layers.tracks.tracks

# from napari.layers.base.base import Layer
# from import Event
# from napari.utils.colormaps import AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS

from typing import Dict, List, Union
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from napari.layers.base import Layer
from napari.layers.tracks._track_utils import TrackManager
from napari.utils.colormaps import AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS, Colormap
from import Event
from napari.utils.translations import trans

[docs]class Tracks(Layer): """Tracks layer. Parameters ---------- data : array (N, D+1) Coordinates for N points in D+1 dimensions. ID,T,(Z),Y,X. The first axis is the integer ID of the track. D is either 3 or 4 for planar or volumetric timeseries respectively. features : Dataframe-like Features table where each row corresponds to a point and each column is a feature. properties : dict {str: array (N,)}, DataFrame Properties for each point. Each property should be an array of length N, where N is the number of points. graph : dict {int: list} Graph representing associations between tracks. Dictionary defines the mapping between a track ID and the parents of the track. This can be one (the track has one parent, and the parent has >=1 child) in the case of track splitting, or more than one (the track has multiple parents, but only one child) in the case of track merging. See examples/ color_by : str Track property (from property keys) by which to color vertices. tail_width : float Width of the track tails in pixels. tail_length : float Length of the positive (backward in time) tails in units of time. head_length : float Length of the positive (forward in time) tails in units of time. colormap : str Default colormap to use to set vertex colors. Specialized colormaps, relating to specified properties can be passed to the layer via colormaps_dict. colormaps_dict : dict {str: napari.utils.Colormap} Optional dictionary mapping each property to a colormap for that property. This allows each property to be assigned a specific colormap, rather than having a global colormap for everything. name : str Name of the layer. metadata : dict Layer metadata. scale : tuple of float Scale factors for the layer. translate : tuple of float Translation values for the layer. rotate : float, 3-tuple of float, or n-D array. If a float convert into a 2D rotation matrix using that value as an angle. If 3-tuple convert into a 3D rotation matrix, using a yaw, pitch, roll convention. Otherwise assume an nD rotation. Angles are assumed to be in degrees. They can be converted from radians with np.degrees if needed. shear : 1-D array or n-D array Either a vector of upper triangular values, or an nD shear matrix with ones along the main diagonal. affine : n-D array or napari.utils.transforms.Affine (N+1, N+1) affine transformation matrix in homogeneous coordinates. The first (N, N) entries correspond to a linear transform and the final column is a length N translation vector and a 1 or a napari `Affine` transform object. Applied as an extra transform on top of the provided scale, rotate, and shear values. opacity : float Opacity of the layer visual, between 0.0 and 1.0. blending : str One of a list of preset blending modes that determines how RGB and alpha values of the layer visual get mixed. Allowed values are {'opaque', 'translucent', and 'additive'}. visible : bool Whether the layer visual is currently being displayed. cache : bool Whether slices of out-of-core datasets should be cached upon retrieval. Currently, this only applies to dask arrays. """ # The max number of tracks that will ever be used to render the thumbnail # If more tracks are present then they are randomly subsampled _max_tracks_thumbnail = 1024 def __init__( self, data, *, features=None, properties=None, graph=None, tail_width=2, tail_length=30, head_length=0, name=None, metadata=None, scale=None, translate=None, rotate=None, shear=None, affine=None, opacity=1, blending='additive', visible=True, colormap='turbo', color_by='track_id', colormaps_dict=None, cache=True, experimental_clipping_planes=None, ) -> None: # if not provided with any data, set up an empty layer in 2D+t # otherwise convert the data to an np.ndarray data = np.empty((0, 4)) if data is None else np.asarray(data) # set the track data dimensions (remove ID from data) ndim = data.shape[1] - 1 super().__init__( data, ndim, name=name, metadata=metadata, scale=scale, translate=translate, rotate=rotate, shear=shear, affine=affine, opacity=opacity, blending=blending, visible=visible, cache=cache, experimental_clipping_planes=experimental_clipping_planes, ) tail_width=Event, tail_length=Event, head_length=Event, display_id=Event, display_tail=Event, display_graph=Event, color_by=Event, colormap=Event, properties=Event, rebuild_tracks=Event, rebuild_graph=Event, ) # track manager deals with data slicing, graph building and properties self._manager = TrackManager() self._track_colors = None self._colormaps_dict = colormaps_dict or {} # additional colormaps self._color_by = color_by # default color by ID self._colormap = colormap # use this to update shaders when the displayed dims change self._current_displayed_dims = None # track display default limits self._max_length = 300 self._max_width = 20 # track display properties self.tail_width = tail_width self.tail_length = tail_length self.head_length = head_length self.display_id = False self.display_tail = True self.display_graph = True # set the data, features, and graph = data if properties is not None: = properties else: self.features = features self.graph = graph or {} self.color_by = color_by self.colormap = colormap self.refresh() # reset the display before returning self._current_displayed_dims = None @property def _extent_data(self) -> np.ndarray: """Extent of layer in data coordinates. Returns ------- extent_data : array, shape (2, D) """ if len( == 0: extrema = np.full((2, self.ndim), np.nan) else: maxs = np.max(, axis=0) mins = np.min(, axis=0) extrema = np.vstack([mins, maxs]) return extrema[:, 1:] def _get_ndim(self) -> int: """Determine number of dimensions of the layer.""" return self._manager.ndim def _get_state(self): """Get dictionary of layer state. Returns ------- state : dict Dictionary of layer state. """ state = self._get_base_state() state.update( { 'data':, 'properties':, 'graph': self.graph, 'color_by': self.color_by, 'colormap': self.colormap, 'colormaps_dict': self.colormaps_dict, 'tail_width': self.tail_width, 'tail_length': self.tail_length, 'head_length': self.head_length, 'features': self.features, } ) return state def _set_view_slice(self): """Sets the view given the indices to slice with.""" # if the displayed dims have changed, update the shader data dims_displayed = self._slice_input.displayed if dims_displayed != self._current_displayed_dims: # store the new dims self._current_displayed_dims = dims_displayed # fire the events to update the shaders return def _get_value(self, position) -> int: """Value of the data at a position in data coordinates. Use a kd-tree to lookup the ID of the nearest tree. Parameters ---------- position : tuple Position in data coordinates. Returns ------- value : int or None Index of track that is at the current coordinate if any. """ return self._manager.get_value(np.array(position)) def _update_thumbnail(self): """Update thumbnail with current points and colors.""" colormapped = np.zeros(self._thumbnail_shape) colormapped[..., 3] = 1 if self._view_data is not None and self.track_colors is not None: de = self._extent_data min_vals = [de[0, i] for i in self._slice_input.displayed] shape = np.ceil( [de[1, i] - de[0, i] + 1 for i in self._slice_input.displayed] ).astype(int) zoom_factor = np.divide( self._thumbnail_shape[:2], shape[-2:] ).min() if len(self._view_data) > self._max_tracks_thumbnail: thumbnail_indices = np.random.randint( 0, len(self._view_data), self._max_tracks_thumbnail ) points = self._view_data[thumbnail_indices] else: points = self._view_data thumbnail_indices = range(len(self._view_data)) # get the track coords here coords = np.floor( (points[:, :2] - min_vals[1:] + 0.5) * zoom_factor ).astype(int) coords = np.clip( coords, 0, np.subtract(self._thumbnail_shape[:2], 1) ) # modulate track colors as per colormap/current_time colors = self.track_colors[thumbnail_indices] times = self.track_times[thumbnail_indices] alpha = (self.head_length + self.current_time - times) / ( self.tail_length + self.head_length ) alpha[times > self.current_time] = 1.0 colors[:, -1] = np.clip(1.0 - alpha, 0.0, 1.0) colormapped[coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0]] = colors colormapped[..., 3] *= self.opacity self.thumbnail = colormapped @property def _view_data(self): """return a view of the data""" return self._pad_display_data(self._manager.track_vertices) @property def _view_graph(self): """return a view of the graph""" return self._pad_display_data(self._manager.graph_vertices) def _pad_display_data(self, vertices): """pad display data when moving between 2d and 3d""" if vertices is None: return None data = vertices[:, self._slice_input.displayed] # if we're only displaying two dimensions, then pad the display dim # with zeros if self._slice_input.ndisplay == 2: data = np.pad(data, ((0, 0), (0, 1)), 'constant') return data[:, (1, 0, 2)] # y, x, z -> x, y, z return data[:, (2, 1, 0)] # z, y, x -> x, y, z @property def current_time(self): """current time according to the first dimension""" # TODO(arl): get the correct index here time_step = self._slice_indices[0] if isinstance(time_step, slice): # if we are visualizing all time, then just set to the maximum # timestamp of the dataset return self._manager.max_time return time_step @property def use_fade(self) -> bool: """toggle whether we fade the tail of the track, depending on whether the time dimension is displayed""" return 0 in self._slice_input.not_displayed @property def data(self) -> np.ndarray: """array (N, D+1): Coordinates for N points in D+1 dimensions.""" return @data.setter def data(self, data: np.ndarray): """set the data and build the vispy arrays for display""" # set the data and build the tracks = data self._manager.build_tracks() # reset the properties and recolor the tracks self.features = {} self._recolor_tracks() # reset the graph self._manager.graph = {} self._manager.build_graph() # fire events to update shaders self._update_dims() self._reset_editable() @property def features(self): """Dataframe-like features table. It is an implementation detail that this is a `pandas.DataFrame`. In the future, we will target the currently-in-development Data API dataframe protocol [1]. This will enable us to use alternate libraries such as xarray or cuDF for additional features without breaking existing usage of this. If you need to specifically rely on the pandas API, please coerce this to a `pandas.DataFrame` using `features_to_pandas_dataframe`. References ---------- .. [1]: """ return self._manager.features @features.setter def features( self, features: Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], pd.DataFrame], ) -> None: self._manager.features = features self._check_color_by_in_features() @property def properties(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """dict {str: np.ndarray (N,)}: Properties for each track.""" return @property def properties_to_color_by(self) -> List[str]: """track properties that can be used for coloring etc...""" return list( @properties.setter def properties(self, properties: Dict[str, np.ndarray]): """set track properties""" self.features = properties @property def graph(self) -> Dict[int, Union[int, List[int]]]: """dict {int: list}: Graph representing associations between tracks.""" return self._manager.graph @graph.setter def graph(self, graph: Dict[int, Union[int, List[int]]]): """Set the track graph.""" self._manager.graph = graph self._manager.build_graph() @property def tail_width(self) -> Union[int, float]: """float: Width for all vectors in pixels.""" return self._tail_width @tail_width.setter def tail_width(self, tail_width: Union[int, float]): self._tail_width = np.clip(tail_width, 0.5, self._max_width) @property def tail_length(self) -> Union[int, float]: """float: Width for all vectors in pixels.""" return self._tail_length @tail_length.setter def tail_length(self, tail_length: Union[int, float]): if tail_length > self._max_length: self._max_length = tail_length self._tail_length = tail_length @property def head_length(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._head_length @head_length.setter def head_length(self, head_length: Union[int, float]): if head_length > self._max_length: self._max_length = head_length self._head_length = head_length @property def display_id(self) -> bool: """display the track id""" return self._display_id @display_id.setter def display_id(self, value: bool): self._display_id = value self.refresh() @property def display_tail(self) -> bool: """display the track tail""" return self._display_tail @display_tail.setter def display_tail(self, value: bool): self._display_tail = value @property def display_graph(self) -> bool: """display the graph edges""" return self._display_graph @display_graph.setter def display_graph(self, value: bool): self._display_graph = value @property def color_by(self) -> str: return self._color_by @color_by.setter def color_by(self, color_by: str): """set the property to color vertices by""" if color_by not in self.properties_to_color_by: raise ValueError( trans._( '{color_by} is not a valid property key', deferred=True, color_by=color_by, ) ) self._color_by = color_by self._recolor_tracks() @property def colormap(self) -> str: return self._colormap @colormap.setter def colormap(self, colormap: str): """set the default colormap""" if colormap not in AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS: raise ValueError( trans._( 'Colormap {colormap} not available', deferred=True, colormap=colormap, ) ) self._colormap = colormap self._recolor_tracks() @property def colormaps_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Colormap]: return self._colormaps_dict @colormaps_dict.setter def colomaps_dict(self, colormaps_dict: Dict[str, Colormap]): # validate the dictionary entries? self._colormaps_dict = colormaps_dict def _recolor_tracks(self): """recolor the tracks""" # this catch prevents a problem coloring the tracks if the data is # updated before the properties are. properties should always contain # a track_id key if self.color_by not in self.properties_to_color_by: self._color_by = 'track_id' # if we change the coloring, rebuild the vertex colors array vertex_properties = self._manager.vertex_properties(self.color_by) def _norm(p): return (p - np.min(p)) / np.max([1e-10, np.ptp(p)]) if self.color_by in self.colormaps_dict: colormap = self.colormaps_dict[self.color_by] else: # if we don't have a colormap, get one and scale the properties colormap = AVAILABLE_COLORMAPS[self.colormap] vertex_properties = _norm(vertex_properties) # actually set the vertex colors self._track_colors = @property def track_connex(self) -> np.ndarray: """vertex connections for drawing track lines""" return self._manager.track_connex @property def track_colors(self) -> np.ndarray: """return the vertex colors according to the currently selected property""" return self._track_colors @property def graph_connex(self) -> np.ndarray: """vertex connections for drawing the graph""" return self._manager.graph_connex @property def track_times(self) -> np.ndarray: """time points associated with each track vertex""" return self._manager.track_times @property def graph_times(self) -> np.ndarray: """time points associated with each graph vertex""" return self._manager.graph_times @property def track_labels(self) -> tuple: """return track labels at the current time""" labels, positions = self._manager.track_labels(self.current_time) # if there are no labels, return empty for vispy if not labels: return None, (None, None) padded_positions = self._pad_display_data(positions) return labels, padded_positions def _check_color_by_in_features(self): if self._color_by not in self.features.columns: warn( ( trans._( "Previous color_by key {key!r} not present in features. Falling back to track_id", deferred=True, key=self._color_by, ) ), UserWarning, ) self._color_by = 'track_id'