Source code for napari._qt.qt_main_window

Custom Qt widgets that serve as native objects that the public-facing elements

import contextlib
import inspect
import os
import sys
import time
import warnings
from typing import (
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

from qtpy.QtCore import (
from qtpy.QtGui import QIcon
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (
from superqt.utils import QSignalThrottler

from napari._app_model.constants import MenuId
from napari._qt import menus
from napari._qt._qapp_model import build_qmodel_menu
from napari._qt._qapp_model.qactions import init_qactions
from napari._qt.dialogs.confirm_close_dialog import ConfirmCloseDialog
from napari._qt.dialogs.qt_activity_dialog import QtActivityDialog
from napari._qt.dialogs.qt_notification import NapariQtNotification
from napari._qt.qt_event_loop import NAPARI_ICON_PATH, get_app, quit_app
from napari._qt.qt_resources import get_stylesheet
from napari._qt.qt_viewer import QtViewer
from napari._qt.utils import QImg2array, qbytearray_to_str, str_to_qbytearray
from napari._qt.widgets.qt_viewer_dock_widget import (
from napari._qt.widgets.qt_viewer_status_bar import ViewerStatusBar
from napari.plugins import (
    menu_item_template as plugin_menu_item_template,
from napari.settings import get_settings
from napari.utils import perf
from napari.utils._proxies import PublicOnlyProxy
from import imsave
from napari.utils.misc import (
from napari.utils.notifications import Notification
from napari.utils.theme import _themes, get_system_theme
from napari.utils.translations import trans

_sentinel = object()

    from magicgui.widgets import Widget
    from qtpy.QtGui import QImage

    from napari.viewer import Viewer

class _QtMainWindow(QMainWindow):
    # This was added so that someone can patch
    # `napari._qt.qt_main_window._QtMainWindow._window_icon`
    # to their desired window icon
    _window_icon = NAPARI_ICON_PATH

    # To track window instances and facilitate getting the "active" viewer...
    # We use this instead of QApplication.activeWindow for compatibility with
    # IPython usage. When you activate IPython, it will appear that there are
    # *no* active windows, so we want to track the most recently active windows
    _instances: ClassVar[List['_QtMainWindow']] = []

    # `window` is passed through on construction so it's available to a window
    # provider for dependency injection
    # See
    def __init__(
        self, viewer: 'Viewer', window: 'Window', parent=None
    ) -> None:
        self._ev = None
        self._window = window
        self._qt_viewer = QtViewer(viewer, show_welcome_screen=True)
        self._quit_app = False

        center = QWidget(self)
        center.layout().setContentsMargins(4, 0, 4, 0)


        self._maximized_flag = False
        self._window_size = None
        self._window_pos = None
        self._old_size = None
        self._positions = []
        self._toggle_menubar_visibility = False

        self._is_close_dialog = {False: True, True: True}
        # this ia sa workaround for #5335 issue. The dict is used to not
        # collide shortcuts for close and close all windows

        act_dlg = QtActivityDialog(self._qt_viewer._welcome_widget)
        self._activity_dialog = act_dlg


        # Prevent QLineEdit based widgets to keep focus even when clicks are
        # done outside the widget. See #1571

        settings = get_settings()

        # TODO:
        # settings.plugins.defaults.call_order = plugin_manager.call_order()

        # set the values in plugins to match the ones saved in settings
        if settings.plugins.call_order is not None:


        # since we initialize canvas before window,
        # we need to manually connect them again.
        handle = self.windowHandle()
        if handle is not None:

        # this is the line that initializes any Qt-based app-model Actions that
        # were defined somewhere in the `_qt` module and imported in init_qactions

        self.status_throttler = QSignalThrottler(parent=self)

    def _throttle_cursor_to_status_connection(self, viewer: 'Viewer'):
        # In the GUI we expect lots of changes to the cursor position, so
        # replace the direct connection with a throttled one.
        with contextlib.suppress(IndexError):

    def statusBar(self) -> 'ViewerStatusBar':
        return super().statusBar()

    def current(cls) -> Optional['_QtMainWindow']:
        return cls._instances[-1] if cls._instances else None

    def current_viewer(cls):
        window = cls.current()
        return window._qt_viewer.viewer if window else None

    def event(self, e: QEvent) -> bool:
        if (
            e.type() == QEvent.Type.ToolTip
            and self._qt_viewer.viewer.tooltip.visible
            # globalPos is for Qt5 e.globalPosition().toPoint() is for QT6
            pnt = (
                if hasattr(e, "globalPosition")
                else e.globalPos()
            QToolTip.showText(pnt, self._qt_viewer.viewer.tooltip.text, self)
        if e.type() == QEvent.Type.Close:
            # when we close the MainWindow, remove it from the instances list
            with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
        if e.type() in {QEvent.Type.WindowActivate, QEvent.Type.ZOrderChange}:
            # upon activation or raise_, put window at the end of _instances
            with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
                inst = _QtMainWindow._instances
        return super().event(e)

    def eventFilter(self, source, event):
        # Handle showing hidden menubar on mouse move event.
        # We do not hide menubar when a menu is being shown or
        # we are not in menubar toggled state
        if (
            QApplication.activePopupWidget() is None
            and self._toggle_menubar_visibility
            if event.type() == QEvent.MouseMove:
                if self.menuBar().isHidden():
                    rect = self.geometry()
                    # set mouse-sensitive zone to trigger showing the menubar
                    if rect.contains(event.globalPos()):
                    rect = QRect(
                        self.menuBar().mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)),
                    if not rect.contains(event.globalPos()):
            elif event.type() == QEvent.Leave and source is self:
        return QMainWindow.eventFilter(self, source, event)

    def _load_window_settings(self):
        Load window layout settings from configuration.
        settings = get_settings()
        window_position = settings.application.window_position

        # It's necessary to verify if the window/position value is valid with
        # the current screen.
        if not window_position:
            window_position = (self.x(), self.y())
            origin_x, origin_y = window_position
            screen = QApplication.screenAt(QPoint(origin_x, origin_y))
            screen_geo = screen.geometry() if screen else None
            if not screen_geo:
                window_position = (self.x(), self.y())

        return (

    def _get_window_settings(self):
        """Return current window settings.

        Symmetric to the 'set_window_settings' setter.

        window_fullscreen = self.isFullScreen()
        if window_fullscreen:
            window_maximized = self._maximized_flag
            window_maximized = self.isMaximized()

        window_state = qbytearray_to_str(self.saveState())
        return (
            self._window_size or (self.width(), self.height()),
            self._window_pos or (self.x(), self.y()),

    def _set_window_settings(
        Set window settings.

        Symmetric to the 'get_window_settings' accessor.

        if window_position:
            window_position = QPoint(*window_position)

        if window_size:
            window_size = QSize(*window_size)

        if window_state:

        # Toggling the console visibility is disabled when it is not
        # available, so ensure that it is hidden.
        if in_ipython() or in_jupyter() or in_python_repl():

        if window_fullscreen:
            self._maximized_flag = window_maximized
        elif window_maximized:


    def _save_current_window_settings(self):
        """Save the current geometry of the main window."""
        ) = self._get_window_settings()

        settings = get_settings()
        if settings.application.save_window_geometry:
            settings.application.window_maximized = window_maximized
            settings.application.window_fullscreen = window_fullscreen
            settings.application.window_position = window_position
            settings.application.window_size = window_size
            settings.application.window_statusbar = (
                not self.statusBar().isHidden()

        if settings.application.save_window_state:
            settings.application.window_state = window_state

    def close(self, quit_app=False, confirm_need=False):
        """Override to handle closing app or just the window."""
        if hasattr(self.status_throttler, "_timer"):
        if not quit_app and not self._qt_viewer.viewer.layers:
            return super().close()
        confirm_need_local = confirm_need and self._is_close_dialog[quit_app]
        self._is_close_dialog[quit_app] = False
        # here we save information that we could request confirmation on close
        # So fi function `close` is called again, we don't ask again but just close
        if (
            not confirm_need_local
            or not get_settings().application.confirm_close_window
            or ConfirmCloseDialog(self, quit_app).exec_() == QDialog.Accepted
            self._quit_app = quit_app
            self._is_close_dialog[quit_app] = True
            # here we inform that confirmation dialog is not open
            return super().close()
        self._is_close_dialog[quit_app] = True
        return None
        # here we inform that confirmation dialog is not open

    def close_window(self):
        """Close active dialog or active window."""
        parent = QApplication.focusWidget()
        while parent is not None:
            if isinstance(parent, QMainWindow):

            if isinstance(parent, QDialog):

                parent = parent.parent()
            except AttributeError:
                parent = getattr(parent, "_parent", None)

    def show(self, block=False):
        if block:
            self._ev = QEventLoop()

    def changeEvent(self, event):
        """Handle window state changes."""
        if event.type() == QEvent.Type.WindowStateChange:
            # TODO: handle maximization issue. When double clicking on the
            # title bar on Mac the resizeEvent is called an varying amount
            # of times which makes it hard to track the original size before
            # maximization.
            condition = (
                self.isMaximized() if == "nt" else self.isFullScreen()
            if condition and self._old_size is not None:
                if self._positions and len(self._positions) > 1:
                    self._window_pos = self._positions[-2]

                self._window_size = (
                self._old_size = None
                self._window_pos = None
                self._window_size = None
                self._positions = []


    def resizeEvent(self, event):
        """Override to handle original size before maximizing."""
        # the first resize event will have nonsense positions that we dont
        # want to store (and potentially restore)
        if event.oldSize().isValid():
            self._old_size = event.oldSize()
            self._positions.append((self.x(), self.y()))

            if self._positions and len(self._positions) >= 2:
                self._window_pos = self._positions[-2]
                self._positions = self._positions[-2:]


    def closeEvent(self, event):
        """This method will be called when the main window is closing.

        Regardless of whether cmd Q, cmd W, or the close button is used...
        if (
            and get_settings().application.confirm_close_window
            and self._qt_viewer.viewer.layers
            and ConfirmCloseDialog(self, False).exec_() != QDialog.Accepted

        if self._ev and self._ev.isRunning():

        # Close any floating dockwidgets
        for dock in self.findChildren(QtViewerDockWidget):
            if isinstance(dock, QWidget) and dock.isFloating():


        # On some versions of Darwin, exiting while fullscreen seems to tickle
        # some bug deep in NSWindow.  This forces the fullscreen keybinding
        # test to complete its draw cycle, then pop back out of fullscreen.
        if self.isFullScreen():
            for _ in range(5):


        if self._quit_app:


    def restart(self):
        """Restart the napari application in a detached process."""
        process = QProcess()

        if not running_as_constructor_app():


    def toggle_menubar_visibility(self):
        Change menubar to be shown or to be hidden and shown on mouse movement.

        For the mouse movement functionality see the `eventFilter` implementation.
        self._toggle_menubar_visibility = not self._toggle_menubar_visibility
        self.menuBar().setVisible(not self._toggle_menubar_visibility)
        return self._toggle_menubar_visibility

    def show_notification(notification: Notification):
        """Show notification coming from a thread."""

[docs]class Window: """Application window that contains the menu bar and viewer. Parameters ---------- viewer : napari.components.ViewerModel Contained viewer widget. Attributes ---------- file_menu : qtpy.QtWidgets.QMenu File menu. help_menu : qtpy.QtWidgets.QMenu Help menu. main_menu : qtpy.QtWidgets.QMainWindow.menuBar Main menubar. view_menu : qtpy.QtWidgets.QMenu View menu. window_menu : qtpy.QtWidgets.QMenu Window menu. """ def __init__(self, viewer: 'Viewer', *, show: bool = True) -> None: # create QApplication if it doesn't already exist qapp = get_app() # Dictionary holding dock widgets self._dock_widgets: Dict[ str, QtViewerDockWidget ] = WeakValueDictionary() self._unnamed_dockwidget_count = 1 # Connect the Viewer and create the Main Window self._qt_window = _QtMainWindow(viewer, self) qapp.installEventFilter(self._qt_window) # connect theme events before collecting plugin-provided themes # to ensure icons from the plugins are generated correctly. # discover any themes provided by plugins plugin_manager.discover_themes() self._setup_existing_themes() self._add_menus() self._update_theme() get_settings() self._add_viewer_dock_widget( self._qt_viewer.dockConsole, tabify=False, menu=self.window_menu ) self._add_viewer_dock_widget( self._qt_viewer.dockLayerControls, tabify=False, menu=self.window_menu, ) self._add_viewer_dock_widget( self._qt_viewer.dockLayerList, tabify=False, menu=self.window_menu ) if perf.USE_PERFMON: self._add_viewer_dock_widget( self._qt_viewer.dockPerformance, menu=self.window_menu ) if show: # Ensure the controls dock uses the minimum height self._qt_window.resizeDocks( [ self._qt_viewer.dockLayerControls, self._qt_viewer.dockLayerList, ], [self._qt_viewer.dockLayerControls.minimumHeight(), 10000], Qt.Orientation.Vertical, ) def _setup_existing_themes(self, connect: bool = True): """This function is only executed once at the startup of napari to connect events to themes that have not been connected yet. Parameters ---------- connect : bool Determines whether the `connect` or `disconnect` method should be used. """ for theme in _themes.values(): if connect: self._connect_theme(theme) else: self._disconnect_theme(theme) def _connect_theme(self, theme): # connect events to update theme. Here, we don't want to pass the event # since it won't have the right `value` attribute. lambda _: self._qt_viewer.canvas._set_theme_change( get_settings().appearance.theme ) ) # connect console-specific attributes only if QtConsole # is present. The `console` is called which might slow # things down a little. if self._qt_viewer._console: self._qt_viewer.console._update_theme ) def _disconnect_theme(self, theme): lambda _: self._qt_viewer.canvas._set_theme_change( get_settings().appearance.theme ) ) # disconnect console-specific attributes only if QtConsole # is present and they were previously connected if self._qt_viewer._console: self._qt_viewer.console._update_theme ) self._qt_viewer.console._update_theme ) def _add_theme(self, event): """Add new theme and connect events.""" theme = event.value self._connect_theme(theme) def _remove_theme(self, event): """Remove theme and disconnect events.""" theme = event.value self._disconnect_theme(theme) @property def qt_viewer(self): warnings.warn( trans._( 'Public access to Window.qt_viewer is deprecated and will be removed in\nv0.5.0. It is considered an "implementation detail" of the napari\napplication, not part of the napari viewer model. If your use case\nrequires access to qt_viewer, please open an issue to discuss.', deferred=True, ), category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._qt_window._qt_viewer @property def _qt_viewer(self): # this is starting to be "vestigial"... this property could be removed return self._qt_window._qt_viewer @property def _status_bar(self): # TODO: remove from window return self._qt_window.statusBar() def _add_menus(self): """Add menubar to napari app.""" # TODO: move this to _QMainWindow... but then all of the Menu() # items will not have easy access to the methods on this Window obj. self.main_menu = self._qt_window.menuBar() # Menubar shortcuts are only active when the menubar is visible. # Therefore, we set a global shortcut not associated with the menubar # to toggle visibility, *but*, in order to not shadow the menubar # shortcut, we disable it, and only enable it when the menubar is # hidden. See this stackoverflow link for details: # self._main_menu_shortcut = QShortcut('Ctrl+M', self._qt_window) self._main_menu_shortcut.setEnabled(False) self._main_menu_shortcut.activated.connect( self._toggle_menubar_visible ) self.file_menu = menus.FileMenu(self) self.main_menu.addMenu(self.file_menu) self.view_menu = build_qmodel_menu( MenuId.MENUBAR_VIEW, title=trans._('&View'), parent=self._qt_window ) self.main_menu.addMenu(self.view_menu) self.plugins_menu = menus.PluginsMenu(self) self.main_menu.addMenu(self.plugins_menu) self.window_menu = menus.WindowMenu(self) self.main_menu.addMenu(self.window_menu) self.help_menu = build_qmodel_menu( MenuId.MENUBAR_HELP, title=trans._('&Help'), parent=self._qt_window ) self.main_menu.addMenu(self.help_menu) if perf.USE_PERFMON: self._debug_menu = menus.DebugMenu(self) self.main_menu.addMenu(self._debug_menu) def _toggle_menubar_visible(self): """Toggle visibility of app menubar. This function also disables or enables a global keyboard shortcut to show the menubar, since menubar shortcuts are only available while the menubar is visible. """ toggle_menubar_visibility = self._qt_window.toggle_menubar_visibility() self._main_menu_shortcut.setEnabled(toggle_menubar_visibility) def _toggle_fullscreen(self): """Toggle fullscreen mode.""" if self._qt_window.isFullScreen(): self._qt_window.showNormal() else: self._qt_window.showFullScreen() def _toggle_play(self): """Toggle play.""" if self._qt_viewer.dims.is_playing: self._qt_viewer.dims.stop() else: axis = self._qt_viewer.viewer.dims.last_used or 0
[docs] def add_plugin_dock_widget( self, plugin_name: str, widget_name: str = None, tabify: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[QtViewerDockWidget, Any]: """Add plugin dock widget if not already added. Parameters ---------- plugin_name : str Name of a plugin providing a widget widget_name : str, optional Name of a widget provided by `plugin_name`. If `None`, and the specified plugin provides only a single widget, that widget will be returned, otherwise a ValueError will be raised, by default None Returns ------- tuple A 2-tuple containing (the DockWidget instance, the plugin widget instance). """ from napari.plugins import _npe2 Widget = None dock_kwargs = {} if result := _npe2.get_widget_contribution(plugin_name, widget_name): Widget, widget_name = result if Widget is None: Widget, dock_kwargs = plugin_manager.get_widget( plugin_name, widget_name ) if not widget_name: # if widget_name wasn't provided, `get_widget` will have # ensured that there is a single widget available. widget_name = list(plugin_manager._dock_widgets[plugin_name])[0] full_name = plugin_menu_item_template.format(plugin_name, widget_name) if full_name in self._dock_widgets: dock_widget = self._dock_widgets[full_name] wdg = dock_widget.widget() if hasattr(wdg, '_magic_widget'): wdg = wdg._magic_widget return dock_widget, wdg wdg = _instantiate_dock_widget( Widget, cast('Viewer', self._qt_viewer.viewer) ) # Add dock widget dock_kwargs.pop('name', None) dock_widget = self.add_dock_widget( wdg, name=full_name, tabify=tabify, **dock_kwargs ) return dock_widget, wdg
def _add_plugin_function_widget(self, plugin_name: str, widget_name: str): """Add plugin function widget if not already added. Parameters ---------- plugin_name : str Name of a plugin providing a widget widget_name : str, optional Name of a widget provided by `plugin_name`. If `None`, and the specified plugin provides only a single widget, that widget will be returned, otherwise a ValueError will be raised, by default None """ full_name = plugin_menu_item_template.format(plugin_name, widget_name) if full_name in self._dock_widgets: return None func = plugin_manager._function_widgets[plugin_name][widget_name] # Add function widget return self.add_function_widget( func, name=full_name, area=None, allowed_areas=None )
[docs] def add_dock_widget( self, widget: Union[QWidget, 'Widget'], *, name: str = '', area: str = 'right', allowed_areas: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, shortcut=_sentinel, add_vertical_stretch=True, tabify: bool = False, menu: Optional[QMenu] = None, ): """Convenience method to add a QDockWidget to the main window. If name is not provided a generic name will be addded to avoid `saveState` warnings on close. Parameters ---------- widget : QWidget `widget` will be added as QDockWidget's main widget. name : str, optional Name of dock widget to appear in window menu. area : str Side of the main window to which the new dock widget will be added. Must be in {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'} allowed_areas : list[str], optional Areas, relative to main window, that the widget is allowed dock. Each item in list must be in {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'} By default, all areas are allowed. shortcut : str, optional Keyboard shortcut to appear in dropdown menu. add_vertical_stretch : bool, optional Whether to add stretch to the bottom of vertical widgets (pushing widgets up towards the top of the allotted area, instead of letting them distribute across the vertical space). By default, True. .. deprecated:: 0.4.8 The shortcut parameter is deprecated since version 0.4.8, please use the action and shortcut manager APIs. The new action manager and shortcut API allow user configuration and localisation. tabify : bool Flag to tabify dockwidget or not. menu : QMenu, optional Menu bar to add toggle action to. If `None` nothing added to menu. Returns ------- dock_widget : QtViewerDockWidget `dock_widget` that can pass viewer events. """ if not name: with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): name = widget.objectName() name = name or trans._( "Dock widget {number}", number=self._unnamed_dockwidget_count, ) self._unnamed_dockwidget_count += 1 if shortcut is not _sentinel: warnings.warn( _SHORTCUT_DEPRECATION_STRING.format(shortcut=shortcut), FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) dock_widget = QtViewerDockWidget( self._qt_viewer, widget, name=name, area=area, allowed_areas=allowed_areas, shortcut=shortcut, add_vertical_stretch=add_vertical_stretch, ) else: dock_widget = QtViewerDockWidget( self._qt_viewer, widget, name=name, area=area, allowed_areas=allowed_areas, add_vertical_stretch=add_vertical_stretch, ) self._add_viewer_dock_widget(dock_widget, tabify=tabify, menu=menu) if hasattr(widget, 'reset_choices'): # Keep the dropdown menus in the widget in sync with the layer model # if widget has a `reset_choices`, which is true for all magicgui # `CategoricalWidget`s layers_events = layers_events.inserted.connect(widget.reset_choices) layers_events.removed.connect(widget.reset_choices) layers_events.reordered.connect(widget.reset_choices) # Add dock widget to dictionary self._dock_widgets[] = dock_widget return dock_widget
def _add_viewer_dock_widget( self, dock_widget: QtViewerDockWidget, tabify: bool = False, menu: Optional[QMenu] = None, ): """Add a QtViewerDockWidget to the main window If other widgets already present in area then will tabify. Parameters ---------- dock_widget : QtViewerDockWidget `dock_widget` will be added to the main window. tabify : bool Flag to tabify dockwidget or not. menu : QMenu, optional Menu bar to add toggle action to. If `None` nothing added to menu. """ # Find if any othe dock widgets are currently in area current_dws_in_area = [ dw for dw in self._qt_window.findChildren(QDockWidget) if self._qt_window.dockWidgetArea(dw) == dock_widget.qt_area ] self._qt_window.addDockWidget(dock_widget.qt_area, dock_widget) # If another dock widget present in area then tabify if current_dws_in_area: if tabify: self._qt_window.tabifyDockWidget( current_dws_in_area[-1], dock_widget ) dock_widget.raise_() elif dock_widget.area in ('right', 'left'): _wdg = [*current_dws_in_area, dock_widget] # add sizes to push lower widgets up sizes = list(range(1, len(_wdg) * 4, 4)) self._qt_window.resizeDocks( _wdg, sizes, Qt.Orientation.Vertical ) if menu: action = dock_widget.toggleViewAction() action.setStatusTip( action.setText( import warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning) # deprecating with 0.4.8, but let's try to keep compatibility. shortcut = dock_widget.shortcut if shortcut is not None: action.setShortcut(shortcut) menu.addAction(action) # see #3663, to fix #3624 more generally dock_widget.setFloating(False) def _remove_dock_widget(self, event=None): names = list(self._dock_widgets.keys()) for widget_name in names: if event.value in widget_name: # remove this widget widget = self._dock_widgets[widget_name] self.remove_dock_widget(widget)
[docs] def remove_dock_widget(self, widget: QWidget, menu=None): """Removes specified dock widget. If a QDockWidget is not provided, the existing QDockWidgets will be searched for one whose inner widget (``.widget()``) is the provided ``widget``. Parameters ---------- widget : QWidget | str If widget == 'all', all docked widgets will be removed. """ if widget == 'all': for dw in list(self._dock_widgets.values()): self.remove_dock_widget(dw) return if not isinstance(widget, QDockWidget): dw: QDockWidget for dw in self._qt_window.findChildren(QDockWidget): if dw.widget() is widget: _dw: QDockWidget = dw break else: raise LookupError( trans._( "Could not find a dock widget containing: {widget}", deferred=True, widget=widget, ) ) else: _dw = widget if _dw.widget(): _dw.widget().setParent(None) self._qt_window.removeDockWidget(_dw) if menu is not None: menu.removeAction(_dw.toggleViewAction()) # Remove dock widget from dictionary self._dock_widgets.pop(, None) # Deleting the dock widget means any references to it will no longer # work but it's not really useful anyway, since the inner widget has # been removed. and anyway: people should be using add_dock_widget # rather than directly using _add_viewer_dock_widget _dw.deleteLater()
[docs] def add_function_widget( self, function, *, magic_kwargs=None, name: str = '', area=None, allowed_areas=None, shortcut=_sentinel, ): """Turn a function into a dock widget via magicgui. Parameters ---------- function : callable Function that you want to add. magic_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to :func:`magicgui.magicgui` that can be used to specify widget. name : str, optional Name of dock widget to appear in window menu. area : str, optional Side of the main window to which the new dock widget will be added. Must be in {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}. If not provided the default will be determined by the widget.layout, with 'vertical' layouts appearing on the right, otherwise on the bottom. allowed_areas : list[str], optional Areas, relative to main window, that the widget is allowed dock. Each item in list must be in {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'} By default, only provided areas is allowed. shortcut : str, optional Keyboard shortcut to appear in dropdown menu. Returns ------- dock_widget : QtViewerDockWidget `dock_widget` that can pass viewer events. """ from magicgui import magicgui if magic_kwargs is None: magic_kwargs = { 'auto_call': False, 'call_button': "run", 'layout': 'vertical', } widget = magicgui(function, **magic_kwargs or {}) if area is None: area = 'right' if str(widget.layout) == 'vertical' else 'bottom' if allowed_areas is None: allowed_areas = [area] if shortcut is not _sentinel: return self.add_dock_widget( widget, name=name or function.__name__.replace('_', ' '), area=area, allowed_areas=allowed_areas, shortcut=shortcut, ) return self.add_dock_widget( widget, name=name or function.__name__.replace('_', ' '), area=area, allowed_areas=allowed_areas, )
[docs] def resize(self, width, height): """Resize the window. Parameters ---------- width : int Width in logical pixels. height : int Height in logical pixels. """ self._qt_window.resize(width, height)
[docs] def set_geometry(self, left, top, width, height): """Set the geometry of the widget Parameters ---------- left : int X coordinate of the upper left border. top : int Y coordinate of the upper left border. width : int Width of the rectangle shape of the window. height : int Height of the rectangle shape of the window. """ self._qt_window.setGeometry(left, top, width, height)
[docs] def geometry(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """Get the geometry of the widget Returns ------- left : int X coordinate of the upper left border. top : int Y coordinate of the upper left border. width : int Width of the rectangle shape of the window. height : int Height of the rectangle shape of the window. """ rect = self._qt_window.geometry() return rect.left(),, rect.width(), rect.height()
[docs] def show(self, *, block=False): """Resize, show, and bring forward the window. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the viewer.window has already been closed and deleted. """ settings = get_settings() try: except (AttributeError, RuntimeError) as e: raise RuntimeError( trans._( "This viewer has already been closed and deleted. Please create a new one.", deferred=True, ) ) from e if settings.application.first_time: settings.application.first_time = False try: self._qt_window.resize(self._qt_window.layout().sizeHint()) except (AttributeError, RuntimeError) as e: raise RuntimeError( trans._( "This viewer has already been closed and deleted. Please create a new one.", deferred=True, ) ) from e else: try: if settings.application.save_window_geometry: self._qt_window._set_window_settings( *self._qt_window._load_window_settings() ) except Exception as err: # noqa: BLE001 import warnings warnings.warn( trans._( "The window geometry settings could not be loaded due to the following error: {err}", deferred=True, err=err, ), category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # Resize axis labels now that window is shown self._qt_viewer.dims._resize_axis_labels() # We want to bring the viewer to the front when # A) it is our own event loop OR we are running in jupyter # B) it is not the first time a QMainWindow is being created # `app_name` will be "napari" iff the application was instantiated in # get_app(). isActiveWindow() will be True if it is the second time a # _qt_window has been created. # See #721, #732, #735, #795, #1594 app_name = QApplication.instance().applicationName() if ( app_name == 'napari' or in_jupyter() ) and self._qt_window.isActiveWindow(): self.activate()
[docs] def activate(self): """Make the viewer the currently active window.""" self._qt_window.raise_() # for macOS self._qt_window.activateWindow() # for Windows
def _update_theme_no_event(self): self._update_theme() def _update_theme(self, event=None): """Update widget color theme.""" settings = get_settings() with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError, RuntimeError): value = event.value if event else settings.appearance.theme self._qt_viewer.viewer.theme = value if value == "system": # system isn't a theme, so get the name and set style sheet actual_theme_name = get_system_theme() self._qt_window.setStyleSheet( get_stylesheet(actual_theme_name) ) else: self._qt_window.setStyleSheet(get_stylesheet(value)) def _status_changed(self, event): """Update status bar. Parameters ---------- event : napari.utils.event.Event The napari event that triggered this method. """ if isinstance(event.value, str): self._status_bar.setStatusText(event.value) else: status_info = event.value self._status_bar.setStatusText( layer_base=status_info['layer_base'], source_type=status_info['source_type'], plugin=status_info['plugin'], coordinates=status_info['coordinates'], ) def _title_changed(self, event): """Update window title. Parameters ---------- event : napari.utils.event.Event The napari event that triggered this method. """ self._qt_window.setWindowTitle(event.value) def _help_changed(self, event): """Update help message on status bar. Parameters ---------- event : napari.utils.event.Event The napari event that triggered this method. """ self._status_bar.setHelpText(event.value) def _restart(self): """Restart the napari application.""" self._qt_window.restart() def _screenshot( self, size=None, scale=None, flash=True, canvas_only=False ) -> 'QImage': """Capture screenshot of the currently displayed viewer. Parameters ---------- flash : bool Flag to indicate whether flash animation should be shown after the screenshot was captured. size : tuple (int, int) Size (resolution) of the screenshot. By default, the currently displayed size. Only used if `canvas_only` is True. scale : float Scale factor used to increase resolution of canvas for the screenshot. By default, the currently displayed resolution. Only used if `canvas_only` is True. canvas_only : bool If True, screenshot shows only the image display canvas, and if False include the napari viewer frame in the screenshot, By default, True. Returns ------- img : QImage """ from napari._qt.utils import add_flash_animation if canvas_only: canvas = self._qt_viewer.canvas prev_size = canvas.size if size is not None: if len(size) != 2: raise ValueError( trans._( 'screenshot size must be 2 values, got {len_size}', len_size=len(size), ) ) # Scale the requested size to account for HiDPI size = tuple( int(dim / self._qt_window.devicePixelRatio()) for dim in size ) canvas.size = size[::-1] # invert x ad y for vispy if scale is not None: # multiply canvas dimensions by the scale factor to get new size canvas.size = tuple(int(dim * scale) for dim in canvas.size) try: img = self._qt_viewer.canvas.native.grabFramebuffer() if flash: add_flash_animation(self._qt_viewer._welcome_widget) finally: # make sure we always go back to the right canvas size if size is not None or scale is not None: canvas.size = prev_size else: img = self._qt_window.grab().toImage() if flash: add_flash_animation(self._qt_window) return img
[docs] def screenshot( self, path=None, size=None, scale=None, flash=True, canvas_only=False ): """Take currently displayed viewer and convert to an image array. Parameters ---------- path : str Filename for saving screenshot image. size : tuple (int, int) Size (resolution) of the screenshot. By default, the currently displayed size. Only used if `canvas_only` is True. scale : float Scale factor used to increase resolution of canvas for the screenshot. By default, the currently displayed resolution. Only used if `canvas_only` is True. flash : bool Flag to indicate whether flash animation should be shown after the screenshot was captured. canvas_only : bool If True, screenshot shows only the image display canvas, and if False include the napari viewer frame in the screenshot, By default, True. Returns ------- image : array Numpy array of type ubyte and shape (h, w, 4). Index [0, 0] is the upper-left corner of the rendered region. """ img = QImg2array(self._screenshot(size, scale, flash, canvas_only)) if path is not None: imsave(path, img) # scikit-image imsave method return img
[docs] def clipboard(self, flash=True, canvas_only=False): """Copy screenshot of current viewer to the clipboard. Parameters ---------- flash : bool Flag to indicate whether flash animation should be shown after the screenshot was captured. canvas_only : bool If True, screenshot shows only the image display canvas, and if False include the napari viewer frame in the screenshot, By default, True. """ img = self._screenshot(flash=flash, canvas_only=canvas_only) QApplication.clipboard().setImage(img)
def _teardown(self): """Carry out various teardown tasks such as event disconnection.""" self._setup_existing_themes(False) for menu in self.file_menu._INSTANCES: with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError): menu._destroy()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the viewer window and cleanup sub-widgets.""" # Someone is closing us twice? Only try to delete self._qt_window # if we still have one. if hasattr(self, '_qt_window'): self._teardown() self._qt_viewer.close() self._qt_window.close() del self._qt_window
def _instantiate_dock_widget(wdg_cls, viewer: 'Viewer'): # if the signature is looking a for a napari viewer, pass it. from napari.viewer import Viewer kwargs = {} try: sig = inspect.signature(wdg_cls.__init__) except ValueError: pass else: for param in sig.parameters.values(): if == 'napari_viewer': kwargs['napari_viewer'] = PublicOnlyProxy(viewer) break if param.annotation in ('napari.viewer.Viewer', Viewer): kwargs[] = PublicOnlyProxy(viewer) break # cannot look for param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD because # QWidget allows **kwargs but errs on unknown keyword arguments # instantiate the widget return wdg_cls(**kwargs)