NAP-2 — Distributing napari with conda-based packaging


Jaime Rodríguez-Guerra


Gonzalo Peña-Castellanos









<Standards Track | Process>

Version effective

0.4.17, 0.5


napari can be installed through different means, including pip and conda. However, users not exposed to package managers and command-line interfaces might prefer other options more native to their operating system of choice. This is usually achieved through graphical installers with a step-by-step interface.

This NAP discusses how we will use and adapt tools borrowed from the conda packaging world to build platform-specific installers and implement update strategies for napari and its plugin ecosystem.

Motivation and Scope

napari is packaged for PyPI 1 and conda-forge 2 and can be installed with any client supporting these repositories (e.g., pip and conda, respectively). For a number of releases, platform-specific installers were also provided with Briefcase 3.

Briefcase relies on PyPI packaging to assemble the installer. The PyPI packaging strategy, however, presents a series of limitations for the napari ecosystem:

  • No standardized building infrastructure. PyPI accepts submissions from any user without requiring any validation or review. As a result, packages can be built using arbitrary toolchains or expecting different libraries in the system. cibuildwheel 4 and related tools 5 6 7 can definitely help users who want to follow community packaging practices, but there is no guarantee of it being used by individual packages. This can result in ABI incompatibilities with the target system and within the plugin ecosystem, especially when some packages vendor specific libraries 8.

  • PyPI metadata is often not detailed enough. This is a byproduct of the previous point, which makes it difficult for the different clients (pip, poetry, etc) to guarantee that the resulting installation is self-consistent and all the packages involved are compatible with each other.

  • PyPI is Python specific. While it’s possible to find non-Python packages in the repository, it was not designed to do so. In scientific projects, researchers often combine packages from different languages to build their pipeline. If we want a thriving plugin ecosystem, restricting the packaging options to a language-specific repository can be limiting.

  • PyPI only provides Python packages. It does not distribute Python itself, leaving that to the installer infrastructure. In the case of Briefcase, this is obtained via their own distribution mechanisms 9. This presents one more moving piece that can result in incompatibilities with the target system if not controlled properly (see issues 1011).

In contrast, conda-based packaging offers some benefits in those points:

  • conda is language agnostic. It can package things for Python and other languages, but also the language runtimes/interpreters themselves! This allows plugins to depend on compiled libraries with no Python counterparts or wrappers, or maybe even different language interpreters.

  • conda maintains its own package metadata separate from PyPI, allowing solvers to do their work better and more efficiently. It can also be patched after a package is released, allowing corrections to be made over time without building new artifacts.

  • conda-forge is a community-driven effort to build conda packages in a supervised and automated way that ensures binary compatibility across packages and languages. Every submission needs to be reviewed and approved by humans after successfully passing the CI. This adds guarantees for provenance, transparency and debugging.

  • conda has the notion of optional version constrains. A package can provide constraints for other packages that could be installed alongside, without depending on them. This offers a lot of flexibility to manage a plugin ecosystem with potentially wildly different requirements, which would risk conflicts.

conda packaging also has its own downsides compared to pip, though:

  • pip and PyPI are the de facto standard in Python packaging, which means more developers are aware of them and familiar with them, and how to create packages for them. Conda in contrast presents a community education challenge.

  • Even with a well-developed community of practice among napari and napari plugin developers, some significant industry-provided packages, such as Apple’s tensorflow-metal, may never be available no conda-forge.

  • Although the conda-forge review process is an advantage with regards to correctness and reliability, it presents a scalability challenge in the absence of broader community education about conda packaging.

  • pip can install packages from a simple local directory, from a zip file, or from a GitHub repository. These simple installation methods are favored by small labs and institutions that want to create plugins for internal use, rather than for broad distribution.

This NAP proposes to add a conda-based distribution mechanism for the napari application and plugins, supported by five key milestones:

  1. Distributing napari and plugins on conda-forge

  2. Building conda-based installers for napari

  3. Adding support for conda packages in the plugin manager

  4. Enabling in-app napari version updates

  5. Deprecating Briefcase-based installers

Throughout the process, we will aim to minimize conda’s downsides by providing local conda-based installation options and documentation about how to use them. We will also provide users an opt-in, “use at your own risk” method to install PyPI packages where they do not exist on conda-forge.

Detailed Description

The details for each milestone will be discussed in subsections.

Milestone 1: Distributing napari and plugins on conda-forge

napari 0.2.12 was submitted to conda-forge 12 in Oct 2019 and the PR was merged some months later. As a result, napari is available on conda-forge since Feb 2020 13. The conda-forge bots auto-submit PRs to build the new versions once detected on PyPI. This means that releases on conda-forge can slightly lag behind PyPI. To avoid accidental delays in the releases, conda-forge packaging needs to be considered part of the release guide 14.

Pre-release packages are additionally built in our CI by cloning the conda-forge feedstock and patching it to use the local source. The artifacts are uploaded to the napari channel at 15.

While napari itself has been on conda-forge for some years now, until recently, the plugin ecosystem still broadly relied on PyPI. In the case of napari users that relied on conda packages, that means that the plugin manager would use pip to install the plugin and its dependencies in the conda environment, potentially mixing PyPI packages with conda-forge packages and causing conflicts due to binary incompatibilities.

To avoid this risk, this NAP recommends packaging all existing napari plugins (and their dependencies) on conda-forge too. This (ongoing) effort started in Jan 2022, resulting in ~200 pull requests (PRs) to date 16.

That said, that is only the initial migration. We need a way to ensure that new plugins are also packaged on conda-forge. We recommend adding it to the plugin development documentation, as well as adding support for the relevant metadata on napari hub.

Lastly, in order to ensure maximum compatibility across plugins, the napari project should also provide documentation and guidelines on what versions of major scientific packages are supported on each napari release. For example, we should control the version bounds for numpy, scikit-image and similar members of the PyData ecosystem. Otherwise, we might arrive to a situation where plugin developers are choosing wildly different numpy versions for their projects, making them non-installable together. In conda jargon, the set of conditional restraints are called pinnings and implemented as part of a metapackage (a package that doesn’t distribute files, only provides metadata). From now on we will refer to them as napari pinnings.

There are precedents in other projects that support the usage of pinnings. For example, Fiji/SciJava 17, conda-forge 18, or Maxiconda 19.

A prototype notebook assessing the “installability” of all plugins in the same environment is available. Results across Python versions show incompatibilities on Linux, possibly even more intricate on macOS and Windows. Excerpt for Python 3.9:

$ mamba create -n test-napari-installability --dry-run -q napari=0.4.15 python=3.9 affinder \
  bbii-decon brainglobe-napari-io [...] nfinder platelet-unet-watershed smo waver workshop-demo
Encountered problems while solving.
Problem: nothing provides __linux needed by dask-cuda-21.10.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0
Problem: package napari-subboxer-0.0.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0 requires napari 0.4.12, but none of the providers can be installed
Problem: package napari-tomoslice-0.0.7-pyhd8ed1ab_0 requires napari 0.4.12, but none of the providers can be installed
Problem: package napari-nikon-nd2-0.1.3-pyhd8ed1ab_0 requires python >=3.6,<=3.9, but none of the providers can be installed
Problem: package napari-multitask-0.0.2-pyhd8ed1ab_0 requires python >=3.8, but none of the providers can be installed
Problem: nothing provides __cuda needed by tensorflow-2.7.0-cuda102py310hcf4adbc_0
Problem: package napari-console-0.0.4-pyhd8ed1ab_0 requires ipykernel >=5.2.0, but none of the providers can be installed

Potential Risks

Lack of involvement of the community might mean that only one source of packaging is updated often, forcing napari core developers to take over in the maintenance of the conda packages.

Notably, best practices for PyPI packaging are sometimes ignored by some plugins, which means that they are not suitable for conda-forge packaging, which has stricter standards for publication. The list of problems include vendoring other packages, licensing issues, binary redistribution, inadequate dependencies metadata (too strict or too vague). The packaging team at napari can help here, but this will not scale if the plugin ecosystem keeps growing.

As a result, some plugins might end up being available on PyPI but not on conda-forge. This further reinforces the idea that conda-forge packaging is a second-class citizen for the plugin ecosystem. This NAP recommends including packaging guidelines as part of the documentation for plugin developers to alleviate these issues. That said, PyPI packages will still be allowed as a fallback option for those projects that are not (yet) available on conda-forge.

Milestone 2: Building conda-based installers for napari

Anaconda releases their Anaconda and Miniconda distributions with platform specific installers:

  • On Windows, they offer an EXE built with NSIS

  • On Linux, a text-based installer is offered as a fat SH script

  • On macOS, a native, graphical PKG installer is provided in addition to the text-based option

These three products are created using constructor 20, their own tool to gather the required conda dependencies and add the logic to install them on the target machine. However, constructor hasn’t been well maintained in recent years (only small fixes), which means that some work is needed to meet our needs. More specifically:

  • Application shortcut creation is only supported on Windows

  • PKG installers are created with hardcoded Anaconda branding

  • Some conda-specific options cannot be removed (only disabled by default), which might distract users in the installers

In order to have constructor cover our needs, we need to add the features ourselves. Upstream maintenance is expected to improve in the coming years, but for now the reviews are coming in slow. As a result, we are temporarily forking the project and developing the features as needed while submitting PRs upstream 21 to keep things tidy. Our improved constructor fork has the following features:

  • Cross-platform shortcut creation for the distributed application thanks to a complete menuinst 22 rewrite

  • PKG installers on macOS can be customized, signed and notarized

  • constructor can deploy more than one conda environment at once now

  • Extra files can be added to the installation without having to use an extra conda package

  • Improvements for license collection and analysis

  • Small fixes for reported installation size, progress reports and other cosmetic details

The resulting product now is able to install napari across operating systems with fully working shortcuts that respect the activation mechanism of conda environments to guarantee that all dependencies work properly. Having constructor distribute multiple environments at once allow us to split the installation like this:

  • A base environment with conda, mamba and pip to manage the other conda environments.

  • A napari-X.Y.Z environment (X.Y.Z being the version of the bundled release) with napari and its dependencies.

This separation allows us to:

  • Handle napari updates by simply creating a fresh environment with the new version (more on this in Milestone 4).

  • Apply reparations in the environment without worrying that a faulty plugin install can render the whole environment non-functional.

  • If necessary, adding support for “napari projects”: a napari installation with a specific combination of plugins. Useful in the event that a user wants to use plugins that cannot be installed in the same environment due to conflicting dependencies (more details on this in Milestone 3).

The installer relies on conda-forge to obtain the needed packages. Pre-release installers can be built thanks to the nightlies available on the napari channel in

Milestone 3: Adding support for conda packages in the plugin manager

napari has its own plugin manager, which so far has relied on pip to install packages available on PyPI. To make it compatible with conda packaging, three key changes are needed:

  1. The list of packages on conda-forge does not necessarily match the one coming from PyPI. Right now, the plugins on conda-forge are a subset of those on PyPI, but this might change in the future if some napari plugins become available on conda-forge but not PyPI due to packaging limitations (e.g. availability of dependencies). As a result, the plugin manager needs to source the list of plugins from a repository-agnostic source: the napari hub API. It must be noted that napari hub currently uses PyPI as the ground truth for the list of published plugins and the available versions.

  2. Once the napari hub API is feeding the list, the plugin manager will also list those available on conda-forge. Packages that are only available on PyPI can also be installed as long as:

    • The dependencies of the PyPI package are on conda-forge

    • The PyPI package is pure Python (no compiled libraries) In the future, we might explore how to deal with PyPI packages within conda in a safer way, but this is an open packaging question that is extremely difficult to tackle robustly.

  3. Instrument the plugin manager backend so it can use conda or mamba to run the plugin installation, update or removal. Some level of customizability is needed to configure extra channels (e.g. a laboratory published their conda packages into their own private channel) and local sources (e.g. drag&drop a conda tarball).

  4. Add some control to the dependency landscape of the plugin ecosystem using the napari-pinnings metapackage mentioned in Milestone 1.

There are some technical limitations we need to work out as well, namely:

  • Some plugin updates might fail because some files are in use already. For example, a plugin requires a more recent build of numpy (still allowed in our pinnings); however, numpy has been imported already and Windows has blocked the library files. An off-process update will be needed on Windows for the installation to succeed. On Unix systems this might not be a problem, but the update will still be incomplete without a napari restart (because numpy was already imported). This can be solved by watching the imported modules and the files involved in the conda transaction. On Windows, we can write a one-off activation script that will run before napari starts the next time. On Unix systems, a notification saying “Restart needed for full effect” might be enough.

  • The plugin manager was designed to install one package at a time with pip. We have extended it to use conda or mamba, but it still works on a package-by-package basis. It would be preferred to offer the possibility of installing several packages together for more efficient solves, but this involves some UI/UX research first.

Milestone 4: Enabling in-app napari version updates

The installers produced by constructor are designed to avoid existing installations. Updating a conda environment involves more actions than just overwriting some files. For example, some packages might feature uninstallation scripts that wouldn’t be executed or cleaned up. For this reason, Anaconda users are recommended to run conda itself to handle the update.

Our preferred approach is to create a fresh environment for the new version of napari. The reasons are multiple:

  • Performance and solving complexity: conda keeps track of the actions performed in the environment in a conda-meta/history file. The contents of this file are parsed by the solver, which prioritizes the packaged listed there in the solves. For example: if you started your environment with conda create -n something python=3.9 numpy=1.21, numpy will be soft-pinned during the lifetime of the environment. Soft-pinning means that the solver will try to respect that specific version (1.21) in every solve, unless the user asks for a different version explicitly (thus overriding the historic preference). For napari, this means that every plugin installation will be recorded in the history file, accumulating over time. If we compound this with napari updates, the problem gets larger with every new release.

  • Guarantee of success: updating an environment to the latest napari release might not work right away, specially if the user has installed plugins that have conflicting packaging metadata. Even if the installation succeeds, insufficient/incorrect metadata might result in the wrong packages being installed, rendering the napari installation non-operational!

  • Using several versions side-by-side: the multiple environments setup fits nicely in contexts where several napari versions (or even “flavors”) are needed.

Since we install plugins to the napari environments, we need to guarantee that the new version will be compatible with the installed plugins. To do so, we instruct conda to perform a dry-run install. If the environment can be solved, we can proceed with no interruptions. If the environment is not solvable, then we can offer the user two options:

  • Start a fresh environment only containing napari, with no extra plugins, keeping the old version in place.

  • (Experimental idea / suggestion) Run a potentially time-consuming analysis on which package(s) are creating the installation conflicts and suggest which plugins cannot be installed. This kind of analysis would entail a series of dry runs, removing one plugin at a time, hoping that the environment gets solved eventually.

It must be considered that better metadata at napari hub could substantially improve the installability analysis for the end-user. If we keep track of which napari versions the plugins are compatible with (either by running some kind of CI ourselves or making this analysis part of the submission procedure), we could simply query the API to anticipate which packages are installable before running the update.

Potential risks

Co-installability of plugins is ultimately a matter of metadata and good practices. The risks here are similar to the concerns shared in Milestone 1.

Milestone 5: Deprecating Briefcase-based installers

Once we are satisfied with how conda installers are working for the end user, we can think of removing the pipelines that build the Briefcase-based installers. Ideally, we mark them for deprecation on one release, and then completely remove them on the next one. This involves deleting the build scripts, the CI workflows, some metadata in setup.cfg and possibly some utility functions 23 and code paths 24 in napari itself.


This NAP has described the whole strategy to implement a successful and comprehensive conda packaging story for napari. This work involves many moving pieces across different projects and tools, hence why a single PR is out of the question. In the following sections, we will list the relevant PRs opened so far. Before that, though, we will propose a general strategy on how this infrastructure will be maintained and governed.

General strategy

After many months operating on the napari/napari repository, we would like to propose the creation of a new repository (e.g. napari/packaging), where all these efforts can take place without getting in the way of the napari development itself.

Most packaging tasks do not (and should not) rely tightly on the software being packaged, provided it follows the best practices. As such, the existing pipelines are mostly independent and could already live outside of napari/napari. Actually, it could be argued that they should live outside to guarantee that the pipelines are not too tightly coupled.

Given that Milestone 4 could benefit from having a specific tool to handle updates and manage existing installations (more details below), this repository could initially host its initial prototype, which would be designed in a napari-agnostic way for easy reusability in other projects facing our constructor improvements already 27.

Milestone 1: Distributing napari and plugins on conda-forge

This work can be divided in two different tasks: adjusting the conda-forge feedstock for napari, and then migrating all the plugins over to conda-forge.

At the time of writing, the plugin migration to conda-forge can be considered 90% done, but a long tail of non-trivial packages need to be worked on. This is caused by vendored binaries, non-compliant licensing schemes or bad packaging practices.


  • Add documentation about conda-forge in the release guide

  • [ ] Add documentation about conda-forge in the plugin developer guide

  • Ensure the cookiecutter template has some notion of conda packaging

  • Decide which packages need to be governed by the napari pinnings metapackage

Milestone 2: Building conda-based installers for napari

Implementing the constructor workflow on napari was mainly done in a single, long-lived PR, that has seen a couple of minor updates in the recent releases:

  • Main PR: #3378, superseded by #3555 (Prototype a conda-based bundle)

  • Other PRs:

    • #3462 (Move icons to package source)

    • #4185 (Add licensing page)

    • #4210 (Fix EULA/licensing/signing issues)

    • #4221 (Adjust conditions that trigger signing)

    • #4307 (Test installers in CI)

    • #4309 (Use conda-forge/napari-feedstock)

    • #4387 (Fix unlink errors on cleanup)

    • #4444 (Add versioning to installer itself)

    • #4447 (Use custom .condarc file)

    • #4525 (Revert to napari-versioned default paths)

Adding the missing pieces to constructor involves changes in four different projects:

  • conda/constructor itself, the tool that builds the installer

  • conda/menuinst, responsible of creating the shortcuts

  • conda/conda, which relies on menuinst to delegate the shortcut creation, but this code path was only enabled on Windows so far

  • conda-forge/conda-standalone-feedstock, which freezes a conda install along with their dependencies and adds a thin layer on top to communicate with the constructor installer during the installation process.

The full list of PRs is available on this issue comment. A complete list of features can be found in the packaging documentation 28.


  • Create napari/packaging and migrate the conda bundle CI there, along with the relevant metadata

  • Add detailed documentation about how the installers are structured and how they work internally

  • Add PyPI-conda consistency checks to ensure the metadata at napari/napari and napari/packaging match

Milestone 3: Adding support for conda packages in the plugin manager

Support for conda/mamba handling of plugin installations was implemented in a base PR and then extended with different PRs:

  • Initial PR: #2943 (Add initial support to install plugins with conda/mamba)

  • Other PRs that improved and extended the functionality:

    • #3288 (Fix plugin updates)

    • #3369 (Add cancel actions to plugin manager)

    • #4074 (Use napari hub to list plugins)

    • #4520 (Rework how subprocesses are launched)

Some more work is needed to offer full support to the plugin ecosystem, as detailed below.


  • Make the Installer class [^napari-installer-classs] conda/mamba-aware

  • Populate the plugin listing with data obtained from the napari hub API 29

  • Detect which plugins can be installed directly from conda-forge and which ones need a combination of conda channels and PyPI sources

  • Add support for custom conda channels and local sources in the UI

  • Allow for simultaneous install of plugins. Currently multiple plugins can be selected for install, uninstall and update, but each on of these actions, are queued and run sequentially.

Note: Using both conda and pip presents certain risks that could irreversibly disrupt the installation, so it needs to be studied very carefully. Dependencies should be provided from conda-forge whenever possible (see previous experiments on this kind of automation 30 31), but PyPI packages can still be used as long as the user consents to a warning detailing the risks and recovery options.

Milestone 4: Enabling in-app napari version updates

Our first attempts 32 to implement this consisted of a pop-up dialog that would notify the user about the available updates. Accepting the dialog would trigger the creation of a new environment (e.g. napari-0.4.16) alongside the existing one (e.g. napari-0.4.15). While it could be argued that this is not an “update” per se, but a new installation, it fulfills the same goal: the new version is available. If the user wants to get rid of the old one, an option can be offered to auto-clean on success, or after not using it for some configurable time.

However, having several versions of napari coexisting might risk questions like “which napari version is the default one?”, “which one will be in charge of updating napari?”, “what if the update logic changes over time?”. There possible workarounds, but from the user perspective it could get confusing very fast.

For that reason, we decided to slightly redesign our approach to in-app updates. We will still use several environments to keep things tidy and performant (see “Detailed description” for Milestone 2 for more details), but the update checks will mimic something closer to a local server-client model or, more accurately, a napari-updater process (name subject to change; other options include napari-launcher or napari-manager) that can be queried by a running napari instance.

  • napari-updater: We will create a separate standalone package to handle updates outside of the napari process. This will be designed in an application agnostic way while targeting the needs of the napari project. It will allow the user to handle updates but also manage the existing napari installations (investigate issues, remove old ones, clean expired caches, etc).

  • napari itself: Each napari version will have a very basic notion about napari-updater and will query for updates every time it starts, and also periodically while running. If one is found, the server will run the update on its own. In essence, all napari has to do is run napari-updater on a separate, detached process every now and then.

The governance of napari-updater part will still fall under the napari organization (much like magicgui) but it will be usable outside of the napari project, following the same philosophy we adopted for the constructor work.


  • Start a simple CLI tool to prototype the role of napari-updater, initially under the napari/packaging repo. This will contain the new version detection code as well as the logic to install the new napari environment. Note that we will need to provide a way to distribute a “frozen” napari environment, identical to the one being bundled in the installers, to ensure that every user gets the same napari installation regardless the mechanism used (fresh install from downloaded executable, or updated via napari-updater).

  • Refactor the prototype into its own separate project and evolve its feature set to satisfy the community feedback (this might include adding a UI, environment management tools, installation diagnostics, plugin “co-installability” analysis, etc).

Milestone 5: Deprecating Briefcase-based installers

See the corresponding section in “Detailed description”.

Backward Compatibility

Migrating the backend on which we build the installers has little impact on the end users who just want to run napari. That said, constructor does not support the AppImage format for Linux or DMG for macOS, which were the ones previously used with Briefcase. We don’t see this as a problem though, given the small number of downloads each format enjoyed in previous releases 33.

It’s very important that napari users can still rely on PyPI packages to install plugins. While conda packaging offers a series of benefits, it can also constitute an access barrier for some developers and users. For that reason, PyPI packages will still be available on the plugin manager as an alternative installation method. To enable this mode, the user will need to accept a warning that details the potential problems it can cause, and how to use the napari-updater tool to fix it, if needed.

Future Work

The tool handling the updates and managing different napari installations will start simple. In the future, if it makes sense, we can talk about adding a UI on top.


Please refer to the “Related work” section for details on other milestones.

For Milestone 4 “Enabling in-app napari version updates”, we considered other options before deciding to use the currently proposed one. Namely:

  • Each napari installation only contains a single conda environment and version. Users can update by downloading the newer installer, possibly after having received a notification in a running napari instance. This was discarded because it required too many user actions to succeed.

  • Each napari installation contains several environments, one per napari version. Each napari version can prompt the creation of a new environment in the same base installation if a new update is available. Discarded because the update logic could change across napari versions, potentially causing issues over time; e.g. old versions are not up-to-date with the latest packaging policies established by the napari community.


  • Issue #1001 (Plugin dependency management)

  • PR #4404 (Switch to a more declarative configuration for conda packaging)

  • PR #4519 (Initial draft of this NAP and discussion)

  • PR #4602 (PR to discuss the approval of this NAP)

  • Zulip thread to discuss the approval of this NAP

References and Footnotes

  • Napari on PyPI 1

  • Napari on conda-forge 2

  • Installation analysis of all napari plugins 34

  • Scientific packaging glossary 35