Source code for

import os
import platform
import subprocess
import sys

import napari

OS_RELEASE_PATH = "/etc/os-release"

def _linux_sys_name():
    Try to discover linux system name base on /etc/os-release file or lsb_release command output
    if os.path.exists(OS_RELEASE_PATH):
        with open(OS_RELEASE_PATH) as f_p:
            data = {}
            for line in f_p:
                field, value = line.split("=")
                data[field.strip()] = value.strip().strip('"')
        if "PRETTY_NAME" in data:
            return data["PRETTY_NAME"]
        if "NAME" in data:
            if "VERSION" in data:
                return f'{data["NAME"]} {data["VERSION"]}'
            if "VERSION_ID" in data:
                return f'{data["NAME"]} {data["VERSION_ID"]}'
            return f'{data["NAME"]} (no version)'

        res =
            ["lsb_release", "-d", "-r"], check=True, capture_output=True
        text = res.stdout.decode()
        data = {}
        for line in text.split("\n"):
            key, val = line.split(":")
            data[key.strip()] = val.strip()
        version_str = data["Description"]
        if not version_str.endswith(data["Release"]):
            version_str += " " + data["Release"]
        return version_str
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    return ""

def _sys_name():
    Discover MacOS or Linux Human readable information. For Linux provide information about distribution.
        if sys.platform == "linux":
            return _linux_sys_name()
        if sys.platform == "darwin":
                res =
                    ["sw_vers", "-productVersion"],
                return f"MacOS {res.stdout.decode().strip()}"
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    except Exception:
    return ""

[docs]def sys_info(as_html=False): """Gathers relevant module versions for troubleshooting purposes. Parameters ---------- as_html : bool if True, info will be returned as HTML, suitable for a QTextEdit widget """ sys_version = sys.version.replace('\n', ' ') text = ( f"<b>napari</b>: {napari.__version__}<br>" f"<b>Platform</b>: {platform.platform()}<br>" ) __sys_name = _sys_name() if __sys_name: text += f"<b>System</b>: {__sys_name}<br>" text += f"<b>Python</b>: {sys_version}<br>" try: from qtpy import API_NAME, PYQT_VERSION, PYSIDE_VERSION, QtCore if API_NAME == 'PySide2': API_VERSION = PYSIDE_VERSION elif API_NAME == 'PyQt5': API_VERSION = PYQT_VERSION else: API_VERSION = '' text += ( f"<b>Qt</b>: {QtCore.__version__}<br>" f"<b>{API_NAME}</b>: {API_VERSION}<br>" ) except Exception as e: text += f"<b>Qt</b>: Import failed ({e})<br>" modules = ( ('numpy', 'NumPy'), ('scipy', 'SciPy'), ('dask', 'Dask'), ('vispy', 'VisPy'), ('magicgui', 'magicgui'), ('superqt', 'superqt'), ('in_n_out', 'in-n-out'), ('app_model', 'app-model'), ('npe2', 'npe2'), ) loaded = {} for module, name in modules: try: loaded[module] = __import__(module) text += f"<b>{name}</b>: {loaded[module].__version__}<br>" except Exception as e: text += f"<b>{name}</b>: Import failed ({e})<br>" text += "<br><b>OpenGL:</b><br>" if loaded.get('vispy', False): sys_info_text = ( "<br>".join( [ loaded['vispy'].sys_info().split("\n")[index] for index in [-4, -3] ] ) .replace("'", "") .replace("<br>", "<br> - ") ) text += f' - {sys_info_text}<br>' else: text += " - failed to load vispy" text += "<br><b>Screens:</b><br>" try: from qtpy.QtGui import QGuiApplication screen_list = QGuiApplication.screens() for i, screen in enumerate(screen_list, start=1): text += f" - screen {i}: resolution {screen.geometry().width()}x{screen.geometry().height()}, scale {screen.devicePixelRatio()}<br>" except Exception as e: text += f" - failed to load screen information {e}" if not as_html: text = ( text.replace("<br>", "\n").replace("<b>", "").replace("</b>", "") ) return text
citation_text = ( 'napari contributors (2019). napari: a ' 'multi-dimensional image viewer for python. ' 'doi:10.5281/zenodo.3555620' )