Source code for napari._qt.widgets.qt_viewer_buttons

import warnings
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from qtpy.QtCore import QPoint, Qt
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (

from ...utils.action_manager import action_manager
from ...utils.interactions import Shortcut
from ...utils.misc import in_ipython
from ...utils.translations import trans
from ..dialogs.qt_modal import QtPopup
from .qt_dims_sorter import QtDimsSorter
from .qt_spinbox import QtSpinBox
from .qt_tooltip import QtToolTipLabel

    from ...viewer import ViewerModel

class QtLayerButtons(QFrame):
    """Button controls for napari layers.

    viewer : napari.components.ViewerModel
        Napari viewer containing the rendered scene, layers, and controls.

    deleteButton : QtDeleteButton
        Button to delete selected layers.
    newLabelsButton : QtViewerPushButton
        Button to add new Label layer.
    newPointsButton : QtViewerPushButton
        Button to add new Points layer.
    newShapesButton : QtViewerPushButton
        Button to add new Shapes layer.
    viewer : napari.components.ViewerModel
        Napari viewer containing the rendered scene, layers, and controls.

    def __init__(self, viewer: 'ViewerModel'):

        self.viewer = viewer
        self.deleteButton = QtDeleteButton(self.viewer)
        self.newPointsButton = QtViewerPushButton(
            trans._('New points layer'),
            lambda: self.viewer.add_points(
                ndim=max(self.viewer.dims.ndim, 2),

        self.newShapesButton = QtViewerPushButton(
            trans._('New shapes layer'),
            lambda: self.viewer.add_shapes(
                ndim=max(self.viewer.dims.ndim, 2),
        self.newLabelsButton = QtViewerPushButton(
            trans._('New labels layer'),
            lambda: self.viewer._new_labels(),

        layout = QHBoxLayout()
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

[docs]class QtViewerButtons(QFrame): """Button controls for the napari viewer. Parameters ---------- viewer : napari.components.ViewerModel Napari viewer containing the rendered scene, layers, and controls. Attributes ---------- consoleButton : QtViewerPushButton Button to open iPython console within napari. rollDimsButton : QtViewerPushButton Button to roll orientation of spatial dimensions in the napari viewer. transposeDimsButton : QtViewerPushButton Button to transpose dimensions in the napari viewer. resetViewButton : QtViewerPushButton Button resetting the view of the rendered scene. gridViewButton : QtViewerPushButton Button to toggle grid view mode of layers on and off. ndisplayButton : QtViewerPushButton Button to toggle number of displayed dimensions. viewer : napari.components.ViewerModel Napari viewer containing the rendered scene, layers, and controls. """ def __init__(self, viewer: 'ViewerModel'): super().__init__() self.viewer = viewer self.consoleButton = QtViewerPushButton( 'console', action='napari:toggle_console_visibility' ) self.consoleButton.setProperty('expanded', False) if in_ipython(): self.consoleButton.setEnabled(False) rdb = QtViewerPushButton('roll', action='napari:roll_axes') self.rollDimsButton = rdb rdb.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ContextMenuPolicy.CustomContextMenu) rdb.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self._open_roll_popup) self.transposeDimsButton = QtViewerPushButton( 'transpose', action='napari:transpose_axes' ) self.resetViewButton = QtViewerPushButton( 'home', action='napari:reset_view' ) gvb = QtViewerPushButton( 'grid_view_button', action='napari:toggle_grid' ) self.gridViewButton = gvb gvb.setCheckable(True) gvb.setChecked(viewer.grid.enabled) gvb.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ContextMenuPolicy.CustomContextMenu) gvb.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self._open_grid_popup) def _set_grid_mode_checkstate(event): gvb.setChecked(event.value) ndb = QtViewerPushButton( 'ndisplay_button', action='napari:toggle_ndisplay' ) self.ndisplayButton = ndb ndb.setCheckable(True) ndb.setChecked(self.viewer.dims.ndisplay == 3) ndb.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ContextMenuPolicy.CustomContextMenu) ndb.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.open_perspective_popup) def _set_ndisplay_mode_checkstate(event): ndb.setChecked(event.value == 3) layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self.consoleButton) layout.addWidget(self.ndisplayButton) layout.addWidget(self.rollDimsButton) layout.addWidget(self.transposeDimsButton) layout.addWidget(self.gridViewButton) layout.addWidget(self.resetViewButton) layout.addStretch(0) self.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def open_perspective_popup(self): """Show a slider to control the viewer `camera.perspective`.""" if self.viewer.dims.ndisplay != 3: return # make slider connected to perspective parameter sld = QSlider(Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, self) sld.setRange(0, max(90, int( sld.setValue( sld.valueChanged.connect( lambda v: setattr(, 'perspective', v) ) # make layout layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(QLabel(trans._('Perspective'), self)) layout.addWidget(sld) # popup and show pop = QtPopup(self) pop.frame.setLayout(layout) pop.show_above_mouse()
def _open_roll_popup(self): """Open a grid popup to manually order the dimensions""" if self.viewer.dims.ndisplay != 2: return dim_sorter = QtDimsSorter(self.viewer, self) dim_sorter.setObjectName('dim_sorter') # make layout layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(dim_sorter) # popup and show pop = QtPopup(self) pop.frame.setLayout(layout) pop.show_above_mouse() def _open_grid_popup(self): """Open grid options pop up widget.""" # widgets popup = QtPopup(self) grid_stride = QtSpinBox(popup) grid_width = QtSpinBox(popup) grid_height = QtSpinBox(popup) shape_help_symbol = QtToolTipLabel(self) stride_help_symbol = QtToolTipLabel(self) blank = QLabel(self) # helps with placing help symbols. shape_help_msg = trans._( 'Number of rows and columns in the grid. A value of -1 for either or both of width and height will trigger an auto calculation of the necessary grid shape to appropriately fill all the layers at the appropriate stride. 0 is not a valid entry.' ) stride_help_msg = trans._( 'Number of layers to place in each grid square before moving on to the next square. The default ordering is to place the most visible layer in the top left corner of the grid. A negative stride will cause the order in which the layers are placed in the grid to be reversed. 0 is not a valid entry.' ) # set up stride_min = self.viewer.grid.__fields__['stride'] stride_max = self.viewer.grid.__fields__['stride'].type_.le stride_not = self.viewer.grid.__fields__['stride'] grid_stride.setObjectName("gridStrideBox") grid_stride.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter) grid_stride.setRange(stride_min, stride_max) grid_stride.setProhibitValue(stride_not) grid_stride.setValue(self.viewer.grid.stride) grid_stride.valueChanged.connect(self._update_grid_stride) self.grid_stride_box = grid_stride width_min = self.viewer.grid.__fields__['shape'].sub_fields[1] width_not = self.viewer.grid.__fields__['shape'].sub_fields[1] grid_width.setObjectName("gridWidthBox") grid_width.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter) grid_width.setMinimum(width_min) grid_width.setProhibitValue(width_not) grid_width.setValue(self.viewer.grid.shape[1]) grid_width.valueChanged.connect(self._update_grid_width) self.grid_width_box = grid_width height_min = ( self.viewer.grid.__fields__['shape'].sub_fields[0] ) height_not = ( self.viewer.grid.__fields__['shape'].sub_fields[0] ) grid_height.setObjectName("gridStrideBox") grid_height.setAlignment(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter) grid_height.setMinimum(height_min) grid_height.setProhibitValue(height_not) grid_height.setValue(self.viewer.grid.shape[0]) grid_height.valueChanged.connect(self._update_grid_height) self.grid_height_box = grid_height shape_help_symbol.setObjectName("help_label") shape_help_symbol.setToolTip(shape_help_msg) stride_help_symbol.setObjectName("help_label") stride_help_symbol.setToolTip(stride_help_msg) # layout form_layout = QFormLayout() form_layout.insertRow(0, QLabel(trans._('Grid stride:')), grid_stride) form_layout.insertRow(1, QLabel(trans._('Grid width:')), grid_width) form_layout.insertRow(2, QLabel(trans._('Grid height:')), grid_height) help_layout = QVBoxLayout() help_layout.addWidget(stride_help_symbol) help_layout.addWidget(blank) help_layout.addWidget(shape_help_symbol) layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(form_layout) layout.addLayout(help_layout) popup.frame.setLayout(layout) popup.show_above_mouse() # adjust placement of shape help symbol. Must be done last # in order for this movement to happen. delta_x = 0 delta_y = -15 shape_pos = ( shape_help_symbol.x() + delta_x, shape_help_symbol.y() + delta_y, ) shape_help_symbol.move(QPoint(*shape_pos)) def _update_grid_width(self, value): """Update the width value in grid shape. Parameters ---------- value : int New grid width value. """ self.viewer.grid.shape = (self.viewer.grid.shape[0], value) def _update_grid_stride(self, value): """Update stride in grid settings. Parameters ---------- value : int New grid stride value. """ self.viewer.grid.stride = value def _update_grid_height(self, value): """Update height value in grid shape. Parameters ---------- value : int New grid height value. """ self.viewer.grid.shape = (value, self.viewer.grid.shape[1])
class QtDeleteButton(QPushButton): """Delete button to remove selected layers. Parameters ---------- viewer : napari.components.ViewerModel Napari viewer containing the rendered scene, layers, and controls. Attributes ---------- hover : bool Hover is true while mouse cursor is on the button widget. viewer : napari.components.ViewerModel Napari viewer containing the rendered scene, layers, and controls. """ def __init__(self, viewer): super().__init__() self.viewer = viewer self.setToolTip( trans._( "Delete selected layers ({shortcut})", shortcut=Shortcut("Control-Backspace"), ) ) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.clicked.connect(lambda: self.viewer.layers.remove_selected()) def dragEnterEvent(self, event): """The cursor enters the widget during a drag and drop operation. Parameters ---------- event : qtpy.QtCore.QEvent Event from the Qt context. """ event.accept() self.hover = True self.update() def dragLeaveEvent(self, event): """The cursor leaves the widget during a drag and drop operation. Using event.ignore() here allows the event to pass through the parent widget to its child widget, otherwise the parent widget would catch the event and not pass it on to the child widget. Parameters ---------- event : qtpy.QtCore.QEvent Event from the Qt context. """ event.ignore() self.hover = False self.update() def dropEvent(self, event): """The drag and drop mouse event is completed. Parameters ---------- event : qtpy.QtCore.QDropEvent Event from the Qt context. """ event.accept() layer_name = event.mimeData().text() layer = self.viewer.layers[layer_name] if not layer.selected: self.viewer.layers.remove(layer) else: self.viewer.layers.remove_selected() def _omit_viewer_args(constructor): @wraps(constructor) def _func(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 1 and not isinstance(args[1], str): warnings.warn( trans._( "viewer argument is deprecated since 0.4.14 and should not be used" ), category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) args = args[:1] + args[2:] if "viewer" in kwargs: warnings.warn( trans._( "viewer argument is deprecated since 0.4.14 and should not be used" ), category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) del kwargs["viewer"] return constructor(*args, **kwargs) return _func class QtViewerPushButton(QPushButton): """Push button. Parameters ---------- button_name : str Name of button. tooltip : str Tooltip for button. If empty then `button_name` is used slot : Callable, optional callable to be triggered on button click action : str action name to be triggered on button click """ @_omit_viewer_args def __init__( self, button_name: str, tooltip: str = '', slot=None, action: str = '' ): super().__init__() self.setToolTip(tooltip or button_name) self.setProperty('mode', button_name) if slot is not None: self.clicked.connect(slot) if action: action_manager.bind_button(action, self)
[docs]class QtStateButton(QtViewerPushButton): """Button to toggle between two states. Parameters ---------- button_name : str A string that will be used in qss to style the button with the QtStateButton[mode=...] selector, target : object object on which you want to change the property when button pressed. attribute: name of attribute on `object` you wish to change. events: EventEmitter event emitter that will trigger when value is changed onstate: Any value to use for ``setattr(object, attribute, onstate)`` when clicking this button offstate: Any value to use for ``setattr(object, attribute, offstate)`` when clicking this button. """ def __init__( self, button_name, target, attribute, events, onstate=True, offstate=False, ): warnings.warn( trans._( "QtStateButton is deprecated and will be removed in 0.4.14" ), stacklevel=2, category=FutureWarning, ) super().__init__(button_name) self.setCheckable(True) self._target = target self._attribute = attribute self._onstate = onstate self._offstate = offstate self._events = events self._events.connect(self._on_change) self.clicked.connect(self.change) self._on_change()
[docs] def change(self): """Toggle between the multiple states of this button.""" newstate = self._onstate if self.isChecked() else self._offstate setattr(self._target, self._attribute, newstate)
def _on_change(self, event=None): """Called wen mirrored value changes Parameters ---------- event : qtpy.QtCore.QEvent Event from the Qt context. """ with self._events.blocker(): if self.isChecked() != ( getattr(self._target, self._attribute) == self._onstate ): self.toggle()