"""Nestable MutableSequence that emits events when altered.
see module docstring of evented_list.py for more details
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (
from ...translations import trans
from ..event import Event
from ._evented_list import EventedList, Index
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NestedIndex = Tuple[Index, ...]
MaybeNestedIndex = Union[Index, NestedIndex]
ParentIndex = NewType('ParentIndex', Tuple[int, ...])
_T = TypeVar("_T")
def ensure_tuple_index(index: MaybeNestedIndex) -> NestedIndex:
"""Return index as a tuple of ints or slices.
index : Tuple[Union[int, slice], ...] or int or slice
An index as an int, tuple, or slice
The index, guaranteed to be a tuple.
If the input ``index`` is not an ``int``, ``slice``, or ``tuple``.
if isinstance(index, (slice, int)):
return (index,) # single integer inserts to self
elif isinstance(index, tuple):
return index
raise TypeError(
"Invalid nested index: {index}. Must be an int or tuple",
def split_nested_index(index: MaybeNestedIndex) -> tuple[ParentIndex, Index]:
"""Given a nested index, return (nested_parent_index, row).
index : MaybeNestedIndex
An index as an int, tuple, or slice
Tuple[NestedIndex, Index]
A tuple of ``parent_index``, ``row``
If any of the items in the returned ParentIndex tuple are not ``int``.
>>> split_nested_index((1, 2, 3, 4))
((1, 2, 3), 4)
>>> split_nested_index(1)
((), 1)
>>> split_nested_index(())
((), -1)
index = ensure_tuple_index(index)
if index:
*first, last = index
if any(not isinstance(p, int) for p in first):
raise ValueError(
'The parent index must be a tuple of int',
return cast(ParentIndex, tuple(first)), last
return ParentIndex(()), -1 # empty tuple appends to self
[docs]class NestableEventedList(EventedList[_T]):
"""Nestable Mutable Sequence that emits recursive events when altered.
``NestableEventedList`` instances can be indexed with a ``tuple`` of
``int`` (e.g. ``mylist[0, 2, 1]``) to retrieve nested child objects.
A key property of this class is that when new mutable sequences are added
to the list, they are themselves converted to a ``NestableEventedList``,
and all of the ``EventEmitter`` objects in the child are connect to the
parent object's ``_reemit_child_event`` method (assuming the child has
an attribute called ``events`` that is an instance of ``EmitterGroup``).
When ``_reemit_child_event`` receives an event from a child object, it
remits the event, but changes any ``index`` keys in the event to a
``NestedIndex`` (a tuple of ``int``) such that indices emitted by any given
``NestableEventedList`` are always relative to itself.
data : iterable, optional
Elements to initialize the list with. by default None.
basetype : type or sequence of types, optional
Type of the elements in the list.
lookup : dict of Type[L] : function(object) -> L
Mapping between a type, and a function that converts items in the list
to that type.
types used:
Index = Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]
inserting (index: Index)
emitted before an item is inserted at ``index``
inserted (index: Index, value: T)
emitted after ``value`` is inserted at ``index``
removing (index: Index)
emitted before an item is removed at ``index``
removed (index: Index, value: T)
emitted after ``value`` is removed at ``index``
moving (index: Index, new_index: Index)
emitted before an item is moved from ``index`` to ``new_index``
moved (index: Index, new_index: Index, value: T)
emitted after ``value`` is moved from ``index`` to ``new_index``
changed (index: Index, old_value: T, value: T)
emitted when ``index`` is set from ``old_value`` to ``value``
changed <OVERLOAD> (index: slice, old_value: list[_T], value: list[_T])
emitted when slice ``index`` is set from ``old_value`` to ``value``
reordered (value: self)
emitted when the list is reordered (eg. moved/reversed).
# WAIT!! ... Read the ._list module docs before reimplement these classes
# def append(self, item): ...
# def clear(self): ...
# def pop(self, index=-1): ...
# def extend(self, value: Iterable[_T]): ...
# def remove(self, value: T): ...
@overload # type: ignore
def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Union[_T, NestableEventedList[_T]]:
... # pragma: no cover
def __getitem__(self, key: ParentIndex) -> NestableEventedList[_T]:
... # pragma: no cover
def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> NestableEventedList[_T]: # noqa
... # pragma: no cover
def __getitem__(
self, key: NestedIndex
) -> Union[_T, NestableEventedList[_T]]:
... # pragma: no cover
def __getitem__(self, key: MaybeNestedIndex):
if isinstance(key, tuple):
item: NestableEventedList[_T] = self
for idx in key:
item = item[idx] # type: ignore
return item
return super().__getitem__(key)
def __setitem__(self, key: Union[int, NestedIndex], value: _T):
... # pragma: no cover
def __setitem__(self, key: slice, value: Iterable[_T]):
... # pragma: no cover
def __setitem__(self, key: MaybeNestedIndex, value):
# NOTE: if we check isinstance(..., MutableList), then we'll actually
# clobber object of specialized classes being inserted into the list
# (for instance, subclasses of NestableEventedList)
# this check is more conservative, but will miss some "nestable" things
if isinstance(value, list):
value = self.__class__(value)
if isinstance(key, tuple):
parent_i, index = split_nested_index(key)
self[parent_i].__setitem__(index, value)
super().__setitem__(key, value)
def _delitem_indices(
self, key: MaybeNestedIndex
) -> Iterable[tuple[EventedList[_T], int]]:
if isinstance(key, tuple):
parent_i, index = split_nested_index(key)
if isinstance(index, slice):
indices = sorted(
range(*index.indices(len(parent_i))), reverse=True
indices = [index]
return [(self[parent_i], i) for i in indices]
return super()._delitem_indices(key)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, value: _T):
"""Insert object before index."""
# this is delicate, we want to preserve the evented list when nesting
# but there is a high risk here of clobbering attributes of a special
# child class
if isinstance(value, list):
value = self.__newlike__(value)
super().insert(index, value)
def _reemit_child_event(self, event: Event):
"""An item in the list emitted an event. Re-emit with index"""
if hasattr(event, 'index'):
# This event is coming from a nested List...
# update the index as a nested index.
ei = (self.index(event.source),) + ensure_tuple_index(event.index)
for attr in ('index', 'new_index'):
if hasattr(event, attr):
setattr(event, attr, ei)
def _non_negative_index(
self, parent_index: ParentIndex, dest_index: Index
) -> Index:
"""Make sure dest_index is a positive index inside parent_index."""
destination_group = self[parent_index]
# not handling slice indexes
if isinstance(dest_index, int):
if dest_index < 0:
dest_index += len(destination_group) + 1
return dest_index
def _move_plan(
self, sources: Iterable[NestedIndex], dest_index: NestedIndex
) -> Generator[tuple[NestedIndex, NestedIndex], None, None]:
"""Prepared indices for a complicated nested multi-move.
Given a set of possibly-nested ``sources`` from anywhere in the tree,
and a single ``dest_index``, this function computes and yields
``(from_index, to_index)`` tuples that can be used sequentially in
single move operations. It keeps track of what has moved where and
updates the source and destination indices to reflect the model at each
point in the process.
This is useful for a drag-drop operation with a QtModel/View.
sources : Iterable[tuple[int, ...]]
An iterable of tuple[int] that should be moved to ``dest_index``.
(Note: currently, the order of ``sources`` will NOT be maintained.)
dest_index : Tuple[int]
The destination for sources.
Generator[tuple[int, ...], None, None]
If any source terminal or the destination terminal index is a slice
If any of the sources are the root object: ``()``.
If a slice is provided in the middle of a source index.
dest_par, dest_i = split_nested_index(dest_index)
if isinstance(dest_i, slice):
raise ValueError(
"Destination index may not be a slice",
dest_i = cast(int, self._non_negative_index(dest_par, dest_i))
# need to update indices as we pop, so we keep track of the indices
# we have previously popped
popped: DefaultDict[NestedIndex, list[int]] = defaultdict(list)
dumped: list[int] = []
# we iterate indices from the end first, so pop() always works
for idx in sorted(sources, reverse=True):
if idx == ():
raise IndexError(
"Group cannot move itself",
# i.e. we need to increase the (src_par, ...) by 1 for each time
# we have previously inserted items in front of the (src_par, ...)
_parlen = len(dest_par)
if len(idx) > _parlen:
_idx: list[Index] = list(idx)
if isinstance(_idx[_parlen], slice):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Can't yet deal with slice source indices in multimove",
_idx[_parlen] += sum(x <= _idx[_parlen] for x in dumped)
idx = tuple(_idx)
src_par, src_i = split_nested_index(idx)
if isinstance(src_i, slice):
raise ValueError(
"Terminal source index may not be a slice",
if src_i < 0:
src_i += len(self[src_par])
# we need to decrement the src_i by 1 for each time we have
# previously pulled items out from in front of the src_i
src_i -= sum(x <= src_i for x in popped.get(src_par, []))
# we need to decrement the dest_i by 1 for each time we have
# previously pulled items out from in front of the dest_i
ddec = sum(x <= dest_i for x in popped.get(dest_par, []))
# skip noop
if src_par == dest_par and src_i == dest_i - ddec:
yield src_par + (src_i,), dest_par + (dest_i - ddec,)
dumped.append(dest_i - ddec)
[docs] def move(
src_index: Union[int, NestedIndex],
dest_index: Union[int, NestedIndex] = (0,),
) -> bool:
"""Move a single item from ``src_index`` to ``dest_index``.
src_index : Union[int, NestedIndex]
The index of the object to move
dest_index : Union[int, NestedIndex], optional
The destination. Object will be inserted before ``dest_index.``,
by default, will insert at the front of the root list.
Whether the operation completed successfully
If the terminal source is a slice, or if the source is this root
logger.debug(f"move(src_index={src_index}, dest_index={dest_index})")
src_par_i, src_i = split_nested_index(src_index)
dest_par_i, dest_i = split_nested_index(dest_index)
dest_i = self._non_negative_index(dest_par_i, dest_i)
dest_index = dest_par_i + (dest_i,)
if isinstance(src_i, slice):
raise ValueError(
"Terminal source index may not be a slice",
if isinstance(dest_i, slice):
raise ValueError(
"Destination index may not be a slice",
if src_i == ():
raise ValueError(
"Group cannot move itself",
if src_par_i == dest_par_i:
if isinstance(dest_i, int):
if dest_i > src_i:
dest_i -= 1
if src_i == dest_i:
return False
self.events.moving(index=src_index, new_index=dest_index)
with self.events.blocker_all():
dest_par = self[dest_par_i] # grab this before popping src_i
value = self[src_par_i].pop(src_i)
dest_par.insert(dest_i, value)
self.events.moved(index=src_index, new_index=dest_index, value=value)
return True
def _type_check(self, e) -> _T:
if isinstance(e, list):
return self.__newlike__(e)
if self._basetypes:
_types = set(self._basetypes) | {NestableEventedList}
if not any(isinstance(e, t) for t in _types):
raise TypeError(
'Cannot add object with type {dtype!r} to TypedList expecting type {types_!r}',
return e
def _iter_indices(self, start=0, stop=None, root=(), deep=False):
"""Iter indices from start to stop.
Depth first traversal of the tree
if deep:
for i in range(start, len(self) if stop is None else stop):
if isinstance(self[i], NestableEventedList):
yield from self[i]._iter_indices( # type: ignore
root=root + (i,), deep=deep
if root:
yield root + (i,)
yield i
yield from super()._iter_indices(start, stop)