Source code for napari.settings

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, cast

from ..utils.translations import trans
from ._base import _NOT_SET
from ._napari_settings import CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION, NapariSettings

__all__ = ['NapariSettings', 'get_settings', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION']

class _SettingsProxy:
    """Backwards compatibility layer."""

    def __getattribute__(self, name) -> Any:
        return getattr(get_settings(), name)

# deprecated
SETTINGS = _SettingsProxy()

# private global object
# will be populated on first call of get_settings
_SETTINGS: Optional[NapariSettings] = None

[docs]def get_settings(path=_NOT_SET) -> NapariSettings: """ Get settings for a given path. Parameters ---------- path : Path, optional The path to read/write the settings from. Returns ------- SettingsManager The settings manager. Notes ----- The path can only be set once per session. """ global _SETTINGS if _SETTINGS is None: if path is not _NOT_SET: path = Path(path).resolve() if path is not None else None _SETTINGS = NapariSettings(config_path=path) elif path is not _NOT_SET: import inspect curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2) raise Exception( trans._( "The path can only be set once per session. Settings called from {calframe}", deferred=True, calframe=calframe[1][3], ) ) return _SETTINGS